Five: You're Unbelievable!


Ayase Miyoko's POV:

It's been a while since Mikorin started to ignore me. He stopped coming to my house. He stopped talking to me in that ridiculous way of making someone be the carrier pigeon. This pigeon was Yuu-chan.

I'm still mad at my cowardly friend. He didn't even tell his mum that he was staying the night at Nozaki-kun's place after he ditched the train. I was worried sick. Nozaki-kun called Mikorin's mum and asked her to also inform me that he was safe. It was a relief but at the same time he shouldn't have to use carrier pigeons.

I miss him though. I can't believe he's been ignoring me for two weeks. Instead of hanging out with Mikorin, I've used all my free time up hanging out with Yuu-chan and Chiyo-san. They've caught on. They know I'm upset by Mikorin being such an idiot. Instead of wasting my time moping, they've begged me to go to the festival tonight.

And that's why I'm here, all sweaty and lonely. Yuu-chan was swarmed by girls from school and had to be saved by Hori-senpai. Chiyo-san vanished during the evening and I just feel stupid, wandering around alone in a yukata. Barely anybody's wearing them! It wasn't so bad when I was walking about with Chiyo-san, at least she was wearing one too!

To make matters worse, I just watched the fireworks. All alone. I bet that everybody else is having fun with their dates. Nozaki-kun found Chiyo-san, Seo-san met up with Waka...whoever that is, and Yuu-chan was "saved" by Hori-senpai.

"Miyo-chan! Miyo-chan!" I feel my body stiffen at his voice. "Ahh there you are, Miyo-chan!"

"So you're not ignoring me any more?" I query with a snappy tone, not looking at him.

"I've been looking all over for you! I have gifts for you!" He's clearly tired.

I produce a water bottle from my shoulder bag and toss it over my shoulder at Mikorin. He's drinking. I glance over my shoulder at him, eyes lighting up. He's in a yukata too! Oh thank you GOD for Mikorin's stupidity.

"Hey!" Yuu-chan waves. "You found Miyo-chan!"

"You knew he was looking for me?" I query.

"Yeahh..." she rubs the back of her neck.

"What do you want, Mikoto!" I demand.

"Ouch, the real name card. Harsh, Miyo-chan." Mikorin pouts.

"Get over it." I fold my arms.

"Uhh, nice...yukata?" his attempts of flattery suck.

"Go away." I look away from him.

"Man you're pathetic." Yuu-chan sighs. "Just hear him out."

"No!" I refuse.

"What do you want to hear, Miyo-chan?"

"Well first tell me you were wrong and you started the stupid fight." I demand.

"WHAT! What did I do wrong!"

"You're the guy, of course you were wrong." Yuu-chan nods.

"Stingyyy." Mikorin sulks.


"I still don't believe you."

"You're unbelievable." I tsk.

"And you're adorable when you're being unreasonable."

"Unreasonable am I?" I put my hands on my hips.

"He's just not saying it right!" Yuu-chan exclaims. "Sometimes you just have to PUSH him in the right direction." Yuu-chan teases, giving him a shove

"OOF!" he whines, falling straight into me.

"Ouch!YUU-CHAN!" I hiss.

"Teehee! Oops." Yuu-chan NEVER 'teehee's unless she's up to something.

"Uhh..." Mikorin rubs the back of his neck.

"You're unbelievable." I shake my head. "Yuu-chan, shoving Mikoto isn't going to make things better."

"Miyo-chan, please listen to me!" the redhead pouts.

"What do you want to tell me?" I demand.

"I've never been good with words, well at least not the sweet kind." Mikorin states.

"Sweet words, are you trying to smooth this over! Your words really stung. You never acted like that before!" I snap.

"Why can't we go back?"

"Back?" I query.

"Let's go back to the way we were. Those two dorks. The ones who would tease each other and always be together."

"So the people we were a year ago?" I ask.

Why does his request sound so appealing? If we go back to that place everybody will think we're dating. Would dating him really be that terrible? Dad always said that the way I treated Mikorin, even when we were little, would make him fall head over heels for me. Back then I never got what he meant by head over heels. He is my best friend.

"Go back to those two? Those two who would jump around like hyperactive fools? We're in second year, Mikorin, we're not kids." Why am I being so mean to him?

"Please... Miyo-chan, I shouldn't have questioned you! Please forgive me!" he looks really heartbroken. He holds his hand out to me. I smile and swat it. He swats my hand back, we do one potato two potato and then tick tack toe.

Yuu-chan rolls her eyes.

"That didn't take much thought."

"It's our secret handshake." Mikorin declares. "Now shouldn't you be getting back to senpai?"

"Hori-senpai will be giving you some choice words, weirdo. Oh man, I'm running late! See ya! Bye Mikorin! Bye Miyo-chan!"

"Bye Yuu-chan!" I wave.
