04 | Unwanted returns


"Todays mood; Tired as hell and not in the mood to deal with anyone's bullshit."


Willow's POV

"Stop calling!" I shout into the phone before i hang up and reach for the cord to unplug the phone.

Noel has been calling since 6am and it is now 11am. He has called at least 10 times throughout those few hours. He has woken me up, woken Skyla up, has ruined my whole morning and interrupted my brunch.

So disrespectful.

I know i said i missed him, i do, but i still want nothing to do with him. I have too much hate to even try and rebuild a relationship with him or any of the other brothers for that matter. Too much damage has been done and it's been too long. There was a lot of time that they could have reached out, came to visit or just send a text to check in, but they didn't. Not even one of them.

I have no desire to get to know them or to have them in my life. I don't want them near Skyla either. I don't want her to go through what Wes and i did, I don't want her to get hurt like that.

I don't mind if Wes would want to have a relationship with them, that's his buisness and he can do whatever he wants, as long ad he keeps Skyla and I out of it.

"Sissy?" Skyla says from the doorway of the livingroom catching my attention.

"Yes baby?" I ask making my way over to her and picking her up. I prop her on my hip and walk back to the kitchen where i was previously cooking for us.

"Who was on the phone?" She asks curiously.

"Nobody, don't worry about it." I smile at her.

She furrows her eyebrows. "Then why you yelling?"

I shrug one of my shoulders. "Cam was being an idiot, it's ok Sky."

She nods. "Now let's eat." I tell her.


Third persons POV

Willow sat in the living room staring intently at the house phone that was still unplugged. She was waiting for Wes to come home so he could talk to Noel, she was hoping he could convince Noel to stop calling.

So when the front door opened and her twin had walked in she didn't waste a second. "Wes, I need you to do something for me." She said standing from the couch and walking to the front door to her brother.

He raises a skeptical eyebrow at his twin. "Like what?"

"Noel has been calling non-stop and he won't listen to me when i tell him to stop calling here so i was hoping you coule try and tell him-"

"To stop calling?" Wes finishes.

She nods in response. "Please 'cause he's really getting on my nerves."

Wes smiles at his sister. "That's it?" He asks.


"Ok." He agrees. "But how about we leave the phone unplugged until tomorrow and spend the night with Sophia, Cam and Sahsa? I can talk to Noel tomorrow."

Willow nods with a smile. "Sounds like a plan."


Meanwhile Cam, Sophia and Sasha had just left Camerons apartment after an argument he had with his mother, which ended in him getting kicked out for the night once again.

"Now i understand why you practically live with the twins." Sasha comments with a scoff.

She was beyond mad at the way Cameron's mother had spoken to him, she was just about ready to start her own fight with the drug addict until Sophia pulled her out into the hallway to wait.

Cameron shrugs. "Their place is-"

"Who's that?" Sophia asks, cutting Cameron off as she gestures to the two men outside the twins old apartment. She had noticed them earlier and had just heard the two asking questions about Willow and Wes.

Sasha shrugs and looks to her friend confused. "Why?"

"Because i just heard them asking questions about the twins." She answers as they all stop walking.

"Cam, have you seen them around before?" Sasha asks.

He shakes his head. "No, I don't think so."

"Why are they asking questions about the twins?" Sophia asks.

"Do you think they're in trouble?" Cam asks.

"Maybe their mom got into something." Sophia suggests.

Sasha sighs. "Only one way to find out." She declares before walking towards the two, putting up a confident front to hide her fear and worry. Sophia and Cameron share a concerned look before quickly following behind Sasha.

"Hey! Who are you?" Sasha asks, getting straight to the point.

The older one furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Can we help you?" He asks.

Sasha nods. "We overheard you asking about Willow and Wes." She says.

"What do you want with them? Why do you want to know where they are?" Cameron adds.

The younger one raises an eyebrow at the questions being thrown at them before asking a question of his own. "Do you know where they are?"

Sasha shrugs. "Maybe."

"Who are you?" Cameron asks.

"My names Noel and this is Jayden, we're their-"

"Holy shit!" Cameron exclaims.

"You're their brothers!" Sophia says.

"We can't help you." Sasha tells them as she puts a hand on each of her friends backs and leads them away.

Cameron looks at her confused. "Why don't we just take them to the twins? We're going there anyways."

Sasha shakes her head. "No, that's the last thing we should do. The twins hate their brothers. I don't even think we should tell them that we seen their brothers here. It would ruin the whole night."

Sophia nods. "Yeah, she's right. We should just let them have their fun tonight and maybe tell them tomorrow."

"Alright." Cameron agrees.

Little did the three friends know the brothers had over heard their conversation and followed the them right to the twins apartment.


"No, give it back!" Sasha laughs as she tries to get her phone back from Willow who had decided to text Sasha's crush for her.

"I'm helping you! Olivia is hot and she's got several girls after her already-"

"You don't think i know that!" Sasha shouts. "Now give me back my fucking phone before you ruin any chance i have with her!"

Willow stops in her tracks and scoffs offended. "I will not ruin anything!"

"Yes you will. You suck at flirting!" Sasha argues as she takes her phone out of Willows hands and replaces it with a beer. "Now shut up and stay out of my love life."

Willow chuckles. "What love life?" She jokes.

"Bitch!" Sasha slaps her friends arm playfully before making her was over to Wes and Sophia. "Hey, I have a question for you." She says.

Sophia raises her eyebrow at her. "Yes?"

"How do you two make your relationship work?" Sasha asks the two.

Wes shrugs. "Why? Are you finally going to ask out Olivia?"

"Yeah, something like that." Sasha replies with a small shrug as she leans back on the couch and looks over to Willow who is braiding piecea of Camerons newly dyed pink hair.

"Do you think i can crash here again tonight?" Cameron asks looking up at Willow who narrows her eyes at him slightly.

"What kind of question is that? Of course." She says with a small laugh. "We've already told you that you can stay here whenever you want."

Cameron smiles up at her. "Thanks Wills."

She nods. "No problem. Now stop moving so i can finish your hair."

He rolls his eyes. "Fine."


By 9pm Skyla was asleep and the group of friends had started to drink and smoke. They had a rule to not do those things in front of Skyla, they didn't want to be like their mother.

Wes and Sophia were cuddling on the couch and watching a movie on the tv, Cameron was asleep on one of the chairs and Willow was sharing a chair with Sasha while they took a bunch of selfies on each others phone.

The night was going well and no one even remembered running into or talking to the brothers. They were just having fun without a care in the world.

Just as Willow was lighting a cigarette and placing it between her lips there was a knock on the door. She looked to Wes who just shrugged and motioned for her to answer it. She rolled her eyes but got up to answer the door anyways, not thinking much about who was on the other side. Still she picked up one of the guys hoodies that was laying on the ground to cover herself since she was only in a cropped tank top and sweatshorts, she felt uncomfortable opening the door in only her pajamas since she didn't know who she was opening the door to.

She opened the door just as she pulled the hoodie over her body and picked back up her cigarette. She didn't recognize who the two men were so she raised an eyebrow at them and crossed her arms. "Can i help you?" She asks.

Sasha looked up from her phone to see who was at the door and her eyes immedietly widdened. "Shit." She muttered as she picked up a pack of cigarettes and an empty water bottle, she threw an item each at Sophia and Cameron gaining their attention as she motioned to the door. They looked over amd their expressions matched Sasha's.

"Willow?" The younger man questioned with a small smile on his face which only confused her more.

She immedietly put her guard up and looked over to her twin who was looking at her equally as confused but also concerned. "Wes." She says motioning to the door and moving away slightly as he immedietly made his way over.

"Who are you?" He questioned.

"Wes." Sophia said also standing up. "That-"

"It hasn't been that long has it baby brother?" Jayden smirks.

Willow catches on and clenches her jaw. "Jayden."

"Correct baby sister."

"Fuck off." She says feeling the hatred course through her veins.

"Why are you here?" Wes questions leaning against the front door.

Willow crosses her arms over her chest defensively. Sasha stands from her seat and walks over, placing a hand on her bestfriends shoulder for support. "Hey, it's alright." She whispers.

"Like i told Willow, I wanted to set up a visit-" Noel starts.

"And i told you we weren't interested!" Willow shouts.

"Exactly and so did i. What the fuck are you really doing here?" Wes asks calmly.

"Could we maybe come in and talk?"

"No way. How did you even know where we lived?" Willow asks.

Jayden swallows nervously. "We, uh, followed them." He says gesturing to the three friends who were watching the scene in front of them intently.

"Stalker much?!" Sasha shouts.

"Yeah that's just plain creepy." Cameron says with Sophia nodding in agreement.

"Wait you guys knew they were here?" Wes asks looking to his friend before setting his eyes on Sophia who was refusing to meet his gaze. "Soph?"

She sighs before looking up. "I'm sorry! We just didn't want to ruin your night, we were going to tell you guys tomorrow!"

Willow shakes her head and bites her lip. "Doesn't matter, we'll talk about that later. I just want them out of here."

Wes nods turning back to his older brothers. "Leave."


"Just go, please."

"Wheres mom?" Jayden asks.

Willow shrugs. "Out, not that it's any of your buisness."

"Well when is she going to be back?"

"Oh my god, just get the fuck out!" She shouts. "We don't want you here!"

Jayden shakes his head. "It's not just up to you."

"Yes it is, we live here, you don't." Wes says before he tries to close the door but Jayden is quick to react and catches it with his hand, making it open again.

"Can we talk? Please?" Noel tries again.

Before anyone can reply a new voice catches the older brothers attention. "Sissy?" Skyla says.

Willow quickly turns around feeling her heart beat increase as the anxiety begins to attack her. "Hey Sky, what's wrong?" She asks kneeling down beside her baby sister. "You ok?"

Skyla nods, her eyes cautiously locking on the two new faces at the door who look as though they've seen a ghost. "Who are they?" Skyla questions.

Willow glances back at Wes before looking at Noel and Jaydens expressions which show pure shock. "Nobody important." She says. "Why aren't you in bed?"

"I heard you yelling."

"Oh, sorry baby. Come on, I'll take you back to bed." Willow says picking her little sister up and rushing her back to her bedroom.

"You guys should go." Sasha says to the older DeLaCruz brothers as she makes her way over to beside Wes.

"No, who- who was that?" Jayden asks stumbling over his words.

"Don't worry about it. Goodbye and please don't come back." Wes says before slamming the door in his brothers faces and locking it.

Willow comes back into the living room and sighs. "What are we going to do?" She asks looking to her twin for an answer.

He sighs. "I don't know."

Word Count; 2196

Completed; 21/10/05
