
scary movie.
chapter eleven

A HIGH-SCHOOL PARTY WAS THE PERFECT BANQUET FOR SINNERS. A tale once told depicts the act of Seven deadly sins; Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride. All of which are guaranteed to be acted upon when holding attendance at a High-School gathering.

Lust, A strong Passion or Longing for sexual desires. One of the strongest emotions that plague teenagers minds, whilst also condemning them to the first unbreakable Horror Movie rule. Never have sex. Upon committing the act of this, not only will the individual condemn themselves to a life of suffering but, lead themselves straight into the hands of a murderer. If this was a scary movie, of course. As time passes, the teenagers attending will fall into the hands of every sin imaginable- The seven deadly sins, were the least of worries for the attendees of Stu Macher's party. Curfew fell upon the town- Citizens believed to be the soundest of minds locked their downs and bolted the windows of their homes. As the sons and daughters of the town escaped to the welcomes of the party.

Cherry Valentine, along with her friends, gripped many plastic bags in the palm of her hands as they entered. Music roared and echoed throughout the house- Sweaty, drunken teenagers crowded every room and hallway throughout the home. The girls entered the kitchen, where a group of boys had started the festivities. The girls dropped the bag onto the countertop- Where Stu Macher was funnelling alcohol into his mouth.

"How are my favourite girls?" Stu cheered, wrapping his arms around Cherry and his girlfriend. Sydney stood awkwardly- "Of course, you too, Syd."

She simply nodded, seemingly drifting into her own world. Cherry focused her attention onto the girl, her eyes narrowed slightly- "We're doing fine, Stu but I won't be if you don't get your hands off me!" She threw his arm from her shoulder and ran over, "Don't worry, Syd! Just you and me tonight."

Sydney smiled, "Thanks, Cher." Cherry pulled her away into the main room of the house, where numerous people gathered- Deciding on a horror movie to watch.

"Oh, Syd! I didn't even think." Cherry suddenly spoke up, looking between the tapes and the girl, "We can get out of here? If you're not okay with this?"

"It's fine. Uh- don't worry about it." Cherry knew that something had been wrong- The stutter in the girls voice as she spoke but Sydney took a seat next to her and settled in, nonetheless.

Randy passed some tapes along to his group of friends, the two girls looking over them- As the boy called out movie titles to the drunken teenagers that filled the room. As they cheered in response to the things he called out.

Sydney interrupted, "The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night- How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all of these movies?"

Randy dropped down to her level. Cherry rested on the arm of the chair, in which the boy's head appeared in between the two girls, as he told them. "She's the Scream Queen!"

As Stu made comments about the female body- The doorbell sounded, which stirred an interruption. Stu jumped to his feet, rolling off the back of the couch and behind Tatum, "Grab another beer, would you?"

Stu and Cherry wandered over to the door together- Revealing Gale Weathers, along with Dewey. The two rushed back to announce the arrival of the infamous woman.

"Dewey!" Tatum called over her brother, "What is she doing here?" She questioned him.

Dewey had an ear-splitting grin on his face as he celebrated, "She's with me!"ย 

Sydney stood from her place on the couch and removed herself from the area, wanting to be as far away from the reporter as possible. Cherry quickly followed after the girl- Dewey in pursuit.

Cherry hugged the girl close as Sydney asked him, "Did they find my father?" With no answer and the knowledge of the worst, Sydney ran off.

She offered Dewey a sad smile, "No sign?" She assumed.

The officer shook his head, affirming her worries.

Time soon passed on- People in attendance soon started to drift out the doors, as the horror movie marathon overturned the attention of most. Sydney and Stu found themselves by the door, as the girl called out for her friends.

"Boo!" Cherry attempted to shock the others, her voice far too soft to scare the two. Behind her, stood Billy Loomis. "Hey, Syd- We've been talking and it would really mean the world to me, if you guys talked it out."

Sydney hugged herself as she looked at the couple in-front of her, "Look, I don't know."

"Please, Sydney!" Cherry pleaded with her, "I love you both so much and I don't want any of us to fight. If you trust me- You can trust him."

"Fine." The girl gave in, Cherry cheered- Clapping her hands before joining with Sydney and leading her up the stairs. The three of them arrived in one of the bedrooms, the only place unoccupied by lustful teenagers- the children of sin.

As they settled into the room, both Cherry and Sydney rested on the bed as Billy leaned against the wall- Keeping his distance from the girls. Sydney asked, "Who'd you call?"

"What?" Billy pondered- Cherry scrunched her nose. He looked towards his girlfriend, equal amounts of confusion evident on their expressions.

Sydney explained, "Well, well- When you're arrested you're allowed one phone call. I was just curious, who'd you call?"

"He called his dad, Syd- Who else would he call? Why are you asking this, if you don't trust him, then you can't trust me!" Cherry picked her apart, having came straight to the boy's defence.

"No." Sydney argued back, "Sheriff Burke called his dad, I saw him."

Billy and Cherry looked to each other, the boys head sunk down- His eyes trained on the other girl, "Yeah- When I called there wasn't an answer."

Cherry Valentine arose to her feet and opened her arms- Welcoming him in a warm, comfortable embrace. Billy could smell the crisp scented products in her hair hair, as the girl twirled a small piece of his hair in-between her fingertips.

Sydney focused all of her attention on the couple, her eyes never left the two. Sydney Prescott had wondered about her two friends, overtime she found herself observing them when together. She questioned, if Billy Loomis had been arrested when he was with the girl- Why had Cherry not rushed to his side.

Cherry locked eyes with her best-friend and immediately recognised the washed look on her eyes. She accused, "You think it was us!"

"No- no!" Sydney disagreed but the release of breath that followed, insisted she had more to say, "I was just thinking, it would be a good way to throw me off. You use your one phone call to call me so I wouldn't think it was you- You spend the night together and then you start dating, that's all."

Cherry went to fight back- Her lips separated and her eyes scrunched together, when Billy placed his hand on the small of her back. He stepped forward, now stood in the doorway.

"Really? What do I have to do to prove to you that I'm not a killer?" Billy asked her, moving over slightly.

Behind him, the infamous masked killer stalked closer- Sydney Prescott erupted into an ear-piercing scream, as the boy turned and a knife plunged into his chest. Billy turned once again, a crimson red stained through his white shirt. The boy's body fell limp to the floor, the two girls cried out.

Sydney gripped onto Cherry's sleeve, her fingers tightened around harsh enough- The red marks sure to appear the next morning. As the two girls sprinted away, the killer followed over them. Through every twist and turn, through rooms and hallways, he was always one step ahead of them.

The two rushed into the attic of the house, and Sydney grabbed the nearest object to block off the entrance. Cherry watched as the door threatened to rip from the hinges, as the other girl forced the window open. "Cher!"

"Jump!" Cherry insisted, looking between the window and the door, "I'll be right after you."

Sydney nodded in agreement and Cherry helped the girl to escape from the small space- As Sydney fell, the door bursted open revealing the masked killer in the archway. Cherry looked in the direction and smiled before she crawled through the cracked window.

Cherry braved herself for the impact on the vehicle blocking the pavement below- Allowing both her and Sydney to make it out, somewhat unharmed. As the two girl ran from the landing area, they gripped each others hands.

Facing towards the van that sat parked outside the residence, Cherry pulled her friends hand but Sydney was frozen still- The girl peered over her shoulder, "Syd?"

Her heart dropped into her stomach at the view her eyes met with. Tatum Riley, her best friend, hung from the garage door. "Oh my god." She breathed out. "Syd, we've got to go!"

"But- Cher-"

"Syd, now! We have to go!" Cherry pulled her hand and dragged her off in the direction she wanted to head in. The girl aimlessly following along.

The two girls reached the vehicle at the end of the lawn, Cherry reached and swung the door open and the two girls climbed in- Seeking refuge for as long as possible. The man- from the news- pointed to the screen that showcased the living room.

On the screen was live footage of Randy and the masked killer, the former unaware to the danger around him.

"The tape- " The man breathed out as he opened the door once again, "We're on a thirty second delay."

He turned to rush into the house, the front door wide open, but froze as the masked killer appeared in-front of him- His knife plunging into his throat. A stream of crimson washed down from his wounds and his body fell limp, dropping at the girls feet.

"Syd!" Cherry screamed and immediately pulled the door shut within a second, "What are we going to do?" She asked, watching her friend rummage through the back of the van, "What are you doing?"

"Climb through here!" A small vent at the back of the van allowed the two girls to crawl as an escape.

Even after their timely escape, the killer was hot on their trail but neither of them had noticed. Due to the fall, both girls had suffered injuries- And Cherry felt every signal of pain from her injured leg as she ran towards the house. The girls noticed the squad car the belonged to Dewey, and called out for his help. Much to their luck- The man appeared in the open doorway.

"Sydney? Cherry?" The man questioned and as he stepped out of the doorway, his body fell limp. Revealing the knife that had been plunged in his back- and Ghost-Face.

The killer pulled the knife from his body and headed towards the two girls. The safest place was the squad car and the two immediately jumped into it, and locked the doors.

Cherry began picking through the car as Sydney wheeled the windows up, cutting off all access to them. "Where are the keys? Fuck, Syd! We need the keys!"

The girl swallowed the lump in her throat as she glanced up at the murderer, the keys swinging from his fingertips. Sydney reached forwards and grabbed the police communicator.

"Hello! Help me! I'm at Stu Macher's house on Turner Lane- It's 261 Turner Lane, please he's going to kill us!" Sydney screamed down the device.

Ghost-face had made his way into the vehicle after the girls looked away for what felt like seconds. Sydney shrieked in horror as the masked figure gripped the throat of her friend who struggled against his grip- Her airways slowly closed off which made it hard for her to breath.

Sydney shuffled from her position and landed a harsh kick into the man's head which sent him flying backwards. Cherry managed to escape his hold in time and the two exited the vehicle.

Alongside her best friend, Cherry raced down the familiar pathway to her friends home, the door still wide open- The body of Dewey still rested on the porch. The two whipped their heads in the direction of a familiar cry.

"Sydney! Cherry! Jesus- We got to get the fuck out of here!" Randy screamed as he limped down the pathway, he clutched one of his legs to stop the obvious blood flow.

Cherry was desperate to reach him and go to his rescue when her friend pulled her back, now wielding the gun from the policeman. "Jesus Syd! What the fuck?" Cherry questioned her.

For the first time, Cherry didn't scrunch her nose- Shock laced her features instead.

Randy raised his hands above his head, "Don't shoot- It's me! I found Tatum she's dead, I think stu did it!" He pleaded for his life when the weapon was aimed in his direction.

At the mention of his name, Stu Macher appeared in the front lawn. A small hint of a smile apparent on Cherry's face. The two boys were convinced the other was the murderer, and backed away from each other- Desperately reaching out to the girls for trust and refuge.

"Fuck you both!" Sydney told them.

She clutched onto Cherry's arm again as pulled her into the house and slammed the door shut behind them. Potentially closing them in with the killer, if it wasn't one of the two left outside- Who pounded on the door to get inside. Their efforts soon died down, and the only noise heard was the rough breathing that came from the two girls.

"Cherry?" A voice alerted the two to Billy Loomis, who stood at the top of the staircase. He attempted to near them, sending him tumbling down to the bottom floor.

Cherry sprinted to his side, "Oh God- I thought you were dead, are you alright?" She hugged him close into her side.

Unnoticed- The two held a darkness in their eyes as they glanced over at the other girl who had not attempted to move from the door.

"I'm like a stuck pig, but I'm okay."

"Syd, you've got to get help!" Cherry pleaded, tears brimming her eyes as she clutched onto her boyfriend, her friend still not making an effort to move. Cherry wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked with him.

"No! He's out there!" She ordered the two of them to stop what they were doing.

Billy looked her way, the couple now blocking Sydney from the closed door, "Give me the gun! It'll be okay- I'll be okay- Give me the gun."

Sydney slowly handed it over and rushed to the comfort of her best friend, the two cuddled together as Billy fiddled with the locks on the door. He ripped it open and Randy jumped into the house. He closed it immediately after.

"Stu's flipped out! He's gone mad!" Randy told them.

Slowly, Billy turned to look at Randy- The two girls watching both of them.

Billy's voice was hushed and low as he uttered the words, "We all go a little mad sometimes."

"Oh fuck!" Randy breathed out as the realisation dawned on him, the boy pressed down on the trigger and the friends watched as it shot towards him. He screamed out as the impact not only wounded him but sent him crashing to the ground.

Without hesitation, Sydney joined her hand with Cherry's and pulled the girl away from her significant other. The two bent down to the wounded.

Billy scratched the side of his scalp with the weapon, "Anthony Perkins, Pyscho." He quoted. The two girls looked up at him in horror. Cherry watched every little move he made, as he brought his stained finger into his mouth, "Corn syrup- Same stuff they used in Carrie for pigs blood."

Sydney shook her head and darted towards the kitchen having assumed her friend would follow. Cherry stood, watching the scene unfold as she crashed into another boy. "Stu! Help us please!"

Her eyes followed as he lifted the voice box to his mouth, "Suprise, Sydney!" Stu Machers voice echoing the chilling sound of ghost-face.

The girl's body shook uncontrollably from the fear and looked back over at the boyfriend who raised his eyebrows- Pretending to be shocked. She pushed the blonde away from her and pulled Cherry into the kitchen with her.

The two boys, now revealed to be the infamous killers, had her cornered. Stepping back, she tried to turn and escape but something stopped her from moving.

She looked up to see Cherry frozen in place with not an ounce of terror on her face- Instead, she seemed to smile.
