Β« 08 Β»

08| Suspicious

"I believe I have answered that question multiple times already, just enough for you to understand that our parents governs in our city which answers why they can't come!" Gideon feigned, facing the history teacher.

Luxianna, Jovaerin, Wrenvier, and Gideon are now seated in the office in front of the two teachers, discussing yesterday's scene.

"Which city?"

"A city you haven't been in," Wrenvier, who's beside Jovaerin responded straightforwardly instead of Gideon.

"Doesn't sound very convincing..." Mrs. Torres stated, "if they governs a city, then, they must be well known, am I correct?" Who are they? I know plenty of them." she then raised a brow at them.

"Mhmm and that.... Is for you to find out," Gideon nodded, showing them a closed-mouth smile.

"I don't know any of them who has the same surname as yours and your cousin's, lad."

"They made us use a different one which was our great great-grandfather's to protect us. They've been receiving tons of death threats, so..." Gideon made up again without even having a second thought.

Straight up lies. I'm impressed.

"Fine. I'll let it go, for now. But the next time something like this happens again, I don't care what excuses you come up with. I'm going to have a talk with the parent," the adviser sharply demanded while the history teacher was somehow convinced as she has her arms crossed over her chest, standing beside the table of their class's adviser before handing Gideon and Wrenvier a piece of paper, "but before you leave, I want you to bring this home and make your parents sign this letter just to be sure they have acknowledged your sister's behavior."

"There's no need for that–" Wrenvier tried to disagree.

"Or you'll leave us with no choice but to send someone and forcefully find out who your parents really are and make a surprise visit to your house," their adviser threatened.

"Ohh.... You mean stalk us, for short? So, now you're one of those people sending threats to our family? I see...." Gideon leaned back comfortably on the chair, satisfied by the two teachers' reaction when their eyes widen. Clearly not expecting that from him to say.

"Why? Is that part of your job? A teacher's job?" Gideon followed suit.

"No. But we'd like to know–"

"If that's the case then stop asking. For a second I thought we were at the wrong place, a gang's headquarter disguising as a school to stalk," Gideon scoffed.

"Are you going to take this or...?" Mrs. Torres eyed the paper before eyeing the four of them.

"That's for sure. Accord settled then,Β we'll let them see this," Gideon plastered a fake smile as he politely took the paper on the table.

Gideon heaved a sigh of worry looking at the paper when he closed the door behind him. He then straighten his posture, walking ahead of them as they catch up without even sparing the three a glance when he realizes that they were looking at him.

"That gray-haired woman was really determined to involve your parents, huh?"

"Mrs. Torres?" Luxianna peeked at her cousin with doe eyes to see his face.

"Mrs? She's married?" that's when Gideon finally looked at her which made the lass smile, for he never really looked at any of the three of them the whole time they were together.

"Well yeah, she's old, what do you expect?" answered Jovaerin.

"I can't believe someone would actually wife her up," Gideon chuckled which made Wrenvier laugh through his nose creating a funny sound making the two younger ones laugh as well.

Jovaerin looked at the elder and asked, "What exactly is a gang?"

"Uhh... It's like a clique, a group that doesn't easily allow others to join them. They're like the people who often come together for activities that can sometimes be harmful and is against the law..." He explained.

"How do you even know this?"

He then clears his throat and pinches his nose before answering, "I just... just heard a few students at my university are members of some and I got curious. So I knew."

As they approach the stairs that will lead to the first floor of the building to send Gideon out as he also has to be in class, Wrenvier noticed the girl's pensive behavior, seems to be in a deep thought.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Jovaerin crouched down a little to be on the same level as Luxianna.

"What? That's a surprise... you're not reading my mind?"

"I want to give you some "privacy" don't you like that?" Jovaerin quoted with a gesture of his hands remembering the situation between Luxianna, him, and their teacher yesterday that got them into trouble.

Lux made sure to kick him on the shin before responding, "I just didn't expect this is what would happen the moment we get out of that office," she pointed with her thumb behind them to the office that's now out of sight as they walk away, "I expected some scolding from you three."

Gideon smiles, "No worries, I was just going to do so..."

"But you have class to attend to... what a shame," Luxianna showed a fake disappointed pout to mock him.

"Well, you're right. Your class will start later on so you should go back too. There's no need to walk me out," Gideon smiled, shooing them away before giving them a wave.

When he disappeared from their sight, Lux turned to Jovaerin, changing her demeanor from smiley to being serious, "And you! I don't wanna hear a thing from you anymore. I've had enough scolding from you yesterday, enough is enough."

. . .

"Ah! Sh– are you blind?!"

A voice infront of her growled, she couldn't see the face of the guy at first as she was faced by a manly chest.

"Oh my! I-I'm so so sorry!" She gasped, 'cause of great emotions– embarrassment, guilt, fear.... she hurriedly wipes the guy's white button up shirt, now stained brown because of the warm coffee he had in his hand when Luxianna stumbled on him.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" The guy screamed that got her really scared her whole body shook as she took back her hand off his chest.

"I didn't mean to, I really am sorry...." she whispered out of embarrassment.

She thought that if ever she were to be humiliated again she wouldn't let herself lose, just like what she did yesterday. But today was different from what she has planned.

"Oh yeah? Like your sorry can fix this?" He pointed out.

"C'mon man, it's an accident, surely you know it so I can't understand why can't you just accept my apology?"

As her attitude arises, her confidence grows back as well, forgetting about the fear she felt.

Unfortunate of her, this only made the guy huff in exasperation, the way he gritted his teeth as his jaws clenched tells Luxianna that she just made things ascend.

He leaned down on her eye level as he bore hole onto her face, "Look who's demanding to get her stupid apologies for her foolish actions to be forgiven now."

This sudden actions of his has taken Luxianna aback as her confidence slowly faded, she can feel her posture sink on trying to create enough distance for her to be able to breathe, drifting her eyes off at his intense ones. Which made him smirk in satisfaction by how he can make her feel so little after showing her braveness in an instant.

He scoffed before he finally got back to his straightened position.

"Don't let me see your face again," he growled deeply before turning his back on her.

How dare he turn his back on me.

She internally scowled, not used to being treated that way since birth in their world. But then she came to realization that the world they are currently in is different than theirs, jokes on her not to expect a different treatment when they got out of their dimension.

Shaking her head to erase the thoughts, she walked in a fast pace to catch up beside him who's going straight to the gym to take his spare shirt.

"I can clean that for you real quick if you let me. I can show you something fascinating..." her eyes sparked at thought, the corners of her mouth almost tugged up but it soon faded because of the expression plastered on his face.

He rolled his eyes, annoyed after thinking he made it clear for her not to show her face again. But look who's here right after he said that?

"Tsk, no need."

"Just let me, it's my fault so I want to fix it, I know sorry isn't enough," Luxianna somehow struggle to keep up with him with those short legs of hers compared to his.

"I rather dump this off the bin and buy a new one. For you already got your hands over it, you washing it won't make any difference," he said snobbishly.

She gasped, not being able to believe what she just heard which was a straight up insult to her pride. It is obvious that she's used to being treated with great respect she deserves as a princess. Yes, she uses that card for her advantage when she got a chance.

She whispered under her unstable breathing, "Fucker."

"Saying something?" He mocked, side-eyeing her with a nasty smirk.

She hated it but wanted to do something in exchange for what she did by accident, "What am I supposed to do to make it up to you?"

"Simple. I've said it just now and I'm saying it again, don't let me see your face. Ever. Again."

"That's a shame, 'cause we go to the same school and eat at the same cafeteria. So that won't do."

"Hide as much as you can."

"I'm not even scared so why would I?"

"Can you shut that mouth of yours already?"

He yelled, again. Pissed is an understatement of what the female is feeling right now. He would talk to her normally then would raise his voice once more at her.

"The heck is wrong with you and your yelling?! You seriously have anger issues and you're pouring it out on me!" Luxianna lashed out.

"Then go away! You must be forgetting that you caused this."

"Don't act like a king who has the world revolving around him! You're nothing different than any other human in this world, you egoistic–"

She gulped when he halted making her do the same. The immature, mocking satisfaction in his eyes now gone as a sharp, cold look replaced it.

"You're right, I'm not. But I will be, soon."

"Bold of you to assume you can roam around this school taking over it and act as if it is your kingdom," she raised a brow at him, crossing her arms over her chest, "you're a newbie, right?"

"Fucking stupid," he scoffed whispering enough for her not to hear, almost wanting to laugh at her remarks as she's clueless of what he actually meant, "and yeah, so what? Don't act superior just because you got here first."

"I'm not," she denied, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" He asks confused.

That's when she realized, they're already at the gym in front of the boy's comfort room. She didn't even notice at first as she's busy death glaring him, shooting daggers at the guy.

"Since when did we get here?" She wondered with a little gasp coming from her mouth.

"Since yesterday. We actually teleported here, if you didn't know," he said sarcastically and this made Luxianna roll her eyes.

She gasped dramatically, faking her amazement, "Really? That's amazing!"

He shook his head as he pokes his inner cheek with his tongue when he did so.

"What now? Don't tell me you want to follow me in as well? Or you're waiting for me to yeet you out of here?" he crouched halfway down to her with his one hand inside his pocket and the other gesturing her to move, shooing her away.

Wondering about his name all the way to the gymnasium didn't even went into her mind. Only realizing it now that their talkβ€” more like argument has come to an end. Because of that, she didn't miss the chance to look for his nameplate which was pinned on his left uniform coat before turning away towards the exit.

She scoffed to herself.

"Ace Emmilton Ashvier."

. . .

Estelle sighs for the third time, "Now how are we supposed to get this signed?"

"Shh! I'm thinking of a way...." it was Wrenvier, with his index finger on his lips.

"You are?!"

"Of course, Leslie. I want to help our friend right here!" Wrenvier patted Luxianna's head gently before placing his arm on her shoulders, "Oh, I have an idea! What if we–"

"Don't tell me you're actually serious..." Jovaerin shook his head as he rolls his eyes knowing what that idea of their friend is.

"I am actually..."

"What is it?" Estelle leaned in, elbows on the wooden plank table as they are currently at a fast food chain near the University while waiting for their foods as Gideon's dismissal are ahead of others', they have more time to hang out and since the restβ€”Luxianna, Estelle, Wrenvier, Everleslie, Jovaerin, and Leviticus were dismissed earlier than usual, they get to hang altogether.

"We can erase their mem–"

"No. No. We're not doing that," Gideon and Estelle immediately objected while Luxianna stayed silent the whole time, guilt evident in her eyes.

"It's fine, I'll solve this on my own. I'm sorry you all have to do this, if only I didn't let my emotions control me... It's my fault to begin with and I should think of a way myself," she stared down on her lap to avoid their gaze as tears welled up in her eyes.

"What did I tell you? I understand what you're feeling about what happened which is why you did that, right? You shouldn't be sorry for what you feel. They are valid and nothing's wrong with that. This is why we want to help you," her cousin, Gideon, looked at her sternly from across the table yet his hands that rested above hers was the opposite which made her feel better.

"I was being rude though. I acted impulsively, I was the one who disturbed her discussion."

Leviticus sighs then gave her a side hug, shaking her lightly to encourage her, "That's why we'll help you solve it."

"What aunt Cordelia said was actually true, huh," Estelle chuckled, pertaining to Leviticus and Everleslie's mother that earned her confused looks from her friends.

"Remember what she used to say years ago?" she looked around her and was faced by still furrowed brows that she sighed, "She said we always have each other's backs whenever one of us is in a middle of their own crisis!"

"Ohh! Is it something like 'one's problem is everyone's problem'?" Wrenvier recalled, smiling when he saw Estelle's face lit up as she points her pointy finger on him, "is that it?"

"Yeah yeah! I think that's close!"
