Λ—Λ‹ 13

-: fifth year :-


. . .

"So remind me why we're following around Professor Longbottom's daughter?" Bridget hissed in Celeste's ear, the three girls in between their first and second lesson of the first day - Muggle Studies and Herbology ( the first a slightly controversial class for Slytherins to take still, but it seemed to be less so these days ).

"We are following Alice around because I need to talk to her. And I'm still trying to figure out what I want to say to her." Celeste replied, peering around to the girl, who was staring down at two peices of parchment in her hands and looking around, circling on her feet. "Oh - perfect. Wait here."

Evie and Bridget could only watched as Celeste slinked out from behind the stone column they had hidden behind, the girl's still rather inappropriate heels echoing against the stone and her ginger curls bouncing over the grey of her robes.Β 

"Alice - hey." The eldest Weasley stood behind the much smaller girl, who jumped to hear name being spoken. "Your dad mentioned in a letter to Ginny that you would be coming here - I saw you last night and I haven't had a chance to say hi."Β 

"Hi Celeste!" The Longbottom girl instantly seemed sweet, a little bit energetic and bouncy in comparison to the older girl above her. "Don't worry about that I'm just glad I got sorted into Hufflepuff."

"Yellow suits you." Celeste nodded. "Now, you were looking a little lost? I happen to be rather knowledgeable on locations around this castle." And it wasn't a lie, in fact considering the fact that Harry had given Teddy the Marauders' Map, Celeste had seen every inch of the castle through that.

Alice's cheeks flushed pink in embarassment. "That would be really nice, if that's okay with you." She was playing it as if she would be alright without Celeste's help, but the Weasley girl knew better.

"Of course, just let me tell my friends not to wait. Stay here for a moment." Celeste hurried back over to Evie and Bridget, telling them that was happening before returning to Alice. "So, little Longbottom, what have you got?"

"Well I was just in Potions and now I have Charms with Professor Flitwick." Alice held up one of the pieces of parchment which detailed her timetable. "I just can't figure where this staircase and corridor is." She sounded incredibly confused as she held up the other piece, pointing out a certain place on the drawn out map of Hogwarts.

"That would be because it was destroyed in the war, I believe." Celeste replied. "I know it seems like a labyrinth now but you will become used to it. I'll walk you there, come on."

And Celeste began guiding her to the classroom, going over other areas of the map that weren't there anymore and how to get around them. "They really shouldn't have given you an old map - who did this? I'll have a word with them."

"It was one of the Hufflepuff prefects.. I don't know names yet." Alice replied. "But it's alright, I can figure it out." They ascended up a staircase that actually was there, one of many they had already gone up and that they still needed to.

"I'll have a updated one to you by dinner. And if I don't see you, I'll give it to Teddy when I see him." The Weasley girl replied, planning on heading up to the Staff Room later on to talk to Madam Hooch anyways. "Talking of Teddy, has he been alright to you?"

"Teddy? I haven't really seen him a lot. He did check on me after I got sorted and when I first went to the Common Room. He did mention you were in this clique thing and wouldn't really speak to me." She added, in a rather timid tone.

"That little-" Celeste stopped herself from swearing. "Don't worry about that, in fact I'll be the opposite. You can talk to me whenever you want, and I'm not going to ignore you. If you need help with anything then I'll always be here to help. I might take some finding, but I'll be there."Β 

Alice nodded, as Celeste guided them down another corridor. "Here we are." She smiled, pushing open one of the doors. "Professor Flitwick?" She peered through the door, seeing the Ravenclaw head of house on his usual perch.

"Miss Weasley? I don't have you until tomorrow, I'm afraid." The man glanced around the classroom, before seeing the smaller girl shuffle in besides Celeste. "You must be Miss Longbottom!" He completely forgot what he was saying before.Β 

"Sorry I'm late sir." Alice said meekly, eyes darting over the classroom to try and find a seat. Scanning the crowd, Celeste caught the eye of Aurelia Rosier.Β 

"Hey, Aurelia. You wouldn't mind moving up a little so Alice can sit next to you?" Celeste asked, and instantly the Rosier girl moved up. "Thank you very much. See you tomorrow Professor, and Alice I'm always here to help if you need me."Β 

And with that, Celeste left the classroom, walking as quickly as she could over to the stairs. The corridors were empty, all students - except from her - in their second lesson.

"Miss Weasley, what on earth are you doing out here?" The extremely recognisable voice of Professor McGonagall stopped Celeste in her tracks, the girl twisting around her heels. "And how many times do I have to tell you - those shoes are not appropriate."

"Sorry Professor, lost first year. I was just talking Alice Longbottom up to Charms." Celeste explained, a little breathlessly as she leant against the railings of another set of stairs.

"Miss Longbottom? I see. Thank you for doing so, now I believe Professor Longbottom is waiting for you?" Minevra McGonagall couldn't lie and say she didn't have quite the soft spot for any of the Weasley-Potter-Lupin clan. Celeste was like a mixture of a multitude of all her old students in one, having been heavily influenced by the family she grew up around.

Teddy Lupin took after his father, and Celeste then took after him. She got her hautiness and elegant aura from her mother and her smarts from Hermione and Bill. There was even Charlie Weasley mixed in there - McGonagall had already heard about their training session from the man himself - and there was so much of Fred and George in her. Even if she hadn't had the pleasure of meeting one of them.Β 

"He would be, yes. And I'll try my best to find proper shoes." Celeste replied, before turning away and hurrying down the stairs, heading towards the greenhouse, counting the numbers on the signs besides the doors until she reached the one she was supposed to be in.Β 

"Celeste, nice of you to join us." With his usual welcoming smile on his face, Professor Longbottom greeted the Weasley girl. "I have already heard about the reasons behind your lateness, and so you're excused. Please join Miss Montgomery and Miss Shacklebolt by their station, and get one of those pairs of gloves on your way over."Β 

And Celeste did as she was told, having no idea that both Professor Longbottom and Professor McGonagall had assigned her several housepoints for her acts. Because even if Celeste had quite the reputation, there was no limit to her kindness.Β 

Even if Celeste's kindness was somewhat routed in the feeling of obligation from what Ginny asked her, it was still of her own doing.

