𝟚𝟚. ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕝- 𝕐𝕒𝕖𝕝 ℕ𝕒ï𝕞

...Why are they so absolutely disgusting? Why can't they taste like, I don't know, strawberries or vanilla?

You contemplated as you walked into your classroom with head tilted down to the tips of your shoes. The bitter aftertaste of your now regularly taken medication sprawled all over your tongue. Rinsing your mouth with water on your way to school didn't really do much, it was just too strong. As long as they help...

You sat down to your place, silently observing the wave of students flowing through the door. Managing to spot a few sparks of bright orange every now and then.

"Hi there, Y/n!! How was your weekend??"

"Hey Hinata, pretty good, how was yours?" You smiled gently at your classmate, feeling somehow warmer towards the world this morning. You kind of believed it was because happy pills began to work. But maybe it was just a placebo effect, who knows.

"Exhausting!!" He exclaimed with an emphasis on the ex. "We'll have another match really soon, so I have to practice a lot!"

"You always practice a lot."

His cheeky smile widened. "Well, now I have to practice even more than that!! I still need to work on my-" He began blurting out a swarm of volleyball terms you wished you understood but sadly didn't. His hands waved around almost as if they helped him explain all better.

"That does sound tiring."

"And what did you do??" Pair of eyes shimmering in interest never left your being as their owner placed his belongings down, taking a seat nearby.

It was so far the most spontaneous and comforting conversation you've ever had with the boy. He was always excited to see you, which you could not really comprehend, but you never actually attempted closing the cold distance between the two of you, bearing the name 'classmates'. Reaching the level of friendship seemed impossible until now. Not with just the tangerine boy, but with everyone. What changed... You wondered.

I'm a new soul, I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take

Only recently you again began to appreciate every kind smile sent your way. Now, you lifted your head up from the ground when you walked. You'd let the sun trace your features and you'd try to analyze what colors hid in the pairs of eyes you passed by. Earth seemed to keep gaining the colors it had lost long ago.

Your train of thoughts abruptly stopped with the arrival of your teacher. She held bunch of papers in her hands. You spotted a few messy calculations and sketches of your classmates on those. Her swift movement swirled the air in the rooms, sending a light breeze your way. The tapping of her shoes was quick and certain.

"I apologize for keeping you waiting for this long. I have finally corrected your tests."
Shit... I completely forgot we took those.

This time it took the woman longer to grade them, so it naturally slipped out of your mind. She was usually very quick. She led a quick life in general, moving through hallways like a fired bullet. Yet, she kept saying how late she always was to everything. She once spoke about how she started school late, finished it even later, got married late, had children late. It was strange. She lived in a pace so fast you only saw her blurred figure roam around. Yeah, sure, she made math classes a living hell but as a person she was beyond interesting.

But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear

You gulped as she began to hand out the papers, not really wanting to take a look at the grade that sat satisfied in the top right corner of your test sheet. Until words of praise brushed against your ears.

"Well done Y/n."

Taken aback you lowered your gaze from her approving smile. Your eyes took in the letter trapped in a red circle next to the amount of points you scored.

Well... you passed.
Hell, you scored yourself a beautiful A.

Finding myself making every possible mistake


heyyyy gorgeousssss

Sup shortie

ill pretend i didn't see that
wanna come over to the practice today??? 👀👀

I can't today 😔

why nottt 😭😭😭

Working hard so
I can please you 😩


No, I seriously need to study

okay so wanna come kiss me good luck before the practice and then go home to study??


Your body swayed from side to side as you made your way through crowded hallways. You passed the students that rushed to another class, to lunch, or perhaps home if they were lucky enough.

As you approached the gym you spotted Nishinoya waiting patiently for you. He had already changed into his sportswear and was now seated on the steps in front of the entrance. He held the tips of his shoes and tapped them against each other rhythmically. His eyes were tracing his surroundings, admiring the warm colors sun painted everything in. Sounds of ball hitting the ground and the soles of many pairs of shoes squeaking on the court were leaking out into the air from behind his figure.

This is a happy end, come and give me your hand

The libero heard your footsteps, his face turned to you and lit up immediately. Your heart skipped a beat. And you suddenly felt so... warm. As if the sun itself melted your insides as soon as Nishinoya's lips curled up into a smile. That smiled belonged only to you. You finally felt like it was okay to be a little selfish and keep it for yourself.

I'll take you far away

"Y/n!! Hi!!!!" He jumped up from his seat energetically, pulling you into a hug. His hands snaked their way around your waist and held you tightly, as if the two of you haven't seen each other for decades. You felt his rapid heartbeat on your chest. And wondered whether he could feel yours as well.

It was not necessarily how friends hug each other... Your body fit perfectly with his. The closeness felt like something... forbidden. Poisonously addicting. But then again, don't all the beautiful things feel like that?

I'm a new soul, I came to this strange world
Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take

"How were your classes today?" You asked, pulling away just a bit so your nose wouldn't brush over his as you spoke. Because no matter how much he grew onto you, you would never be able to come to terms with your feelings. Fear of getting hurt was simply too strong and it refused to let go. Pulled you back with too much force.

Noya's grip loosened but rough hands remained glued to your sides. "Boring as always. I guess I wasn't made for school!!" He exclaimed dramatically and threw his head back as he did so.

"Yeah, I figured."

"HUH?!!?! Excuse you, I am very smart just... not good at paying attention.."

You laughed and ruffled his hair. "Of course, whatever you say." After that you freed yourself from his embrace and sat on the steps, signaling Noya to come sit next to you.

"How was your day?" He asked with genuine interest sparkling in his eyes.

But since I came here, felt the joy and the fear

"Better than usual. I got an A from math test."

"WhAT?!! Oh my god Y/n!!! THAT'S SO COOL. How did you even do that?!?!!"

"To be honest... I have no idea. I can't even remember anything from the test apart from Hips Don't Lie playing in my mind the whole time."

"Do not underestimate the power of Shakira. It's wonderful though!! We should like totally celebrate it!! What do you say, want to go out during the weekend?"

Without thinking much about it, you nodded. How easy it became to accept the boy's offer now. The comfort he carried around with him was so soothing. You knew you' d be fine as long as he's around. "Sure, sounds good! Also, little birdie told me Karasuno is up for another match soon."

"Oh yeah!! It will be this Friday. You're always free to come!"

"Yeaah, let's not risk that yet... But I'll be cheering you on despite not being there."


Not wanting to hold Noya for too long you felt like it was time for you to depart. You slowly stood up and fixed your skirt.

"When we meet we can celebrate you victory as well"

Pair of brown eyes filled with so much devotion and life were glued to your slowly rising being. Red stains splattered all over his face as he looked at you in almost desperate manner.

Finding myself making every possible mistake

"...Sooo, no kiss for luck?"

"Hmm, no. No kisses before marriage."

