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Chapter twenty-two

๏ฝกoยฐโœฅโœค โœฃโœคโœฅยฐo๏ฝก

Sunghoon POV


As I heard someone saying 'Wow'. I quickly went away from Jake who looked confused as hell that I wanted to laugh but I got startled by someone. I looked at my left side and saw Jake's parents. 'Shit, I'm f*cked up' that's all I could think of. "It isn't what it looks like. I promise. We were just playing" Jake lied but as he stood up I could see the marks on his neck made by me. "Oh, really then what's on your neck" his mom asked him as she and her husband were still holding their shopping bags while being shocked of what they saw.

He quickly looked at me and gave me a death glare.He took his phone out of his pocket and looked into the camera where he could see hickeys. He then looked back at his parents. I really didn't knew what to say or what to do so I stood up "I will go now goodbye Mrs Sim and Mr. Shim" I said trying to walk away but his mom grabbed my wrist "You ain't going anywhere" she said and I gulped as I was now scared.

"So, what is between you two?" Mr. Shim asked as we were now at the dining room me sitting next to Jake while his parents were sitting infront of us. "Nothing" Jake said but his parents gave us a weird look. "Nothing? Then explain why Sunghoon was on top of you and why you have hickeys" Mrs.Shim said and I gulped again. How is he or me gonna explain that we were kissing each other just because I wanted to and also almost forced him? "Look I don't really care if you both are in relationship or something but you could have told us. Anyway, I know you both are uncomfortable so I will let you two be. I will cook dinner now and Sunghoon you're gonna eat with us too since you're almost our family anyway. Also, Jake please go take a shower.Your hair is all messy." Mrs.Shim said which made me chuckle while Jake gave me a death glare.

Sunoo POV

"Why are you so quiet? Did something happen?" Jungwon asked me as we both were walking at the park with drinks in hand.
"Nothing happened " I said but he looked like he didn't believed me. "I know you're lying so what happened?" He asked as he now sat on the bench. "Do you have crush in someone?" I asked "Yeah and you?" "Yup" "On who?" we both asked each other at the same time. "Okay let's say the name at the same time okay?" Jungwon asked and I nodded "Okay,1....2....3" "Jay hyung" "Niki" as we said that our eyes widened "Y-you like Niki?" "And you like Jay hyung? Ong, now I know why you were always so jealous when he was with Yuna" I said and laughed "Ya, why do you like Niki? He's still a literall baby" Jungwon said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Anyway, yesterday he broke up with Wonyoung. And I was with him but I kissed him. It just happened. I don't even know why I kissed him I just did and then I ran away from him because I was too embarrassed and tomorrow is monday which means that we have to go to school and I have to face him but I can't because I'm embarrassed as hell" I explained but Jungwon just chuckled by what I said. "Wow, hyung you're so brave to kiss him. I would never do that" "Anyway, why do you like Jay hyung?" "Hah, I don't even know. I didn't noticed of how precious he is until, he was always with Yuna. He was the first person I thought of when I woke up" Jungwon said while doing something with his fingers. "Awww that's cute. Does he knows that you like him?" "I don't really know it's complicated" "Because of your fight right?" "Uhm, also I want him to tell me his feeling towards me and not I to him. I would feel like a fool if I told him that I have feelings towards him while he doesn't "ย  "Oh I understand " I said and suddenly got a message. I took my phone out of my pocket. The message was from Niki. "Shit" I said "What? Did Niki send you a message?" Jungwon asked and I nodded.
"Just be normal okay? I'm here" He said to calm me down.

Can you come to my house?
I need to talk to you

Uh, okay...
What time?

in 30 minutes maybe?

Okay, I will be there in 30 minutes

Take care

"He wants me to go to his house but I'm so embarrassed oh my gawd" I actually wanted to die. I really don't want to go to his house. "Let's go you can do it. If he doesn't like you back I will smack his ass and also slap him for how stupid he is to loose such an angel like you" "Awwww thank you Wonnie" I said as I hugged him. What he told me was so cute. I can't awww.

~30 minutes later-

"Hwaiting, you can do it" Jungwon said as we were finally infront of Nikis house. "Just let me die" I whined but he pushed me to the door and ran away. I rolled my eyes and knocked on the doors. My hands were literally shaking. I can't just face him as if nothing happened. Finally, Niki opened the doors and I was like frozen. He looked so goo. Black suits him so well. "Hi" Niki said but I just went inside his house. "S-so, about what do you want to talk about?" I asked quickly. "Let's sit. Do you want something to drink?" he asked and I just shaked my head as a no and went to sit on the couch. "I want to talk about yesterday" he said as he looked really serious. All I could do was gulp and be scared and embarrassed. "Why did you kissed me hyung?" as he asked that I quickly looked at my hands. I didn't knew what to say. Am I supposed to say that I just did it for fun or what? "For f-fun" I stuttered "For fun? Why are you lying? If it was for fun you wouldn't run away" he said and he was right but I was still looking down at my fingers.

Suddenly, he made me look at him as he was holding my chin with his one hand. "You have to look at me while I'm talking to you. Don't you already know that?" he asked while looking deep into my eyes. I just nodded. "I want to try it again" he said but I got confused "What?" I asked but he just leaned closer and suddenly felt his lips on mine. He started kissing me while I was here sitting frozen like ice. Finally, he pulled away from the kiss. "Wow, you look so confused even your eyes widened" he laughed which made me even more confused. What's even going on right now? "I think I should go now" I said quickly as I stood up and tried to run away but he grabbed my wrist and hugged me. "Hyung, I love you." he said but I just ran away from him. He loves me? In what way?


Hellooo engenes new chapter is out now hope you guys are gonna like it. Also, Soojin was kicked out of the company which makes me really mad. We all were waiting for so long just to hear that she's being kicked out of Cube Company? Bruh Cube is reallt shit company even with Clc they all worked hard just to get disbanded soon bruh. Anyway I hope Soojin will find her new happiness and will join a better company maybe Pnation? I hope she's gonna join that company because that's literally where she can feel comfortable.

I also have a question on you engenes. Do you like this story as it is or should I make it more interesting and also should I write more Povs about Y/N, or is it ok as it is?
It would be nice if some of you tells me your opinion and yeah... Have a good day or night enegenesโค๏ธ
