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POV: John Laurens


It's late and Hamilton, Mulligan, Lafayette and I are at a small bar and drunk. Alexander abruptly stands up. "I think we should give a little speech before we go home, just to eachother." He says while holding his cup of beer.

Lafayette and I nod, then Hercules does the same.

"Just repeat after me."


"I may not live to see our glory.." Alexander smiles at us. "I may not live to see our glory." My friends and I mutter. "But I will gladly join the fight." He continues. We repeat what he said back to him, bit with less energy.

"And when our children tell our story!"

"... And when our children tell our story.."

"They'll tell the story of tonight." He sighs. Hercules grins, "Let's have another round tonight.". "Let's have another round tonight.." Lafayette groans. "Let's have another round tonight!" Hamilton cheers and high-fives Hercules.

"Raise a glass to freedom..." I chime in, "Something they can never take away. No matter what they tell you.."

"Raise a glass to the four of us!" I smile

"Tomorrow there'll be more of us!" The four of us cheer as I stand up and wrap my arm around Alexander.

"Telling the story of tonight.." we say. I look at Hamilton lovingly, I know I just me him, but I really like him.. not even as a friend, something more, something I shouldn't feel towards him yet I still do.

"They'll tell the story of tonight." Hamilton mutters

We continue singing; raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you, let's have another round tonight, raise a glass to the four of us, tomorrow there'll be more of us, telling the story of tonight, let's have another round, they'll tell the story of tonight. Yada yada yada.

"They'll tell the story of tonight.." we whisper and then leave.

As soon as we stood outside, it was freezing. I started shivering. "Are you okay, John?" Alex asks me. I see Lafayette and Hercules leave. "Yeah, I'm okay. It's just cold." I sigh. I can see my own breath because it's so cold.
"Do you want me to walk you home?" He asks. My face flushes. "Uhhh... Sure.." I mutter, "What about you though? Wouldn't you get cold?" I start worrying about what would happen to him throughout the night after he'd walk me home.
"I could just stay with you for a night, couldn't I?" He chuckles at how worried I was just then. "Oh yeah.." I realized. I notice a carriage. "Hamilton! We could just go into a carriage!" I smile and drag him with me to theย  carriage. "Hey! Can you take us to Geneva?" I ask the guy in the carriage.

"Uhh, okay? That'll be $35." He says. I reach into my pocket and give him the amount he wanted. "Anyway, you two, get in." He said. Hamilton opens the door for me and I go inside first, them Hamilton comes in after me and closes the carriage door. The carriage is smaller than I thought on the inside.

We sit in silence as the carriage goes to where I live.

After awhile Hamilton looks outside the carriage. "You're rich!?" He gasps in shock. "Yeah.. I am, I grew up rich." I sigh and smile. "Cool! I envy you."

We eventually get to my house and we hop out of the carriage. I wave the guy that took us here goodbye and I grab Hamilton's hand.

"I really should go Laurens-" he says but I cut him off. "No, it's fine, stay for the night." I smile. "Okay." He sighs and blushes slightly.

I drag him inside my house and up to my room. "Where should I sleep?" He asks "The bed obviously." I reply and start to get changed. Hamilton turns around and refuses to look, even when I say it's fine if he looks he still doesn't want to.

I get into my sleeping clothes and go to my bed to sleep. I flop onto my bed and I immediately fall asleep.

After awhile, I feel Hamilton hugging me from behind.

"Goodnight, Laurens." He smiles

"Night, Hamilton." I yawn and fall back asleep.
