05 | psychic wonder


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"I gotta pee!" Delaney yelled as she rushed past her brothers and towards the bathroom that was in the back of the gas station mini mart.

"Say it louder, Della, I don't think China heard you," Dean remarked. "Just hurry up so we can hit the road."

Delaney waved Dean off and closed the bathroom door behind her. Once she had finished going to the bathroom, she stepped to the side to wash her hands in the sink. However, as soon as she turned the water on, a pain erupted through her head and she groaned, grabbing the edge of the sink as she squeezed her eyes shut.ย 

Flashes of an older, dark skinned man answering his cell phone raced across Delaney's mind. He froze for a moment as if being hypnotized before agreeing to whatever the person on the other end told him. The man crossed the street, passing a bus with BLUE RIDGE on the front of it, and entered a shop. He greeted the clerk, Dennis, and it appeared the man in her vision was a doctor because that's how the clerk greeted him.ย 

Doc asked Dennis if he could take a look at the guns and Dennis seemed to not believe him for a moment as he just laughed. When Doc just stared at Dennis, he suddenly sobered up and lead Doc to the back of the store so he could take a look at the guns lined against the back wall. Doc asked to look at a Turkey Hunter and loaded it up once Dennis took out the shells, which Dennis immediately tried to get Doc to stop as it was illegal to have a loaded gun in the shop.ย 

Doc assured Dennis it would be alright before he turned the gun and shot Dennis, sending him flying back against the door behind him. The people in the store screamed and Doc tried to assure them it would be alright and he wouldn't hurt any of them. Then Doc placed the gun under his chin and shot himself, spraying blood on the porcelain sinks hanging from above.

The pain eventually subsided and Delaney splashed cold water on her face to cool herself off because she suddenly felt about twenty degrees hotter than when she walked into the mini mart with her brothers. She hadn't had a vision in a while and this one seemed to leave behind a dull ache, unlike the other times she's had one.

"Delly, you've been in there for a while. Are you okay?" Sam asked from the other side of the door and pushed the door open, freezing when he saw Delaney grimacing and clutching the sink as if it was keeping her from passing out. "Delly?"

"Sammy," Delaney rasped, forcing herself off the sink and leant against it as she faced Sam. "We got a problem."

Dean appeared behind his brother and his face fell in worry when he noticed how pale Delaney suddenly looked. "Della?"

"Someone is in trouble. We need to go to the Roadhouse," Delaney said before pushing her way out of the bathroom and towards the Impala.

Dean and Sam followed Delaney into the Impala before he sped off with Delaney relaying her vision to her brothers. "I don't know, Della. Why don't we just chill out, think about this?"

Delaney scoffed and reached over the seat to switch off the radio so Dean would actually have to listen to her. "What is there to think about? It's another premonition. I know it is. This is gonna happen and Ash can tell us where."

Dean sighed and ran a hand over his face, clearly not wanting to go to the Roadhouse. Yet Delaney had no idea why since not too long ago he wanted to head over there and figure out more of the Yellow Eyed Demon business instead of visiting their mother's grave.

"Dean, seriously! This could be connected to the demon. It always is," Delaney argued, refusing to back down from her gut feelings. They never steered her wrong before and she would be damned if she let her vision become reality. She could barely save Max's family and Delaney couldn't handle allowing another innocent victim be buried six feet under because she either was too late or ignored her visions.

"That's my point," Dean snapped, dropping his free arm onto the windowsill. "There's gonna be hunters there. I don't know if - if going in and announcing that you're some supernatural freak with a demonic connection is the best thing, okay?"

Delaney raised an eyebrow at her brother and he gave her an odd look on why she was looking at him the way she was. "So I'm a freak now?"

Dean chuckled and pushed her face so she was sitting properly in her seat in the back. "You've always been a freak, baby girl."


It wasn't long before the Winchesters pulled into Ellen's Roadhouse and they entered inside. The bar was full of hunters, most of them men between Sam and Bobby's ages. Delaney felt slightly intimidated by all the testosterone in the room and sidled closer to Sammy, who merely chuckled and took her hand in his to let her know he was there.

"Just can't stay away, huh?" Jo mused, stopping in front of the siblings.

"Looks like. How you doin', Jo?" Dean asked, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets.

Delaney and Sam exchanged a look, noticing the slight flirtation in both Jo and Dean's eyes. If they weren't under a tight schedule, Delaney would have teased not only Jo, but also her brother and tell them to get a room.

"Where's Ash?" Delaney questioned before Jo could even respond to her brother.

"In his room in the back," Jo responded, pointing over her shoulder with her thumb.

Delaney grinned and tugged Sam after her so they could go ask Ash to do what they needed. Might as well let Dean play while they worked on the hunt. He deserved a little bit of fun.

"Dr. Badass is In?" Sam chuckled, stopping outside of Ash's door with Delaney. On the front of Ash's door was a wooden sign that read DR. BADASS IS and underneath was a flippable sign that currently had the IN side facing out.

Delaney shrugged and knocked on the door. She waited a minute before knocking again when there was no response, this time yelling his name out loud since she figured he probably didn't hear her knocking over his TV.

Sam pushed Delaney out of the way knocked on the door. "Dr. Badass?"

The door was opened and Sam gave Delaney a smirk, grimacing when Ash opened the door in only his boxers. He covered his sister's eyes and smiled awkwardly at Ash. "Hey, buddy, we need your help."

"Well, I guess I need my pants," Ash grinned at Sam and shut the door so he could put clothes on.

Delaney removed Sam's hand from her eyes and shook her head. "He was one strange dude."

"You can say that again."


Delaney sat in the backseat with Sam so they both could look over all of the information Ash had printed out for them. They were heading out to Oklahoma where they had a bus system called BLUE RIDGE. There was a boy the same age as Delaney who lived there and his mother died the same exact way that Mary had.

Dean sat in the front seat as he sang REO Speedwagon's Can't Fight This Feeling even though the radio was off and there was no music playing in the car. He had always been a good singer and would actually sing Delaney lullabies when she was really little. Mainly when she woke up from a nightmare and had crawled into his bed in the motel rooms since her and Sam shared more often than not since they were both small.ย 

Delaney used to tease Dean all the time and tell him he should have been in a band as the lead singer. Of course, this was before she knew what the family business was and that he could never be that. It was still an innocent thought back then and sometimes Dean would put on a concert for her when there was nothing to do in the motel rooms or Bobby's house where they would stay for longer periods when Delaney was going to school.

The fact that Dean was singing that particular song peaked Delaney's interest since it was the exact same song that was playing just a few minutes prior in the bar. Jo had turned it on as she wiped down the bar and talked - more like flirted if Delaney was being honest - with Dean.ย 

"Seriously?" Sam questioned, glancing up from the file in his lap. It wasn't that Sam was annoyed by Dean singing because not only was he used to it by now, but he thought his brother was pretty good. It was just funny to him that he was singing the song that Jo had chosen back at the Roadhouse.

"I don't know, dude," Dean defended quickly, shaking his head. "It's stuck in my head for some reason."

Delaney snorted and gave Dean a look through the rearview mirror. "Some reason? Not because of Jo, maybe?"

"Shut up. What do you got?" Dean huffed, not wanting to get into the mess that could be him and Jo.

Delaney smirked, but picked up the paper in her lap regardless to dictate the information to Dean. "Andrew Gallagher. Born in '87, like me. Lost his mother in a nursery fire exactly months later, also like me."

"You think the demon killed his mom?" Dean inquired.

"Sure looks like it," Sam replied, shifting through the multiple papers in the file that Ash had given to him and Delaney before they dragged Dean out of the Roadhouse and into the Impala.

Dean furrowed his eyebrows as he quietly thought for a moment about the information Delaney was feeding him. "Wait... how did you even know to look for this guy? You told Ash to look up all the babies that were born and then had their mother die six months later."

Delaney shrugged and leaned back in her seat. "It's just... every premonition I've had, if they're not about the demon, they're about the other kids the demon visited. Like Max, Miller. Remember him?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but Max Miller was a basic little psycho."

"Point is he was killing people, and I was having the same type of visions about him. Now it could be happening all over again with this Gallagher guy."

"How do we find him?"

Sam shook his head as he scanned the pages spread out on his lap and either side of him in the back. "Not sure. He has no current address, no current employment. Still owes money on all his bills - phone, credit, utilities."

"Collection agency flags?" Dean suggested.

"Not in the system," Delaney responded.

Dean froze and he glanced at his sister through the rearview mirror with a shocked expression. "There's no way they just let him walk, Della."

"Tell that to the information Ash gave us then, Dee," Delaney argued, waving the paper in her hand that she was looking over. "There is an address from his last W-2 about a year ago. We can start there."

Dean jokingly saluted his sister which earned him a glare. "Aye aye, captain!"


"You won't get anything out of Andy, guys. I'm sorry, but they never do," the waitress explained to the Winchesters the next morning as she poured them their coffees in the small town diner.

"They?" Delaney questioned, gesturing for the waitress to elaborate.

The waitress placed the coffee down on the counter by the table the siblings sat at and rearranged it so the counter looked more organized. "You're debt collectors, right?"

Delaney sheepishly smiled at the waitress, hoping she'd still give them information no matter what.

The waitress shrugged and walked back over to the table so she could talk quieter with the trio. "They always come in here looking, but they never come back."

"Actually, we're lawyers representing his great-aunt Lita," Dean corrected, folding his hands on the table in front of his coffee mug. "She passed - God rest her soul - but left Andy a sizable estate."

Sam nodded his head as he silently agreed with his brother, leaving Delaney to just follow along with her brothers quietly so she wouldn't blow their cover. "So, are you a friend of his?"

"I used to be, yeah," the waitress responded, seemingly upset by the fact the two weren't as close anymore. "I don't see much of Andy anymore."

"Andy?" A kid around Delaney's age with brown hair and blue eyes walked over and plopped down on one of the empty seats at the Winchester's table. "Andy kicks ass, man. The man can get you into anything. He even got me backstage at Aerosmith once. It was beautiful, bro."

The waitress placed a hand on her hip and gave the boy a pointed look. "How about busting a table or two, Webber?"

Delaney rolled her lips into her mouth as Webber immediately rushed off without another word after getting scolded by the girl in front of them. It was quite humorous to see the girl having all that power over him.

"Look, if you want to find him, try Orchard Street," the waitress advised the three once Webber was gone. "Just look for a van with the barbarian queen painted on the side. She's riding a polar bear. It's kind of hard to miss."


"I'm sorry, but I am liking this kid already. That van is sweet," Dean complimented as he stared at Andrew's van. It was a dark blue van with a huge painting on the side of it just like the waitress had mentioned.ย 

Delaney gave Dean a deadpan look as she lounged in the front seat since Sam wanted to lay across the backseat while they waited for Andrew to pop up. "Not funny, Dean."

"Oh come on. Don't be such a sourpuss, kiddo," Dean groaned, playfully slapping the knee that Delaney had propped up on the seat. "What's wrong with you? You usually laugh at my dumb jokes."

"It's just... this is the second guy like this we've found, Dean. Demon came to them when they were kids. Now they're killing people."

"We don't know what Andrew Gallagher is. Could be innocent," Dean countered.

Delaney crossed her arms as she exhaled loudly out through her nose. "My visions haven't been wrong yet. I'm one of them, Dean, okay?"

"No, you're not," Dean stressed, hating how she compared herself to Max and Andrew. Max was a killer and even though they weren't totally sure Andrew was one as well, he still didn't want her comparing herself to them. She was still the same old Delaney he had known for the past twenty years. Just now they knew she had some sort of demon blood coursing through her veins.ย 

"The demon said he had plans for me and children like me," Delaney reminded not only Dean, but also Sam who she knew was listening to the whole conversation, but was just keeping quiet for the moment until he had a relevant thought to give to it. He usually listened to a conversation for the most part and only threw in his two cents when it was needed. "Maybe this is his plan. Maybe we're all a bunch of psychic freaks. Maybe we're all supposed to be - "

"Killers?" Dean cut across Delaney incredulously. "So the demon wants you out there killing with your minds? Oh give me a break. You're not a murderer, Della! You don't have it in your bones to be one."

Delaney chewed on her lip as she glanced up to look at her brother. She would never tell Sam or Dean, but this whole demon situation really freaked her out. If this really was the demon's plan and she had to turn into what Andrew and Max are, then she didn't want any part of it. Granted, she wanted no part of it now. If she was forced to kill her brothers or anyone, it wouldn't sit well with her. Unless it was a demon or something of the supernatural then there was no way in Hell that Delaney could kill. Dean was right, but a small part of her was worried at one point she wouldn't be able to make that choice.

Sam popped up and rubbed Delaney's arm soothingly. "Dean's right, Della. No way you're like Max or Andrew. You would have went off the deep end a long time ago. You may kill things now, but they ask for it by being evil. You're not evil or a murderer, Delly. So don't worry about a thing."

Delaney nodded and glanced out the window, sitting up when she saw a man that matched the picture of Andrew Gallagher exiting a house. He had the same brown hair and boyish face as in the photo and he wore a green silk robe with some sort of emblem on the left side that Delaney couldn't make out with sweats and a t-shirt. A gorgeous blonde dressed in a silk night robe covering her bra and underwear waved at Andrew with a flirty smile on her face.

"Found him."

All three Winchesters looked out the side window as Andrew made his way along the street with a merry smile on his face. He passed a man in a trucker hat and somehow got the man to give him his coffee by just askingย for it. The man didn't even bat an eyelash and carried on his way along the sidewalk as Andrew happily sipped from his coffee.

"Oh my God," Delaney whispered as Andrew greeted the man from her vision. "The older man. He's the shooter from my vision!"

"Della, you keep up with him and Sammy and I will go with Andy, okay?" Dean stated, handing Delaney her gun from that was placed in the glove box. "Be careful."

"Don't do anything stupid," Delaney warned Dean before she was pushing her way out of the car and after the doctor that had just said his goodbyes to Andrew.

Delaney kept her distance from the doctor so he wouldn't notice her following him. The two had walked a few blocks before his phone began to ran right in front of the same clock Delaney saw in her vision. A BLUE RIDGE bus passed by and Delaney kicked into gear as she jogged across the street, ducking into the shop that the doc was supposed to walk into. She nonchalantly glanced around the shop and froze when she noticed a fire alarm above her head next to the front door.ย 

Making sure no one was looking, Delaney turned and pulled on the little string connected to the wall. An alarm immediately rang across the whole store and Delaney expertly slipped out of the shop before anyone could realize what she had done. She stepped outside just as the doctor was about to make his way up the steps to the store, but he stopped when he heard the alarm and continued on his way as if he had never been hypnotized to do anything.

Delaney let out a breath of relief and went to look for her brothers when she noticed the Impala pass by her, but Dean wasn't in the driver's seat ย - Andy was. She stared wide eyed as he drove past her, talking to someone on his cellphone. Fumbling for her cellphone, she dialed Dean's number and pressed the device to her ear.


"Dean, why does Andy have the Impala?" Delaney snapped, treating Dean as if he were a little kid who lost his toy.

"He just sort of asked me for it, and I let him take it."

"You what?"

"He full-on Obi-Wan'd me, Della. It's mind control."

Delaney groaned and ran a hand through her hair. She couldn't believe Andrew had completely warped her brother's mind to let him just hand over the Impala like that. Turning to figure out where her brothers were so they could start figuring out how to get the Impala back, but her heart was crushed when the doctor was hit by the same bus from her vision.

Once again, she couldn't save an innocent man from her visions no matter how hard she had tried.


Delaney was sat cement block that surrounded a tree on the sidewalk that was a few feet from where the doctor's body had been placed. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her legs as she buried her face into her knees. She had been trying to keep her breathing steady the whole time the paramedics took to arrive and then carefully move his body to the sidewalk so traffic could continue.ย 

No much how she saw death, seeing one that she knew would happen and tried to keep from happening would always hit her the hardest. Her anxiety continued to try and claw it's way out, but she continued to fight against it. Her heart felt like it was being squeezed in an iron fist and her throat felt like it was growing smaller by the second. She jumped when a hand landed on her back and she turned to see Dean squatted behind her with a look concern when he noticed how pale she was and how her chest seemed to heave slightly as if she were trying to catch her breath.


Delaney's lower lip trembled as she tore her watering eyes from Dean and glanced back towards the doctor, a white sheet now placed over his body. "I kept him out of the gun store. I thought he was okay. I thought he was past it. I should have stayed with him."

Sam instantly brought Delaney into his chest when she whimpered and the tears pooled down her face in an unstopping waterfall. He rubbed her back soothingly and kissed the top of her head, his heart breaking as she wheezed air in and out. "Delly, breathe, baby, come on. There was nothing you could."

"I-I failed, Sammy," Delaney whimpered, gripping onto her brother's jacket as he cradled her closer to him. "Again."

Dean looked around them, trying to cancel out his sister's sobbing as each wheeze and whimper only tore his heart open more. He motioned for Sam to lift Delaney up and he lead him away from the crime scene and back toward the diner they had been earlier, just to see the Impala around the corner from it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby," Dean gushed, running his hand along the side of the Impala as Sam sat Delaney on the hood. "I'll never let you out of my sight again."

Sam gently wiped his sister's eyes and handed her the water bottle that sat on the floor of the Impala so she could drink some water to help calm down a bit. "At least he left the keys in the car," he noted, motioning to the keys that sat in the ignition.

Delaney sniffled and wiped under her nose, screwing the cap back on her bottle. "Yeah, he's a real fucking samaritan, Dean."

Dean gave Delaney a look for the foul word, but ignored it and leant against the side of the car. "Well, it seems like he can't just wiggle his nose to get someone to do something. He has to use verbal commands."

"The doctor was on the phone just before he stepped in front of that bus," Delaney informed her brothers. "Andy must have called him or something.

"I don't know. Maybe," Dean mumbled, ideas visibly flashing his mind.

"Come again?" Delaney challenged.

"I just don't know if he's our guy, Della."

Sam raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms as if calling Dean bluff. "Dean, you had O.J. convicted before he got out of his white Bronco, and you have doubts about this?"

"He doesn't seem like the stone-cold killer type," Dean defended. "Plus, O.J. was guilty."

"Either way, how are we going to track Andrew down?" Delaney questioned. They may have found the car, but they didn't know if he had just ditched the car or not. Andrew could be anywhere in this town making anyone do something.

Dean grinned wickedly at his siblings. "Not a problem."


The siblings had found Andrew's van on the side of some road. The inside was something that Delaney never wanted to see again. It had a painting of a tiger on the left, pillows and blankets covered the entire floor of the back with bongs and books scattered across the top of it. It looked some sort of bachelor pad and Delaney wanted to take a lighter and torch the whole thing.

The three now sat in the Impala across from the van so they could wait for Andrew to come back to his van. Delaney was sat in the back as she looked through a file on Doctor Jennings she had expertly snatched from the hospital he worked at before they went on the hunt for Andrew's van.ย 

"I just don't get why Andrew targeted this doctor. His record is squeaky clean. So why would he have motive to go after this doctor?"

"If it is Andy."

Delaney tossed the file next to her in the back and poked her head into the front seat. "Can you not, Dean? Why are you bending over backwards to defend Andy? Doctor Jennings was mind controlled to walk in front of a bus and Andy has the mind control power. I don't see where you think that Andrew could be innocent."

"Cause you're not right about this, Delaney."

"About Andy?"

Before Dean could open his mouth to respond, a hand slammed onto the windowsill on Sam's side and three jumped, turning to see Andrew stood on the passenger side of the Impala. "You think I haven't seen you three? Why are you following me?"

"We're lawyers," Delaney expertly lied, giving Andrew a fake smile. "A relative of yours has - "

"Tell the truth!" Andrew cut Delaney off.

"That's what I - "

"We hunt demons," Dean cut across Delaney who stared at him wide eyed. "Demons and spirits. Things your worst nightmares wouldn't even touch. Sam's my brother and Delaney is our sister."

Delaney slapped Dean on the back of the head and glared at him. "Dean, shut up."

"She's psychic, like you," Sam continued for Dean and Delaney turned her attention to him, slapping him upside the head. However, that didn't stop his mouth from running like Dean's had. "Well, not really like you, but she thinks you're a murderer and she's afraid she's gonna become one herself because you're all part of something terrible."

"Yeah and we both hope to Hell that she's wrong, but I'm personally starting to think she might be right and I'm losing my mind over the whole thing."

Delaney blinked as she looked back to Dean, a shocked expression on her face. She knew her brothers were worried, but to hear Dean verbally say it - especially when he had been fighting her this whole entire time that nothing was wrong with her - made it that more real. In all honesty, it broke her heart hearing the truth because the last thing Delaney wanted to do was be a burden to both of her brothers.

"You know what?" Andrew snapped, slamming his hands down on the windowsill again. "Just leave me alone."

"You got it, buddy!" Dean agreed.

Delaney rolled her eyes and got out of the car to run after Andrew who began to walk away from the Impala.

"What are you doing?" Andrew asked, baffled Delaney wasn't listening to him like Dean and Sam had. "Look, I-I said leave me alone. Get out of here. Just start driving and never stop!"

Delaney smirked as she continued to back Andrew back against the gated wall behind him. "Doesn't seem to work on me now does it, Andy?"

Andrew froze and held his hands up in front of him as if to keep Delaney back from him. "What?"

"You can tell people what to do, right? You can tell them what to think."

"What? That's crazy," Andrew chuckled nervously.

"All started a year ago, didn't it? After you turned twenty? You're about to be twenty-one just like I will be in a few days?" Delaney continued as if Andrew never said anything. "Little stuff at first, then you got better at controlling it."

Andrew's hands fell limp at his sides as he stared at Delaney incredulously. "How do you know all this?"

"Cause the same thing happened to me, Andy. My mom died in a fire, too. I have abilities, too. You see, we're connected, you and me."

Andrew's hands came to the sides of his head as she squeezed it, the weight of all the information clearly being too much for him. "Just - just get out of here!"

"Why did you tell the doctor to walk in front of a bus?"

Andrew blinked at Delaney. "Huh?"

Delaney went to get more information out of Andrew when the familiar pain struck in her head and she groaned, pressing her hands to her face. The pressure on her face never did anything to help, but it was still something.ย 

A vision of a blonde woman getting a call at a gas station as she filled up her car appeared. She listened to whoever spoke on the other end before hanging up, removing the cigarette lighter from the center console of her car. The woman removed the nozzle from the gas tank on her car and doused herself in the gasoline, tossing the nozzle to the side once she was soaked. The mechanic from the car shop tried to get her to stop, but the woman ignored him and placed the cigarette lighter to her black jacket sleeve and she immediately burned.ย 

Delaney gasped and stumbled back into Dean's arms, dragging them both to the ground when she couldn't hold herself up anymore. She breathed deeply as the pain took its time with going away, pressing her face into Dean's arm as he tried to get her to tell him what happened in the vision.

"I didn't do anything to her, I promise."

"A woman. A woman burning alive."

Dean made Delaney look at him, brushing the hair out of her face. "Della, what else you get?"

"The gas station. A woman is gonna kill herself," Delaney rasped as the two brothers glanced at each other.

"What does she mean going to?" Andrew questioned, kneeling next to Delaney. He actually looked concerned not only for the woman but also Delaney.

"When?" Sam prodded as he hooked his arms under Delaney's arms and lifted her up so she could stand straight again.

Delaney stumbled a little, but she righted herself and kept her eyes on Andrew. "I'm not sure, but as long as we keep our eyes on him, he can't hurt her."

"I didn't hurt anybody!"

"Not yet," Delaney bit back and Sam held her back from going at him.

As if on cue, a firetruck with its lights on and the siren blaring, sped past the group.ย 

"Go," Delaney ordered her brothers, pushing them towards the Impala. "I'll stay with Andrew."


"So you get these premonitions of people who are about to die?" Andrew asked, sounding like he actually felt bad for Delaney's situation. "That's impossible."

The two sat on two concrete blocks that were in the gated area the siblings had stopped Andrew in. Dean had called to let them know the woman died just minutes before he and Sam had gotten there and they were going to see if they could find anything else out before coming back to get her. Sadly, the vision came to her either just as it was happening or justย before the woman showed up at the gas station. She couldn't control when the premonitions came to her and that frustrated her because now another innocent civilian died.ย 

Delaney was a strong girl, even stronger ever since she started to ride around the country with her brothers, but knowing she couldn't save someone hurt.

"A lot of people would say the same thing about what you could do," Delaney countered.

"Death visions? Delaney, that sucks," Andrew said as if Delaney didn't already know that. "When I got my mind thing, it was like a gift. It was like I won the lotto."

Delaney laughed and tucked her legs underneath her trying to make herself more comfortable on the hard block. Her brothers needed to hurry up because her bum was really starting to become sore. "You still live in a van, Andy. I don't get it. You could have anything you ever wanted."

"Yeah, but I - I got everything I need."

"So you sure you're not a killer?" Delaney mused, earning a smile from Andrew.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you."

Delaney seemed to visibly relax at Andrew saying it out loud. "That means there's hope for us both."

The Impala pulled up, ending Delaney and Andrew's conversation as Dean and Sam both exited the car. "Victim's name was Holly Beckett. Forty-one. Single."

"Who is she?" Delaney asked Andrew.

Andrew furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "I don't know. I never heard of her."

"I called Ash on the way over," Sam spoke up, waving his phone as if to prove his point. "He came up with a little something. Apparently, Holly Beckett gave birth when she was eighteen years old. Back in 1987 - same day you were born, Andy."

"Andy, were you adopted?" Delaney questioned, feeling dread sink in because now this made the hunt more complicated.

"Well, yeah."

"You were?" Dean rhetorically questioned. "And you neglected to mention that?"

Andrew gave him the same look that Sam tends to when he's over Dean's crap. "It never really came up. I mean, I never knew my birth parents, and like you said, my adopted mom died when I was a baby. Do you think Holly could actually be - "

"I don't know," Dean cut across Andrew. "I tried to get a copy of the birth records, but they're sealed in the county office."

"Well, screw that."


Delaney sat around the table in the county office with Sam and Dean while Andrew escorted the elderly guard out of the room, telling him to go get a cup of coffee. He made a Star Wars reference as he lead the guy out and Delaney could see Dean's love for Andrew return now that they knew he wasn't their killer and he was a Star Wars fan.

"I got it," Delaney announced just as Andrew entered the room again. "Andy, Holly Beckett was your birth mother."

Andrew let out a shaky breath as he glanced over the file in Delaney's hand. "Does anyone have a Vicodin?"

"Dr. Jennings was her doctor, too. I mean, he oversaw the adoption. You have a solid connection to both of them."

"Yeah, but I didn't kill them. So who did?"

Delaney scanned the file more until she froze at an important piece of information. "I think I got a pretty good guess. Holly Beckett gave birth to twins."

Andy slumped back in his seat, placing his arms over his head as he stared ahead in shock. "I have... an evil twin."

"Holly gave you and your brother up for adoption. You went to the Gallagher family, obviously, and your brother went to the Weems family from upstate."

The printer from behind Delaney beeped as Dean had walked over to print something out. "Andy, how you doing? Still with us?"

Andy's arms dropped down to the table in front of him and sighed shakily. "Um... what's my brother's name?"

Delaney skimmed the file until she found the brother's name at the bottom. "Oh, um, Ansen Weems. He's got a local address."

"He lives here?"

"Let's get a look at him," Dean said as the printer continued to print out multiple sheets of paper. "I got his picture coming over from the DMV right now."ย 

Once it was printed, Dean walked over as he shifted through the multiple sheets and froze when he saw the ID picture from the DMV. Delaney and Sam both peered over his shoulder and they both seemed to immediately look over to Andrew. ย 

It was a picture of the kid Webber from the diner.


"Andy, I need to know everything you know about this Ansen guy," Delaney prodded from the backseat where she sat with Andrew.

Andrew had his arms leant on the back of the seat with his chin on his stacked hands. "Um, not much really. Webber shows up one day like eight months ago, acting like he's my best friend in the world. He's kind of weird, like trying too hard, you know?"

"He must've known you guys are twins," Dean commented. "Why did he change his name? Why not tell you the truth?"

Delaney whined as the pain of a vision pulsed through her head again, pressing her hands to the side of her head as she buried her face into her knees that were bent by her chest. She felt Andy's hand come to rest on her back as she heard Dean and Sam asking her what was going on.

The girl from the diner, wearing only satin lingerie, walked slowly to the side of a ravine. Crying, she climbed onto the ledge of the bridge and looked around at the dark water below her. She paused, looking back at someone as tears streamed down her cheeks, then she turned back and leaped from the ledge.ย 

"Dean, we have to get to the bridge. The girl from the diner is going to be forced to jump from it," Delaney whispered as the vision passed and the pain subsided in her head.

Without needing to be told twice, Dean sped the car towards the bridge, but stopped a bit away so Ansen wouldn't see the car. The four got out, with the Winchesters rounding the back of the car and popping open the trunk.

"Dean and Sam, I think you guys should stay back," Delaney suggested to her brothers. "Andy and I can't be controlled, but you guys can."

"No argument here. I had my head screwed with enough for one day," Dean agreed instantly.

Delaney takes the gun from Dean and nods for Andrew to follow after her towards the bridge.

"Be careful, Della!" Dean called after his sister who waved her hand to let him know she heard him.

Delaney and Andrew rushed onto the bridge and over to the car where Ansen and the girl Tracy sat. Andrew went on Tracy's side while Delaney stopped by the driver's side and smashed the window in with her gun. "Get out the car! Now!"

"You really don't want to do this," Ansen said, but it had no effect on Delaney.

Delaney gave him a fake smile as she reached out and punched him across the face, giving Andrew the opportunity to pull Tracy out of the car. She pulled open Ansen's car door and tugged him out, slamming him to the pavement with her gun pressed to his head. "Don't even think about moving, asshole."

Andrew rushed over and placed the piece of duct tape over Ansen's mouth so he couldn't control Tracy any longer before stepping back and kicking him in the stomach.

"Andy, no! I'll handle this, stop!"

While Delaney tried to get Andrew to stop attacking his brother, she was suddenly hit over the back of the neck by a branch and knocked out with a low groan.


A dull ache pounded on the back of Delaney's head as she came to a few minutes later. She could hear Andrew yelling at Ansen for how when he finds out he has a twin that he should take him out for a drink and not kill people.ย 

"I wanted to tell you for so long, bro, but he wouldn't let me."


"The man with the yellow eyes," Ansen explained.

Delaney's ears perked up at the mention of the Yellow Eyed Demon. He had apparently appeared in Ansen's dream to tell him he had plans for the twins and that's how he knew about Andrew in the first place. So the Yellow Eyed Demon was making pit stops to every one of his special children now? Now that they all realized the powers they held because of him? This whole situation just continued to get worse and worse.ย 

At the sound of a gun shot, Delaney shot up to see Ansen dropping to his knees and then laying flat on the pavement. Andrew stood behind him with the smoke still coming out of the barrel of Delaney's gun that she had dropped when Tracy hit her with the branch.

At least that nightmare was finally over.


The next morning, the cops and paramedics showed up to the crime scene and Andrew stepped off to talk to the cops. He promised the siblings he would get the cops to agree that they saw Ansen shoot himself while the paramedics checked over Tracy and another took a look at Delaney's shoulder as she slouched against the wall with her brothers by her side. Sam made a small joke that they both could be broken together since his hand was still wrapped from when Angela tackled him to the ground and he landed on it.

"He's getting better," Delaney mumbled to her brothers so the paramedic wouldn't hear her.

The paramedic told Delaney that her shoulder would be fine in a few days since it was only a bruise. Thankfully, Tracy hadn't hit her as hard as Delaney thought she had. As the paramedic walked away, Andrew began to make his way over with a small frown on his face as Tracy hadn't even looked his way as he passed by her.

"She won't even look at me."

"She's pretty shaken up," Sam agreed as he helped Delaney stand to her full height, making sure not to move her shoulder all that much since it was obviously still sore.

Andrew shook his head as he glanced over his shoulder at her again. "No, this is different. I never used my mind thing on her before until I had to get her to stop from climbing onto the ledge. She's scared of me now."

Delaney felt her heart break for Andrew because she knew how much he actually liked Tracy. Now Ansen had totally ruined whatever chance he might have had with her. "Andy, I hate to do this, but... we have to get out of here. I wrote down my number, though, so don't feel weird about calling if anything comes up."

Andrew took the paper from Delaney and looked at the three with nervous eyes. "Wha- what am I supposed to do now?"

"Be good or we'll be back," Dean teased and pat Andrew on the shoulder before he lead Sam and Delaney towards the Impala that was now parked on the bridge.

"So I was right."

"About what?" Sam questioned Delaney.

"Andy. He's a killer after all."

Dean gave Delaney a look that practically screamed he thought she was crazy. "No, the kid is a hero. He saved not only Tracy's life, but mine. I would have pulled the trigger on myself if it weren't for Andy shooting his brother."

"He still killed someone, Dean."

"Delly, he's still not a foaming at the mouth psycho. He was just... pushed into it," Sam added.

Delaney slapped her hands to her sides as she scoffed lightly. "Uh, yeah and so was Ansen, guys, in his own way. Max Miller was pushed. Hell, I was pushed by Will's death."

Dean stopped Delaney from walking and turned to face her. "What's your point?"

"Right circumstances, everyone's capable of murder. Everyone. You know, maybe that's what the demon's doing. Pushing us. Finding ways to break us," Delaney explained.

"Della, we don't know what the demon wants. Quit worrying about it," Dean scolded his sister, turning on his heel and continued his way towards the Impala with Sam.

Delaney jogged to keep up with her brothers and stopped them both from walking. She stood in front of them and had a look that said she wasn't taking either one of their lies lightly. "You know, I heard the both of you when Andy had you tell the truth. You're both just as scared as I am about all of this."

"That was mind control!" Dean argued, gesturing behind him to where Andrew still stayed around to make sure Tracy was okay. "It's like being roofied, Della. That doesn't count."

Delaney snorted as she raised her eyebrows at her brother. He couldn't be serious. "What?"

"I think a do-over is in order," Sam agreed with his brother.

"What? Are you guys seven?"

"Doesn't matter. Look, we've just gotta keep doing what we're doing, find that demon and kill it," Sam said.

Delaney sighed, knowing her brothers weren't going to knock down their walls any further. "Fine. Yeah, I guess."

Dean's phone going off ended the conversation. "Ellen? What? Yeah... we'll be right over."


"So, you want to tell me about this last hunt of yours?" Ellen asked the three siblings as they sat the bar. A beer was in front of Sam and Dean while Delaney had a water. She tried to get Ellen to give her a beer since she'd be twenty-one in just two days, but she wouldn't budge and neither would her brothers. Figures.

"Nope," Delaney immediately shot down, wanting to forget about it if she was honest. "Just kind of a family thing."

"Not anymore," Ellen countered and dropped a stack of papers on the bar in front of the siblings. "I got this stuff from Ash. Andrew Gallagher's house burnt down on his six month birthday, just like your house. You think it was the demon both times, don't you? You think it went after Gallagher's family?"

Delaney puffed out her cheeks as she stared down at the papers. "Yeah, we think so."

"Delaney," Dean warned.


"None of your business," Dean cut in and Delaney and Sam both glared at him to cut the attitude.

"You mind your tongue with me, boy. This isn't just your war, this is war. Now, something big and bad's coming and it's coming fast, and their side holds all the cards. Now, at best all we got is us. Together. No secrets or half-truths here," Ellen snapped at Dean.

Delaney glanced over at Dean and he reluctantly nodded for her to continue explaining everything to Ellen. "There are people out there, like Andy Gallagher, like me. And um ... we all have some kind of ability."

"Ability?" Ellen questioned incredulously.

"Yeah. Psychic ability. Me, I have, um, I have visions. Premonitions. I don't know... it's different for everybody. The demon said he had plans for people like us," Delaney informed with a slight grimace, hating to think about the whole thing since it freaked her out.

"What kind of plans?"

"We don't really know for sure."

Ellen leaned her hands on the bar as she slowly processed everything Delaney was telling her. "So, these people out there, these psychics - they dangerous?"

Dean shook his head and gestured towards Delaney. "Not all of them, of course. Andrew and Delaney so far are the good ones. We only knew of one other one named Max, but he shot himself after he shot his uncle and father and before he could shoot his step-mom."

"Okay, how many of them are we looking at?"

"We've been able to track a clear pattern so far. They've all had house fires on the night of the kid's six month birthday," Sam explained.

"That's not true.ย Ansen Weems? I looked at his files, and there was no house fire. There's nothing out of the ordinary."

Ellen's eyes shifted between the three siblings, all of them having the same calculating look about what Ansen's pattern could mean. "Which breaks pattern. So if there's any others like him, there'd be nothing in the system. No way to track 'em all down."

"So who knows how many of them are actually out there?"


Hi hey hello

So the TRUTH HAS BEEN REVEALED, PEEPS! Dean and Sam are quite literally freaking out silently over the fact that Delaney could be right about everything with the Yellow Eyed Demon. It's only gonna get worse as we all know. OUR GIRL DELANEY WILL ALSO FINALLY BE 21 IN THE NEXT EPISODE WOOO WOOO!ย 
