Β  Β  Β Β  "how'd you get some of his closet friends out?" Jasmine asked me.

"Pryce & I both messaged them like a week ago before his birthday & they was down to come out." I
Told her

Β  Β  Today was ants party & he been told me month's ago that I could plan his party, so guess what I was doing? Planning it!!

"That's a smart ass move." Jasmine says

Β  Β Β  Y'all know I had to come through for the boy, I definitely think he's gonna like what I have in stored for him today.

Β  Β Β  I planned to have his party out in this one parking lot area that was surrounded by benches and chairs. There was also a gas station down the street from there so if anyone needed anything they could head over there.

Β  Β  Β Β  Of course I decorated it up. Added a music box, food, some signs , few tables & all that good stuff.

"Jasmine I'll be back I'm going to go call Pryce so they can head down here, can you direct ants other friends if you see them coming?" I asked her, she nodded her head.

Β  Β Β  Definitely thankful for having her here cause I would literally be all over the place when it came to That part.

Β  Β  Β Β  Walking over back to my car. I pulled out my phone calling Pryce. I had already texted Pryce the location which wasn't too far from here.

"We pulling up" he said

"you lying cause you said that a few minutes ago when I texted you said y'all was around the corner"

"Mane we here nowww"Β  Pryce said, I believed it once I saw him finally pulling in the parking lot. Parking the car next to my car.

Β  Β  Β  Pryce & ant both hopped out the car, and ant instantly jumped seeing the small view.

"Oh shitttt" he jumped, making me and Pryce both laugh.

"Keep walking, you'll see the rest!" I said

"Let me find out my girls a whole party planner" Pryce whispered over to me.

Ant was definitely having a good time from the looks of it. That Boy was all over the place socializing and all. I was glad that he was enjoying himself that's all I wanted.

"Antwans hood party?" Pryce came up to me laughing at the sign that was hanging.

"He asked for it, he got it"

I genuinely just loved seeing the ones I loved
Happy and i was set on making ant happy today. He deserved to have fun & a good time.

"Love that about you" he smiled, pulling me next to him.

"MY MAN FIONEE" I said more like blurted out, I hated when I would blurt my own crazy thoughts out he wasn't supposed to hear that.

"But you already knew that" I said making Pryce laugh at me. He tapped my leg getting up.

"You coming? We gone go watch ant pop the bottle & shit." Pryce said

I shook my head no "tell him to enjoy it, imma go see what's up with Jasmine"

I noticed she was looking a little off. I didn't say anything at first because me and pryce were talking at the moment, but I was going to see what was wrong with her.

"You enjoy yourself as well." I said then walking away going towards Jasmine.

"You good?" I asked her, she was supposed to be having fun as well. Shit everybody is supposed to have fun today. I didn't do all of this for them to not be having a good time.

"Girl I'm fine, I was just chilling." She said

"Well why you not chilling with your soon to be mans-?" I scrunched up my face

"His friends talk a lil too much" she started off

"That's all jasmine? Or there's more?" I asked trying to figure out where she was going with this. I hated small bits of information simply because I couldn't do anything with it.

"It's nothing big or anything but, do you know a girl named Amari? She asked me

"Not that I know of no, but what about her?"

"Ant & his homeboys were talking or whatever, and literally out of nowhere one of his friend tells meΒ  that Antwan has a whole child." Jasmine spoke

"Not you calling him by his government- and child whew you learn something new everyday..."

"And this is stopping you because?" I asked

The reason I asked her was because what does him having a child have to do with what the two of them could possibly have going on.

"I don't know, just getting mixed feelings. You know?"

"Yeah i feel you i definitely felt that way once or twice with Pryce, but I never thought too hard on it."

"You did? I don't believe it. You guys are cute together."Β 

"Yeah I did, but it wasn't deep. My heart didn't want him to have his first child with her, I used to thinkΒ  ole girl was always in the way, but I couldn't let that effect anything because our relationship was way more important.

" plus I believe she's changed, Hopefully."

"Don't worry bout that with ant tho, he's a sweet person just ask him about it & talk to him. He's like a brother too me, ant is understanding trust me I know."

"Y'all will be able to figure it out, if you really like him." I told herΒ  and she just nodded taking everything I said in.

"Now come on cause I ain't hanged out with the party boy all day today." I said pulling her over to where everyone else was.

Pryceduh- my brother 4 real happy birthday nigga.
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Ant1k- all love brother ❀️❀️

Highjackyourmomascar- Aaliyah really got a fine ass boyfriend & bestfriend must be nice- !!! πŸ₯Ί

"Ion wanna give out a big speech cause I ain't a pastor or nun of dat, but I definitely appreciate y'all for being here. It was mad nice to see y'all come out to celebrate with me in a whole nother state" Ant talked

"Most definitely wanna say thank you to the someone I call my best friend & sister Aaliyah! She really go hard for me, never met someone like her."

"pryce you a lucky man fasho, hold on to her" he said making me smile, the message was so hood but sweet at the same time.

Ant1k- y'all please tell Aaliyah stop playing with me, caught me lacking I'm just tryna get some z's
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Pryceduh- 😭
akell233 - she gotcho ass. 🀣🀣

I'm trying my best to work out on more chapters,
this is not my best work. I promise.

Can y'all stop reading this book LMAOOOOOOO it's getting horrible by a minute.

LMAOOOOOOO not y'all saying it's never coming back I just always had badass writers block.

Excuse any mistakes-
