32. New Fear

"I'm home" Aerin entered the house. She had her hair down and the bubble tea was still in her hands.

She closed the door and turned to 9 pairs of worried and angry eyes that were glaring at her.

For sure, it hurt to see them look at her like that.

They were all waiting on the stairs, their phones in their hands. Jaehyun was there too, he looked the most worried besides Jake.

"Where the hell have you been?" Jake raised his voice.

"Aerin, we have been trying to call you all evening." Hanee frowned, pointing to her phone.

"It's fucking 8pm Aerin, where were you? Why did you lie to me?" It was Jaehyun's turn to scold her.

"You said that I was going to fetch you? Aerin, I didn't even know that you were going to stayback for your project" Sunghoon frowned.

"Noona.." the maknaes looked at her with a little disappointment. Aerin scanned the room and their faces.

There it was. The disappointment. The frustration they had. Towards her, she thought.

"Bubble tea?" She raised the bubble tea that was in her hands. Water from condensation started dripping down her arms.

They stared at her in disbelief. Aerin didn't know what to say actually. She forgot about the excuses she was supposed to make up.

"This isn't funny Aerin," Jay said.

"I just..went for a walk." She looked down to the ground and then at Jaehyun.

God, she knew Jaehyun was eager to tell them that she got detention but she knew he wouldn't say a thing.

"I- A walk? Can't you at least answer your phone when we call or reply to our texts?" Jake yelled at her.

"My phone died. I'm sorry" she replied shortly, not wanting to argue or say anything more.

"Aerin, it's my job as the eldest one here to take care of everyone, including you. Especially since Eomma isn't here since she's overseas. Can't you be a little more considerate? Can't you see how worried we are?" Heeseung finally spoke up.

'Eomma. Mrs Sim... ahh, i miss her'Β 

Aerin felt her eyes tearing up at the thought of the women who used to give her words of comfort.

"God knows what could have happened to you. You could at least inform us first, or tell Jaehyun" Aerin could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"I'm sorry. I know I should have told you guys about it first. I should have not lied to Jaehyun or any of you. But it really wasn't my intention to make you guys worried" she started tearing up, only god knows how much she wanted to hit herself for crying all over again like a weak bitch.

"I just need some goddamn time alone. I'm not thinking straight and I'm so exhausted. I feel like such a burden. I- I don't even know what i'm doing here"

"I'm sorry, I really wanted to stop bothering you guys but-"

'But i can't be fucking alone'

"Ughh" she wiped her tears and covered her face.

Hanee approached her and pulled her into a hug.

And that was what Aerin wanted to say and envisioned but instead, she said.

"I'm really sorry. All I wanted was to get some fresh air. I really didn't mean to make you guys worried, " she said with a smile.

"I promise I won't do it again. And see? I'm perfectly fine. I know it's not a good reason to be selfish, but I promise" she held up her hand.

Somehow her cheerful tone made everyone take a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry I lied to you Jaehyun, but I know you won't let me go alone. I just..."

"Need some time alone" she said her final words and ended off with a small smile.

"You pabo" Hanee pulled her into a hug.

"You could have just told us that you wanted some time alone" Sunghoon hugged her too.

As she was hugging him, she saw both Jaehyun and Jake sighing and leaning against the staircase.

'Sorry,' she mouthed at them. They looked at her and slightly nodded.

'Now that's settled' she pulled away from the hug.

"Since everything is fine..I will head home first" Jaehyun kept his phone in his back pocket.

"Oh, thanks bro" Jake tapped his shoulder.

Aerin felt worse as she watched him exiting the house. She catches up to him to apologise to him once again.

"Jaehyun, I'm really sorry.." she could see that he was really worried and upset.

"It's fine, at least you're safe, right?" he turned and smiled.

"It really wasn't my intention to lie to you"

"I know..and it's fine Aerin. Don't worry about it. See you tomorrow alright?" he said and got on his bike.

"Be careful" she watched him put his helmet on.

"For sure. And please don't get another detention for being late" he joked. Aerin chuckled and nodded. After seeing him off, she went back into the house.

"Heeseung '' she called him, who was busy flirting with Hanee.

"Yeah?" he turned to her, Hanee too, moved her attention to her.

"Do you know when Eomma will be back?" she fiddles with her fingers.

He shook his head.

"I'm not sure, but soon," he said.

"Why?" Hanee asked.

"Nah, I was just asking.." she smiled and walked to her room.

The next day, the guys woke up even earlier than Aerin to make sure that she will head to school together with them. Jake made sure that she was by his side. He even sent her to her classroom.

"We will have football training later. You only have 2 choices. 1, wait for us and then we will go home together, or, you could go home with Hanee. Going home by yourself is not an option" he leaned towards her desk.

She looked at Jaehyun helplessly. He was leaning against his chair, hands in his pocket. He smiled as he heard the conversation.

Aerin groaned.

"I went home late, ONCE. And now I have 9 bodyguards?" she whined.

"You have no choice, love. Text me when you've made your decision" Jake patted her head before leaving her classroom.

"Love'? Since when did he start calling you that?" Jaehyun's eyes widened. Aerin stopped taking out books from her bag and looked at him.

"I know right? It's like he's giving me false hopes" Aerin said with a sad face.

Jaehyun sat up and looked at her.

"Why do you say that? He even called you 'love'" he tried to make eye contact with her.

"Cause he still has someone in his heart" she pointed outside her class. Jaehyun looked and saw Jake and Karina smiling, walking to class together. Jake was even carrying her stuff for her.

"There's no point in trying anymore. I would just be a desperate girl instead" she continued to unpack her stuff.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't even bother Jaehyun. It's not your fault, so don't apologise. I've made up my mind anyway" she smiled.

Jaehyun's heart dropped.


"I'm getting out of their way. You can see that Karina wants him back. And I will not get in her way" she said with a smile and took out a pen.

Jaehyun didn't know how to react. The normal Aerin would sulk if she saw Jake and Karina together. She would flip and be upset, but be herself again a few minutes later.

But this time..she really made up her mind. Has she?

'No, I'm gonna fall apart. Karina wants him back and it looks like he still has feelings for her. I can't bear to see them together.' Aerin took a deep breath.

"But feelings can change, right?" Jaehyun suddenly asked.

Aerin chuckled and took out the ring Jake made for her.

"He made and put this on me on the day we had our date" she explained.

"After everything we've been through, I can see that he still has feelings for her. While I get empty butterflies" she played with the ring.

"It's time for me to stop, don't you think?" She asked Jaehyun.

Jaehyun was about to say something when the class president walked up to her.

"Hey Aerin. You're the only one who didn't sign up for the interclass games" he said.

"Oh right! I totally forgot about it" Aerin held her temple.

"So since it's compulsory, I have to sign you up for at least 1 game" he explained.

"Yeah of course, what games are there left?" she asked, hoping for it to be badminton or something easy.

"Unfortunately, there's only one left"

"Archery" he continued and Aerin's heart sank.

She froze for a while, Jaehyun who was confused as well tapped her.

"Why? Do you not like archery?" he asked and Aerin shook her head.

Her hands travelled to her wrist. When he saw it, he instantly realised it.

'I have to stop being weak. I can do this. It's not a big deal' she convinced herself.

"Are there any other games?" Jaehyun asked.

"I'm sorry. That's what's left" the class president sighed.

"Aerin, do you want to swit-"

"No, it's fine. I can't play football, Jaehyun" she laughed,

"It's fine. I'll take archery" she took her pen and wrote down her name in the archery column.

"Are you sure?" Jaehyun got worried.

"It's healed already. Don't worry. The bandage is just to cover the marks. But I'm fine" she lied. A little.

No shit it still hurts everytime she carries something heavy. She's just afraid that it could remind her of the past and she would have a sudden panic attack in front of everyone during the game.

"The teachers in charge allowed students to practice in the gym. You can practice there if you want" he explained.

"Okay, thanks!" Aerin gave him a thumbs up.

"Good luck Aerin" he waved and walked away.

"Are you sure you will be okay?" Jaehyun asked, tugging her shirt.

"I will be fineeee. Dude you have to stop worrying about me" Aerin sighed.

Jaehyun sighed and nodded.


Lunch came and as usual, the 9 of them were sitting together until Karina came along.

"I'm sorry for tagging along. My friends got sick and I'm all alone" Karina said awkwardly.

"Oh, it's fine," Jay grinned.

"The more the merrier" Jake shrugged and laughed.

'Don't laugh like that with her...it's gonna hurt like hell'

Aerin looked down at her shoes.

"Yeah, I mean, we used to hang out like this" Karina suddenly brought up the past.

Ni-ki, who was clearly annoyed at her existence, just continued playing his game.

Heeseung and Hanee were too busy playing thumb games to hear her.

Jungwon and Sunoo were doing their homework that was due on that day.

Her, Jay, Sunghoon and Jake were the only ones listening to her.

"So, Karina. How's your leg?" Sunghoon asked as he took a sip of his drink.

'No, not this conversation'

"My leg is a lot better. I can run a little bit now. If I want to make it to the interclass games, I have to keep training then" she explained slowly. Her hands were rubbing against her thighs as if she was nervous for god knows what reason.

"But it's all thanks to Jake. He has been helping me a lot" she smiled shyly at him.

Jake grinned and shrugged proudly.

Aerin smiled but cursed in her heart. Who knows jealousy could make you do mean things?

"So as usual, you guys will be playing football for the interclass games right?" Karina asked and they nodded.

"What about you, Hanee?" Karina smiled widely at her. Hanee looked confused.

"Huh? Oh me? Dodgeball. I signed up with my friends" Hanee said and Karina clapped happily.

"Dodgeball? That's fun" she exclaimed.

"Aerin? What about you?" she asked and the 02z looked at her.

Aerin hesitated. She didn't know whether to lie or tell the truth cause damn, they will be worried as fuck.

"Yeah, you've never told us which game you're playing" Jake said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm taking archery," Aerin said, not looking up from the floor.

Like a train, everyone at the table shot up and looked at her.

"What?" Hanee looked at her as if she had gone insane. Karina got confused.

"I didn't have a choice. Okay, maybe I did, but I was the last one to sign up so I got the last spot which is archery" Aerin explained slowly, knowing how the guys could explode anytime.

"There's no way you're going to play archery," Sunghoon shook his head.

"Not with your hand like that '' Jake pointed to her wrist. Karina's eye went to her wrist and she quickly hid it away.

"Well I can't switch with you and play football. Jaehyun wanted to switch but hell no am I playing football with a bunch of guys" Aerin said in one breath.

"No offense guys, but it is scary being the only girl in a team" Hanee defended her.

"And my wrist is fine. It's healed already" she twisted and turned her wrist.

"Yeah, you will be fine," Karina smiled.

Aerin doesn't know if she really meant it or meant in a sarcastic way.

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