how long?

eurgh literally nobody except trin saw my last chapter and that's actually really frustrating lmao. oh well i mean it's not that important so i guess it's fitting that nobody saw it. am i just turning into a huge ball of salty self pity right now? i think i am.

but i mean, really, is anything i say important? does it really matter that i tried to talk to someone for a week, gave them my number, didn't get messaged? does it even make a difference that people changed my mind and now i'm not going to make any sort of effort with them? no, it really doesn't matter, because one day i'm going to forget that any of this ever happened, and i'm going to forget about everyone here probably. and i don't wanna forget and i don't wanna change because people tell me to but i always forget and i always change and that's something i hate about myself. i also hate how i always love unreachable people. it's a problem. i should probably try to get a handle on it but i can't oh man.

what have i become?

