101 | Manhattan

101 | Manhattan

Three months. It has been three months since Amelia De Martel disappeared. James and his friends have been searching all over for her yet she still wasn't found. It made James worry. He kept thinking about how Amelia was dead and rotting somewhere.

"Do you want some?" Remus offered a glass of butterbeer.

James shook his head. "I'm not in the mood to drink."

Sirius sighed deeply. "Prongs, we'll find her, okay? She's out there. Alive and well."

"And what if she's not?" James asked. "What's if she's not alright? What if she's dead."

"She's not dead, James." Remus said. "If she was, her body would've been found by now."

Sirius frowned. "Not helping."

"Shouldn't both of you be with your family?" James asked. "Both of you can leave. I'll be fine here."

"We aren't leaving, James." Remus said, nudging his shoulders. "We're brothers."

Mia was laying on her back with a book in her hand. She was alone once again. She huffed, closing the book. She hasn't left the apartment in three months because the deatheaters and her friends have been looking all over for her. She didn't want to go back until she destroys the horcrux.

Regulus and Mia still had no idea what the horcrux was going to be. Regulus was still trying to figure it out by the help of their house elve, Kreacher.

Mia stood from her bed and headed to the kitchen. It was already six in the evening when she decided to cook a meal for herself. She frowned seeing as there were no food left.

"I'll just wait for Regulus to return." she whispered to herself.

After an hour later, her stomach growled. She was hungry. She was mentally debating whether to go out and buy some food or just stay there and wait for Regulus to return.

She grabbed her coat, slipping her wand and wallet inside. She took a deep breath before walking out of her apartment. The streets of Manhattan were crawling with people. She had a smile on her face as she walked into a grocery store.

She bought a lot of food good for about four days. Something felt off as she exited the store. Mia felt like she was being watched. She quicken her face as she looked down.

Not watching her way, she accidentally bumped into someone's chest. The man held both of her arm, giving her a disappointed look. Before Mia could react, they disapperated.
