Chapter 3.

Junior high (Part 3)Β New school

Shoto had waited everyday, just to see your face, NEEDING to talk to you, he had already confronted Cato, freezing him upside down in front of the school, embarrassing him in front of everybody when his shirt had flipped over his face. Shoto had finally had enough, already worried about if you were sick or just on vacation or something but he had never been able to ask you since he had deleted your number when he was mad at you, he definitely regretted that now.

He walked through the halls, making eye contact with Cao and glaring daggers before walking into the office "hello Miss.. Do you know what happened to Y/n? Where has she been.. is she okay?" He asked, the principal looked up at him and smiled "Ah- Todoroki, I'm sorry, I had assumed she had told you since you two are so close-" Shoto winced "-she transferred schools with her friend Mizuki Kiyo, she goes to Nabu junior high now- such a shame really, she was so talented and smart, great quirk for a hero too-" Shoto had stormed out, not listening to the principal any longer 'Rude' The principals eye twitched as she watched him leave.

(If you know what Nabu junior high is then that's your hint for what's about to come up)

You and Kiki had been able to take three days off before switching schools, still studying what you needed to know before going and now it was your first day at Nabu. Waiting outside your first period class, Kiki waved to you as she walked to her first class, you knocked on the classrooms door, the teacher opening and looking down to see you "Ah- you're the new student yes?- wait I know you! You're the girl from that news article with the three robbers, oh my, I'm happy someone with such a bright future has transferred into my class" Your teacher smiled, you nodded bowing politely.

He had walked back into the class, making his students aware of the new student, you could hear the class talking through the door as you placed your hand on the door, ready to enter "Please welcome Kayama Y/n, the hero Midnights niece!" Your teacher said, excited, subtly bragging for you.Β 

You winced as you entered "Thanks-.. For uh.. That, but yes hello I'm Kayama Y/n, I know I have transferred quite late but I do hope we can get along and maybe even be friends" You bowed slightly, a lazy grin on your face. Looking around the class, your eyes landed on a guy near the back who chuckled lightly at the beginning of your introduction, he had purple hair and looked quite tired, his laugh was deep. God, tired voices made you weak to your knees, hands shot up wanting to ask questions but were quickly denied by your teacher "Ask your questions later class, we need to start, please take your seat next to Shinso Ms. Kayama-" "Call me Y/n" Your teacher chuckled nervously then nodded "Shinso please raise your hand" Your teacher finished.

The guy with purple hair you noticed before raised his hand, the seat to his right unoccupied "Nice to meet you Shinso, you have a first name?" He eyed you curiously a small smirk tugging at his lips "Hitoshi" You smiled, sitting down next to him "Well then nice to meet you.. Hitoshi" "First name basis already? Wow I'm honored" He muttered out.

You grinned, listening to his voice was really nice, you definitelyΒ  wouldn't mind being friends with this guyΒ  "You have a hot voice by the way, it matches your whole look and vibe, just saying-" You said bluntly before turning your attention to the teacher. He paused, did you.. Just-.. flirt with him?.. Him of all people? His face turned red as he smirked and looked away, covering the lower half of his face 'I can't believe a girl like that would even talk to me, let alone flirt..' He thought, pushing back his smile.

After class had ended you were surrounded by many of your classmates, many asking questions along with a few comments such as "Oh my gosh you're so pretty" or "I recognize you, aren't you from the news?!" And other comments that you didn't care for at the moment. Shinso had began to pack up his stuff to leave, not wanting to be crowded around by his obnoxious classmates, pushing through everybody else as kindly as possible, you grabbed Shinsos sleeve, escaping the horde "Sorry- but um do you mind if I go with you, I don't exactly know anybody and I don't really feel like being surrounded by like 20 kids-" Shinso rose a brow but chuckled "Sure, come on, it's lunch now" Shinso said.

He grabbed your hand pulling you along as a few of your classmates groaned in dismay and others cooed at the sight (mostly delulu girls and me fr). You yelped, colliding into Shinso lightly as you felt someone jump on you, Shinsos eyes widened as he turned around and caught you, stabilizing you, he looked at who jumped on you with almost a judging look in his eye.

You looked and saw Kiki who yapped to you almost incoherent sentences before she noticed Shinso, putting her hands to her cheeks she looked between you and Shinso back and forth, her mouth formed in an 'o' shape, holding her cheeks as her mouth began to form a wide smile "Ahhh! Y/n, you found yourself a cutie!!" She squealed as Shinso stood awkwardly behind you, sweat dropping "Yes, I know he's very cute" You said with a small laugh as if he wasn't standing right behind you. Clearing his throat, Kiki looked at him then grinned "You two go ahead and get lunch togetherrr and I'll meet up with you again soon, see ya later Y/nnnn!" She said.

Holding back from smiling at your friends antics, you looked back up at Shinso "Apologies, please continue Hitoshi" You said, he smirked "So you think I'm hot and cute?" He questioned, leaning down towards you, you blinked a few times and took a step forward, looking up at him "I don't think I know what you're talking about" You said, slowly smiling, a small blush rising on both your faces.Β 

Shinso looked you up and down then shrugged "Fine but I know what I heard Y/n" He said, standing up straight and moving his face away from yours, you frowned slightly making him grin "Now do you want lunch or not?" He asked, starting to walk away 'I think this may work out...' You thought, watching him for a few seconds before following after him.

You two were outside, an apple in his hand and a strawberry milk carton in yours, you were surrounded by blooming cherry blossom trees as you sat down and leaned against one of them "Hey Hitoshi, if you don't mind me asking what's your quirk? And why aren't you sitting with your own friends?" You asked, looking up at him. His calm demeanor quickly diminished and he frowned, looking at the ground "I was hoping you wouldn't ask that.. Once I tell you my quirk, you're just gonna leave like everyone else and think I'm villainous, which is also why I don't exactly have many friends here" He said, looking away.

Your eyes softened and you grabbed the apple from his hand, he looked back at you as you took a bite "You know it kinda sucks that you think I'd just leave because of your quirk.." Shinso watched you hesitantly as you spoke "I might have a powerful quirk and all but I've also gotten many comments on how villainous it is, I also must admit I don't have many people who I would truly call my friend other than Kiki, I was hoping you would want to be though" You said, Shinso looked at you, mouth parted slightly.

He stayed quiet, thinking to himself momentarily 'I'll see for myself whether you mean what you say or not' He thought, he sighed and ran a hand through his fluffy purple locks "Okay-.. My quirk is brainwash, anytime a person responds to me I can activate my quirk and control them" He spoke slowly, trying to put his words together carefully, you paused and then smiled "I don't see how that's villainous- well- I kinda do but I think it's rather heroic and useful! Imagine using that on a villain to stop them or question them- sorry I'm rambling.." You said, quickly shutting your mouth.

Shinsos eyes widened slightly unsure of what to say, not used to the praise "Th-.. Thank you" He said "I'm glad you think that.." "Of course, why wouldn't I? You'd be a great hero, I believe in you" You said taking a sip from your drink unbothered. His face warmed up and he smiled "I think I'll enjoy having you as a friend" He said grinning before he snatched your drink from your hands "Hey!-" "You took my apple" "...." You huffed and slumped back down against the tree.

Shinso held your drink above your head making you give up on trying to get it after he had made his point on his now fully eaten apple, Shinso laughed bringing the carton up to his lips to drink, a small smile tugged on your lips as you looked at him, you were hopeful for this relationship to grow and last, you and Shinso seemed to click immediately and all you hoped for was that he wouldn't betray you and leave like Shot- Todoroki...

The Start

The school year had finally ended, you and Shinso had become quite close, Kiki had stated how it was like you two were dating with no titles because of how much you two flirt, your class was all excited and hyped up, most wanting to be heroes others just ready for the school year to be over.

Over summer you had upped your training, Aizawa and Nemuri helping to train you along with Nezu having a few of the staff at UA come and train you, helping you with your quirk, stamina and all around fighting abilities. You had learned to use multiple weapons, even trying out Aizawas scarf but you failed miserably getting wrapped up and hung upside down. You had even been training with Shinso, Kiki often watching and drinking lemonade with your aunt, cheering you on, Shinso was way more capable of using Aizawas scarf then you were.

Your aunt had mostly been creating a whole pin board full of hero costume ideas for you, Kiki adding her own ideas that were at least a little more appropriate to wear. You haven't been able to fully get Todoroki out of your mind throughout the summer, often he'd pop up in your mind before you pushed the thought of him deep down, you were unaware he'd been searching for you throughout the summer, although he failed to do so he still tried, he vowed he'd make things right and make it up to you.

It was now the day of the entrance exam and you were walking to UA with Shinso, offering him one of your earbuds, he took it, listening to your music with you. Both of you were still trying to wake up, neither wanting to talk yet or else you would both probably grow irritated, you both understood that you both were not morning people and just enjoyed the peaceful silence as you continued to walk and wake up.

You had eyed a cute and modern looking cafe then glanced at Shinso and stopped walking, watching as he kept walking seeming to not notice your absence, you deadpanned and crossed your arms waiting for him to notice. He turned to where you used to walk, his mouth open like he was gonna say something but then he paused and looked around before spotting you, an amused look in your eye as you smirked, a small flush rose on his face as he glared playfully.Β 

You laughed and stuck your tongue out at him "Hito, look at that cafe, it's cute and I wanna get something" You said "But the exa-" "We have time plus don't you wanna spend time with your loving Y/n?" You questioned playfully, quickly cutting him off. Grabbing his hand and pulling him along with you, he rolled his eyes, failing to hide his smile as he followed you.

You had both gotten coffees and you added on a little pastry for yourself to get your energy up, Shinso pulled out some money from his phone case and handed it to the cashier before you could pay, looking up at him you blinked slowly "..Marry me?" Shinso smirked and leaned down, patting your head "Of course 'kitten'" He laughed at your surprised expression, taking in your blushing face 'Fuck you for being so cute Y/n..' He thought looking away.Β 

You had grabbed your order, your grogginess slowly fading away "Thank you husband" You said, biting into your pastry with a pleased hum, Shinso had bent down to your level, opening his mouth expectantly, raising the pastry to his mouth he had took a bite, licking the crumbs from his lips "Okay, now let's go or we'll be late" He said, grabbing your arm gently and dragging you out, both of your hands full along with your stuffed mouth, making him take a mentalΒ  screenshot (Also pulling out his phone and taking a photo without you seeing).

Walking into the exam building, you had gone through the written test easily, having to be really careful when helping Shinso cheat with question 24. and now you both were given a number of where you will be seated, you and Shinso had been separated probably because of the fact you two were friends and went to the same school '2234... Where the fuck is that?-' You thought, sweat dripping down the side of your face as you looked around clueless "Does anybody know where 2234-" "Hello miss, it's over there"Β 

You turned around and spotted a well put together, handsome, young guy with dark blue hair and glasses 'Holy shit.. He is definitely secretly a kinky freak in the sheets I know it-' You bowed slightly "Thank you, please call me Y/n- I'm not that old unless you're stating I look old-" "N-no of course not I apologize!-" You laughed as his face grew hot "I'm just kidding, I'm Kayama Y/n but again call me Y/n" "I couldn't possibly-" "Call me Y/n" ".. A-alright Y/n, if you insist. I'm Iida Tenya from Soumei Junior High, if you'd like y-you can call me Tenya..." He said hesitantly not used to being so casual, the blush on his face faded as he straightened his posture and bowed.

You smiled 'he's a cutie for sure' You thought "Well then, thank you Tenya, good luck" You said with a wave and walking off. You made your way to where he pointed and froze once you saw who you'd be seated next to 'Shit- No fucking way..' "Y/n?!" You stared at two very familiar boys in shock, both looking at you with their mouths agape, your lips pursed and you nodded at them slightly "Midoriya.. Bakugou.. Long time no see" You said, both of them winced as you called them by their last name, sure it's been awhile but are you not friends anymore?

You sat down in-between them awkwardly, Bakugou glaring at you "Where the fuck did you go-" "Kacchan!!" "Shut it Deku, you expect me not to be upset?! How are you not! She just disappeared without a word then she becomes some big shot after fighting a few petty villains!-" You cut Bakugou off quietly, wincing at his words "I'm sorry Bakugou truly I-" "Katsuki, don't call me that it's unnatural" He growled out "Okay.. Katsuki, I'm sorry but I'll explain everything to you both after please?.." You asked, looking up at him, guilt evident in your eyes as you saw the hurt in his that he tried to hide.Β 

Katsuki huffed, his glare softening "Fine.. But you're explaining everything after this exam, got it?!" You nodded, looking over at Midoriya "Izuk- Midoriya.. I have a lot I need to say to you too, I hope you're not mad at me and will hear me out after this too" You said, Midoriya nodded quickly "You can still call me Izuku.. And I'm not mad, don't worry, I'm just confused.. I'm glad to see you though.. I- uh m-missed you Y/n" He squeaked out flustered, you smiled "I did too Izu" You said.

You quickly pulled Izuku into a hug, making him blush and stutter 'A girl is hugging me!! Y/N is hugging me!' He screamed internally, Bakugou glared from the corner of his eye and scoffed 'Fucking Deku, I thought you were on my side Y/n, why are you wasting your time with this loser, you're supposed to be a hero with me, don't get stuck down at his level or did you forget your fucking promise too...'Β 

"Y/n, promise to me that we'll be heroes together!!" Young Katsuki shouted, a red embarrassed blush on his face, you smiled softly and nodded, holding your pinky out

"Bakugou Katsuki, I promise we'll be heroes together.."

He gritted his teeth at the memory, you placed a hand on his arm showing some concern "Katsuki, you've grown to be too handsome to damage your teeth like that" You said bluntly, no emotion present in your tone or expression making heat rise to his face "I-I'm not!-" Suddenly he was cut off by a loud voice, the stage lights turned on making you shut your eyes in surprise at the brightness 'Katsuki.. You're still the same, so easy to fluster yet still so defensive, I wonder what you've put Izuku through.. I should've helped him more back then... I'm sorry Izuku..' You thought before listening to Present Mic explain how the exam was going to work, he was like an older brother to you or an uncle just overly energetic sometimes- or all the time.

After Present Mic had explained everything, you had been assigned to the same arena as Izuku, giving him a soft smile, you both walked next to each other, towards your assigned bus, listening to him rant as you made your way to the arena.Β 

Getting off the bus, you were all now in your workout gear, you had tight, black workout shorts on, a black workout bra that showed your cleavage and a breathable (color) workout jacket that was unzipped. As the gates slowly opened, no one made a move as they continued chatting with one another, pushing through the crowd you wished Izuku a good luck before running off into the battle arena "GO GO GO! A VILLAIN ISN'T JUST GONNA SIT THERE A WAIT FOR YOU!!" Present Mic screamed from on top of the gates wall.

You had already begun destroying bots, jumping from a 3 pointer to a 2 pointer, you used your blood and struck through it multiple times (like Choso or something-) before it had broke down and exploded, your blood slicing through the bots in swift clean cuts, bringing the bots down immediately. You had been surrounded by at least 5 bots, most being two pointers, you got in a stable balanced stance, bringing your hands up to control your blood, you swerved it through the bots before you clenched your fists (it's giving blood bender) a reaction of explosions going off through the bots, your blood splattering everywhere before you brought it back to you again.

You were being chased by a 3 pointer, running towards a building you had ran up the side of the building before flipping off and over the bot, using your quirk, you gave yourself wings and flew over the bot, forming giant circle of blood, you solidified it, bringing it up over the bot before smashing it down, completely short circuiting the bot.

I had been some time now, you were holding up pretty well, deciding to create a long sword and sticking to that to maintain your stamina and energy, hearing a loud scream you looked a saw a girl with short dark blue-ish hair, surrounded by bots, you quickly ran over forming a large guard of blood around your lower leg, you hardened it before quickly pulling your leg around and landing a hard kick to the bots head, the bots head disattached from it's body leaving the robot now useless.

Bringing down the other few bots, you landed next to the girl, bending down next to her taking in the fact that her leg was bleeding and she couldn't stand "Are you ok?.. Do you want me to heal you?" You asked making her look up at you in hope, hoping that you'll heal her and she can continue to try in the exam "Yes please!" Carefully adjusting her leg, you leaned down and placed a small kiss on her leg near her injury making her blush and watch in awe as it slowly began to close up.

You stood up, helping her up as well "I can't fix your pants but you don't have to worry about your leg anymore, I'm Kayama Y/n, I hope to see you around" "Jirou Kyoka- T-thank you" She stuttered out, watching as you gave her a short bow then run off.

Saving a few more people and healing them, you brought down multiple other bots just waiting for the time to run out. Suddenly everybody started running and shouting "What the heck-" You paused, landing swiftly as you destroyed another bot, the ground was vibrating and you quickly made note that this was probably the 0 pointer "What a pain.." You muttered, you launched yourself up into the sky, flying to the top of a building to watch and wait out the rest of the exam, ready to jump in if needed.

Your eyes widened as a green lightning looking glow flashed across you 'Holy shi- Izuku?!' You thought, eyes widening as he landed a huge punch on the 0 pointer causing a ripple effect of explosions throughout the huge robot "It seems he needs to explain some things too.." You muttered in awe, you looked at Izuku as he began to fall, his arms bruised, purple and broken.

You quickly took a step off the building, falling down before flying towards Izuku at fast pace, not able to get there in time, you created a long blood like whip, aiming for Izuku, it wrapped around his leg and you quickly pulled him towards you, he looked at you shocked as you caught him landing carefully next to a short brown haired girl who was laying over a piece of rubble on the verge of passing out "You both need to be healed.." You said, leaning down towards Izuku you kissed both his hands and arms, a light glow forming as he began to heal.

Walking over to the girl you leaned over slightly and placed a hand on her head fixing her messy hair "Are you okay? Can I heal you..? You'll still feel tired but not as much and you won't be in pain anymore" You said offering her a loving smile, she nodded weakly and you gave her a small kiss on her head, lifting her cramped arm up and licking it slightly making her eyes widen at your actions 'W-WHAAA-' She blushed. Pulling her arm back she slowly started moving it around again, a smile overtaking her features "Thank you so much! I'm Uraraka Ochako, call me Ochako!" She cheered, hiding her tired eyes with a cheery smile.

You smiled "Kayama Y/n, call me Y/n" You said, Izuku was still laying on the floor, his arms now fully healed as he looked at you confused 'Kayama?... What happened to L/n..' Izuku thought, slowly standing up with your help as you wrapped an arm around him "Are you okay Zuzu?" You asked, looking up at him. He nodded, blushing and avoiding eye contact "Oh my dearie, you're gonna take my job one day" You heard.

You looked around and spotted an old lady, Recovery girl "Ah- granny Chiyo, I'm sorry, that was not my intention" You said, chuckling, Recovery girl waved you off with a sweet smile and a short laugh "Don't worry about it my dear, I'm glad to have a bit of help" She said, tossing you some candies before leaving to help the others.Β 

Turning back to the other two, you handed them your candies, saving one for yourself (or not idk) "I hope to see you again Ochako, have a nice day" You said before leaving with Izuku, an arm still wrapped around him due to him still being exhausted and tired even after healing him.

You had said goodbye to Shinso explaining how you had to explain some things to old friends and now you were standing in front of Katsuki and Izuku "Explain." Katsuki ordered as Izuku kept glancing at him nervously, you sighed and looked away explaining everything from the beginning, starting with your parents.

By the end of it both of them had wide eyes and a haunting looking expression on their face "So that's why you introduced yourself as 'Kayama' Y/n" Izuku muttered, looking at you with a sad look "I'm so sorry Y/n, we had no idea.." Izuku said quietly as you looked down. Katsukis fists were clenched as he looked at you conflicted, why didn't you tell him anything?.. "I needed out I'm sorry.." You said "Don't apologize for that bullshit, you were a child" Katsuki spit out, your eyes widened barely then softened "Thank you Kat" You said, hugging him tightly, he wouldn't ever admit it but he needed this.

You all did, they both missed you and you missed them, you just hated the thought that these two still did not get along "Now I need to talk to Izuku about something but here" You told Katsuki, handing him your phone "Give me your number and we'll keep in contact" Katsuki glared at Izuku before snatching your phone "Fine, I can't believe you're wasting your time.." He muttered, handing you back your phone.

Katsuki had left leaving you and Izuku as you turned and looked at him expectant "So.. You wanna explain Izu?" He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck "I- what do you mean?-" "The quirk Izuku, what the hell was that- I'm not mad just kinda hurt.." Izuku looked away, he knew he owed you an explanation and when the time came he'd owe Katsuki one too "It's.. Not my quirk, I borrowed it from.. Allmight, I don't have full control over it yet which is why I got hurt when I used it but one day it'll fully be mine" He said confidently.

You blinked, no expression on your face then you shrugged "Okay yea that makes sense, I feel I could've figured that out-" You said, arms crossed 'What type of reaction is that?!?!' Izuku thought "Well then.. I'm happy for you Izuku.. I hope to see you at UA, I believe in you" You said, ruffling his hair before leaving.Β 

'She believes in me..'


(Question of the day: Who's your favorite character in Mha?)
