Shot 41

Swara's pov

I paced inside our walk-in closet worriedly while looking at the washroom door continuously. Sanskar has gone inside before half an hour after breaking the hug, without saying anything. I thought he just want to fresh up for the night but he would not take this much time normally. I am worried that he may be in pain thinking about everything and hurt himself, already he has head injury. He should not be stressed in this state.

I bit my lips nervously and went to the door. I knocked on the door.

"Sanskar! Sanskar!"

No answer.

"Sanskar, what are you still doing inside?"


Oh God! Please, nothing should have happened to him.

"Sanskar, open the door now."

I now shouted banging the door. I called him for another minute.

After that, I heard sound from the other side. I waited for him to open the door. When he opened the door little - just enough to see his face - I got shocked seeing water dripping from his hair to his face.

"Jaan, I want to be alone for sometime.", He said in his low tone and about to close the door.

I instantly held the door and opened it with a force. He looked at me with blank gaze.

"Are you mad, Sanskar? Doctor has told not to wet your bandage. But seeing you, I think you were standing under the shower. How could you be so careless?", I shouted at him angrily, seeing him dripping from head to toe.

"I won't die because of this, Jaan. Just leave me alone for sometime."

His words made me more angry. I felt my pulse increasing quickly.

"Just shut up before I slap you Sanskar."

I spat out angrily. I grabbed his elbow in a tight grip and pulled him out.


"Just shut your mouth.", I again shouted. He then kept silent. Good or else I would really have slapped him without thinking. My heart is weighing with worry and pain seeing him hurting himself.

I am really a stupid to let him go when he was sad. I should have checked him soon.

I made him sit on the stool in the closet. I rushed to the cupboard to get towel. I don't know what should I do, I'm just gonna do what I know.

I moved back to him after taking towel and also first aid box. He is sitting simply without any care in the world. I controlled my raising anger. I could understand that he is hurting inside but that doesn't mean he should hurt him physically.

First I took a scissor after placing everything on the table behind him. I cut the bandage which was surrounded his forehead. I prayed that the injury should not be infected while my eyes teared up unknowingly. I unwrapped the wet bandage and threw it down.

I put my palm on his forehead and pushed back his hair strands, holding them on his head to take better look on the injury. He was looking at me but I didn't, I held his chin and turned his face little. I winced seeing the stitch on his side forehead. 

I controlled my tears and took some cotton to clean the water drops. After drying his injury, I took the towel and dried his hair. I used hair dryer so that both his hair and injury can dry even more easily. I could feel his constant gaze on me all the while.

I looked down to him, "Remove your shirt"

I told him in clipped tone. I made my way to his cupboard and took a dress for him to change. I then turned to go back to him. My steps halted a bit seeing him standing shirtless.

His muscles and perfect abs are in full view making me want to stare.

Shona, this is not the time to ogle your hot hubby.

I told myself and shook my head to get rid of my dirty thoughts and walked to him slowly. I gulped little seeing him taking his hand up to push back his hair strands. Suddenly I felt like my throat went dry seeing his action.

Stupid, stupid Shona! Focus!

Focus on Him!!!

My both minds encouraged me.

I can't blame it when it comes to him. How would I even distract myself when he is standing infront of me half-naked with his perfect built torso which is adorned with small water droplets. Oh, Lord! I felt breathless.

I took my time to reach him while secretly admiring my husband. Shameless Shona!

I scolded myself and reached to him. I should thank God as his gaze was not on me. He is busy in taking off his belt from his pants. But inside, I knew he could feel my gaze.

He glanced up at me after removing his belt, I made my gaze angry and took his belt from him. He frowned slightly while I placed the dress on his hands.

Without telling anything, I left the closet. After closing it's door, I took a deep breath to calm my senses. I quickly strided to the bedside table where I have kept my phone. I took it and dialled the doctor's number.

I explained worriedly about what he has done. Thankfully, Doctor said it would not be a problem if the stitch hadn't came out. And when I had checked his stitch, it was fine only. He just adviced me to apply the ointment given by him and tie a new bandage roll around his forehead. I thanked him and cut the call.

I turned around to see Sanskar has already came out changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants given to him and staring at me. I huffed and strolled to the closet where I kept the first aid box.

I came out with the box and grabbed his hand. He walked with me without protest. Good boy!

I took him to the balcony and sat him on the couch present there while I stood infront of him.

I placed the box beside him and took out the ointment in my right hand. Like before, I held back his hair strands with my left hand. I put a little bit cream on his stitch and placed it back on the box. I then using my forefinger spread the cream and applied it gently. He didn't even hiss, I moved my gaze and saw him looking at me.

I averted my gaze, "Hold your hair."

I told and took the bandage roll while he held his hair using his right hand. I perfectly tied the bandage roll around his forehead. I couldn't help but bent forward to place a soft kiss on his forehead.

I retreated and saw him looking at me with his melting gaze. I went inside to keep the box and wash my hands. As I came in the room, I noticed Sanskar hasn't come inside yet. I thought to go to him but stopped hearing a knock on the door.

I smiled at Sasu Mom who is having a tray in her hands which is closed with lid. I am sure it is dinner for both of us. While in the tension, I forgot about the dinner.

"How is he?", She asked, her gaze searched for her stubborn child in the room behind me.

Stubborn child huh?

I giggled softly knowing my thought is true. She looked at me hearing my giggle.

"He is fine. Don't worry, I will look after your stubborn child.", I winked at her to make her smile as I could see she is still down from that moment.

She smiled softly and handed me the tray. Wishing me good night, she went away. I locked the door and went to the balcony with the dinner tray.

I saw him staring at the night sky still sitting on the couch. I walked towards him and placed the tray on the coffee table infront of the couch. I sat beside him and turned myself to face him.

He didn't look at me but staring at the sky with lost gaze like he is in deep thoughts.

"Sanskar", I placed my hand on his bicep. He turned his face to me like he has came out of a trance.

"What are you thinking?", I asked him softly.

"Nothing.", He said faintly.

"Don't lie. I know you are thinking about them.", I squeezed his arm. His blank expression changed. He turned his face to the front side. I sighed.

Making him talk is the difficult task in the universe.

I held his chin and turned his face to me. He looked into my eyes with his intense gaze. I tried to convey him silently that it's ok for him to talk his feelings out.

"I can't, Jaan."

He whispered while his eyes showed hurt, pain and sadness. I let my palm rest on his cheek as I caressed it slowly.

"What you can't, Sanskar?", I asked him waiting for his answer.

"Truthfully I have never cared about them. I never thought them as my parents as I know they abandoned me. But-"

He stopped not wanting to speak further. I moved little closer to him resting my one hand on his shoulder while my other hand is still resting on his cheek.

"Say it, love", I encouraged him looking into his eyes. He circled his arms around my waist for support and pulled me onto his lap. I squeaked little with his sudden action as my thighs automatically adjusted on his lap as I sat straddling him, my both hands curled into his t-shirt on the while.

I gazed into his painful eyes.

"But today when I heard them, saw their painful face, I couldn't see that, Jaan. It was suffocating me. It made me feel like... their pain is real."

He said like a kid who is in pain but not understanding the reason.

"Sanskar, because their pain is real. They didn't fake it like you thought.", I said in serious tone.

"But Jaan-"

"I know, Sanskar. But you should stop thinking their love is fake like Sasu Mom told. They made a mistake and suffered enough pain too. They care for you truly, love.", I explained gently. He put his forehead on my shoulder trying to hide his sadness. I let my fingers run into his hairs, stroking them to ease him.

"My mind is not agreeing with it. It's just always showing me the past where I was alone without anyone to care about me. It is continuously haunting me, stopping myself from thinking otherwise."

He said slowly with difficulty. I could easily understand it is so difficult for him to say his buried feelings out loudly.

"Sanskar, it was because your mind is acting in protective manner. It is preventing you from getting hurt, afraid that if you change your mind it would go wrong. But it's time that you change your thinking. I assure you it would not be wrong. I will be with you always. It's time you should understand your parents. I am not telling you to talk to them this instant and unite with them. You just let them near you, watch them, see their care and love with your eyes without thinking them faking it. Then you will understand it is all true, how much they are craving you."

His grip tightened around me as he hugged me completely, with his head resting on my shoulder. I snaked my free arm around his neck while stroking his hairs with my other.

I hope he let down his walls that he has built around him regarding his parents.

I don't know how much time we stayed like that. I snuggled into him when the cool breeze touched us.


He didn't answer. Is he slept?



He hummed in his groggy tone.

"The dinner is getting cold.", I announced loudly.

He retreated from my shoulder and looked at me. I felt my heart tug seeing his exhausted vulnerable face. I moved my face closer and pecked his cheek, making my lips linger on there for more than few seconds. I moved back and saw his soft gaze.

I smiled and climbed down from his lap, placing my butt on the couch beside him. I took the lid off from both our plates and handed his plate to him.

We ate our dinner in a comfortable silence.

After dinner, Sanskar settled back on the couch having no mood to come inside the room. I went inside to place the tray and the first aid box and to change my dress. I then took his medicines and a glass of water.

I am happy that I don't have to eat those bitter medicines any more. But my poor Hubby has to take for two more days. But he takes his medicine total normally like he is eating his breakfast. I can never do that!

I think Robos won't feel the taste of medicine. Only sweets like me will know the taste of bitterness. Yeah, totally!

I went back to the balcony and gave him his medicine which he ate with no difference. After that, I placed the glass on the table and sat on the couch.

I moved to the corner of the couch and made his head lay on my lap. He looked upto me with a surprised gaze but made himself comfortable on the couch lying properly with his head on my lap.

I smiled at him placing my hand on his chest while he kept staring at me. With my other hand, I slowly run my fingers in his softy softy hairs and saw him letting out a content sigh and closing his eyes. I felt happy seeing him relaxing after the depressing moment.

My mind went back to the information Aman has delivered to us. A shiver threatened to run down my spine thinking about the possibilities of someone behind our lives. Could they be his enemies? I don't think I have enemies.

We have just started our life together, I don't want us to suffer. I want to live my life with Sanskar happily.

I prayed that whoever out there wanting us to suffer to change their mind and back off. I prayed to God to keep Sanskar out of any danger and always safe. Once, I had gone through what it would be like if he was not with me. I don't want to go in that moment again.

Please God, keep him safe always!

Suddenly, my mind gets distracted as he turned himself and snuggled his face onto my stomach. I shivered feeling his breath on my belly though my shirt is in between us. My heart raced inside as he pressed his face more.

Uf! Cool down Shona! You can!

I thought and relaxed myself holding him. I know he is already slept. I just rubbed his back shoulder gently.

After sometime, I yawned feeling my eyes heavy with sleepiness. I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes inviting the sleep with the peaceful thought of having him close to me.

I scrunched my face in sleepy state feeling the sun light. I opened my eyes to find myself lying on our bed with a comforter draped till my waist. How did I come here?

I turned my face and saw Sanskar is sleeping beside me peacefully. I was about to get up but his steel arm around my waist prevented it.

I huffed slightly and slowly yet difficultly took his arm from me. I leaned my back on the headboard of the bed thinking Sanskar might have brought me back to bed in the middle of night.

I took my phone to check the time as I am too lazy to see the clock. I saw the time is 7.35 a.m. I replied to my friends' texts who all texted me to take care of myself and the college could wait. I then saw Sasu Mom's text. She texted that she and Ram uncle are leaving for the town's temple and would be back by 9 o' clock for breakfast.

Suddenly an idea popped in my mind. I kept down my phone and turned to my sleeping dragon husband.

"Sanskar, wake up!", I nudged him with my hand.

He opened his eyes instantly making me surprised. His eyes quickly scanned the room almost in a worried manner. What happened to him?

He sat up looking at me, "What happened, Jaan?"

"Nothing happened. I just woke you up as it is morning. Good morning, husband."

I grinned while he looked at me with a small frown and amusement written on his face.

"Ok now come on. We have a work.", I said clutching his elbow. He looked at me perplexed.

"What work, Jaan? It's just morning. I want to sleep, c'mon."

He layed down and pulled me on him. I widened my eyes and sat up again.

"Sanskar, please get up na. We have some important work."

I said shaking him as he has closed his eyes. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow after opening his eyes.

"Tell me what. I will get up.", He said crossing his arms.

"I can't tell that. I will show you, come with me.", I said pulling him up. He sighed but didn't get up. I scoffed and got down from the bed.

"Ok then sleep. I am going out. Bye!", I said with finality in my tone and walked to the door.

"Jaan!", I heard his annoyed groan which made me smile little. I heard the bed sheet shuffling. Good, he is getting up.

I opened the door and about to step out but Sanskar held my wrist and pulled me back inside. I looked up holding his t-shirt into my fists and saw him gazing at me sternly.

I giggled seeing his morning grumpy face.

"Do I look like a joker?", He asked me with a frown, wrapping his free hand around my waist. I shook my head side to side with a grin.

"Nope. But you look like a cute grumpy little dragon.", I cooed pulling his cheek. He made a annoyed face.

"I am not little. And I am not cute.", He argued.

"You are.", I said shrugging my shoulder and laughed as he glared at me.

"Sanskar, stop arguing. Come now.", I said coming out of his arms and moved out of the room. I heard his footsteps behind me.

As I stopped infront of Sasu Mom and Ram uncle's room, Sanskar grabbed my wrist and turned me.

"Jaan, we are not meeting them.", He said rather quickly. I smiled.

"Sanskar, we are not going to meet them. We are going to meet their room.", I wiggled my eyebrows with naughty gaze while he gave me impossible look.

"Jaan, I am serious."

"Love! I am also telling this seriously.", I said mimicking his tone. He narrowed his eyes.

"Sanskar, they are not inside.", I whispered secretly. He frowned.

"Why? Where did they go?", He asked seriously making me little amused.

"You wanna know about them?", I asked raising my eyebrow. He caught off guard and shook his head in uncaring manner.

"No, why would I want to know about them!", He said making me huff.

"Now let's go.", I said grabbing his hand.

"Jaan, it's not good that we go into someone's room when they are not inside.", He said stopping me. Uffo, he is agitating me now.

"Just shut up and come.", I scolded him and looked around to make sure no on is watching us. He looked at me with a frown.

I quickly opened the door and went inside dragging him along with me. As soon as we came inside, I closed the room. I saw him looking around the room like he is seeing it for the first time.

"Come I will show you.", I said dragging him towards the closet door.

"Jaan, what are you doing?", He asked me in irritated tone.

"Uffo, Sanskar! Can't you follow me with your zipped mouth for a minute?", I glared at him fakely. He blinked his eyes and then act like zipping his mouth. His action made me giggle, he smiled little.

Then I opened the closet door and went inside with him. I moved to the vase and put my hand inside.

He looked at me curiously. I cheered up when I got the keys and showed it to him with a grin.

He looked at me astonished, "Jaan, how do you know the key is inside? What are you going to do? This is called stealing. We are not going to take anything. Let's leave."

I huffed and walked to the right side wall cupboard where I know Sanskar's things are kept.

"Sanskar, I know the key is there because I have came here before. And we are not going to steal unless you want."

I said looking at him. He frowned.

"I don't want anything", He said making me give the knowing look. My Hubby is too good to steal. Except the kisses, ofcourse!

I thought and turned quickly not wanting him to see me blushing.

I opened the cupboard and then turned to him, "Come here, husband!"

I said with a grin, he walked to me with his lips threatening to give out a smile.

"So Are you ready?", I asked holding his hand. He chuckled slightly.

"Jaan, we are not going to open any surprises or gift boxes. Just a cupboard.", He gave me amused look.

"Wait, Sanskar. You will see!", I winked at him, making him chuckle more.

"3.. 2.. 1.. Tadaaa!!!", I exclaimed opening the door. His gaze was on me but he turned to the door when I opened it.

I saw his eyes looking inside surprisingly seeing all the gift boxes kept inside.

"Jaan, this.."

"These are all the gifts for you. Now don't scold me. Sasu Mom and Ram uncle have brought you so many gifts but they told that you didn't accept them and threw it away. But they didn't stop buying them, they often bought you gifts and kept it as a secret. You should see what are all they have kept secretly."

I said in excited tone and opened the drawer. I took out the small feeding bottle and showed it to him.

"See this Sanskar, it was yours only right?", I laughed loudly while his eyes bulged seeing the bottle. I giggled and put it inside. And then I took his baby toys and showed it to him.

"You know, when I saw them for the first time, I was so astonished and surprised. They kept every single thing of yours as a treasure. Wait, I will show you more."

I kneeled down and took out the playing things, music board, cars, bats and balls. He was looking at everything with astonished gaze. I then opened the other drawer and showed him his notebooks. I then took out the album which he looked curiously.

"You wanna meet my baby dragon?", I asked him with twinkling eyes to which he gave me stunned gaze. I giggled and put down the album on the floor. I grabbed his hand being excited to show his childhood pictures.

We both sat on the floor while I opened the album. I showed him all the pages and pictures of him. He was amazed would be an understatement. He would never had thought that his parents would do something like this. Nobody would have ever thought!

After showing him everything, I placed them in their places and closed the cupboard. I then put the keys in it's place that is between the flowers in the vase.

I then turned to see him standing silently by leaning on the cupboard. I moved to him with silent steps and placed my hands on his chest. He looked at me. I could see many overwhelming emotions floating in his eyes. Sadness, pain, hurt, surprise, affection and glint.

"Why, Jaan? Why they are doing this?", He whispered helplessly though he know the answer by now.

"Because they love you. They want their child. They are doing everything only for him. They are punishing themselves by keeping themselves away from you for a mistake that they had done before many years.", I said emotionally, trying not to cry thinking about the three of them. He pulled me closer and hugged me.

I rubbed his back to console him. I felt a wet drop on my shoulder. I pressed my lips on his shoulder and tightened my grip around him.

After few minutes, he broke the hug. I saw that he is trying to control his overwhelming emotions. I sighed little and wiped the tear drop under his right eye. He closed his eyes leaning onto my touch.

"Give me sometime, Jaan. I can understand everything but I just can't act instantly. But I will surely try for YOU.. and um.."

He stopped. I stared at him.

"For them also..", He trailed softly. I gave him a huge smile and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much for understanding, Sanskar. And You should not do it only for us. But for you too. I know you wanted your parents love since you were a child.", I said placing my head on his chest. He caressed my hairs.

After few seconds, I broke the hug. He kissed on my forehead making my smile grow more.

"Now I think we should leave before they come. We don't want to give them idea that we came to steal something, do we?"

I wiggled my eyebrows making him smile. We both came out of the closet closing it's door. And then walked to the room door. On the way, I looked for the time on clock and saw it is 8.25 a.m. I let out a sigh knowing that they would come back by 9 a.m. only.

As I and Sanskar closed the door after coming out, I saw Sasu Mom and Ram uncle are approaching us. When their eyes fell on us, they looked surprised.

Sh!t Why do I always get caught whenever I try to do something secretly?

"Oh my God! Sanskar! They came!", I whispered to him. He looked towards the staircase side and saw them.

"Jaan, it's your mistake. Now you should convince them. I am not going to do anything. And don't you dare tell them we saw that cupboard.", He said to me in his low tone.

I looked at him with wide eyes seeing his audacity. Arey bruh!!! How could he threaten me?

"Good morning Swara and Sanskar.", Ram uncle greeted us when they reached us. I smiled while he nodded his head. Sasu Mom narrowed her eyes looking at me. Oh, this is not going good.

"What are you both doing infront of our room in the morning?", She asked.

I gave her a nervous smile moving closer to Sanskar's side. He held my hand secretly and squeezed it slightly to encourage me to answer.

They both stared at us curiously.

"Wo.. Sasu Mom.. We came to meet you both only. But you were not in the room. Where did you go in the morning?", I asked trying to distract them.

"Swara, we went to temple. I texted you. Didn't you see it?", She asked me with a frown.

"Nope. I didn't see.", I lied perfectly with a tight smile and looked at Sanskar who is already looking at me. I tried not to giggle. We then looked towards them.

Ram uncle smiled at us while I saw Sasu Mom's frown deepened.

"Swara why are you lying?", She asked me suspiciously. I widened my eyes giving shock look and then pouted showing my puppy eyes.

"Sasu Mom, why would I lie to you? You are my mother-in-law. It's a sin to lie to your mother-in-laws. I won't do that. Did you think that low of me?", I asked innocently in a sad tone.

I saw Sanskar is looking at me amused with my corner eyes. Sasu Mom shook her head while Ram uncle chuckled.

"I know very well about you and what you are capable of.", She said smiling sweetly. I giggled.

"But why did you come so early? I thought you were coming by 9 a.m.?", I asked normally. I saw her raising one eyebrow with her lips twitching in a side. Sanskar clutched my hand tightly.

I then realised what I have blurted out.

Stupid Idiot Dumb Shona!

"So you read my text.", She stated with a smirk. I laughed.

"No. I didn't read. I just thought it myself normally. Because it will take time to go and come back na so.", I shrugged nonchalantly and looked at Sanskar giving him 'See how I convinced' look. He gave me back a blank gaze.

"But how-"

"Sujata, enough. Leave it.", Ram uncle interrupted when Sasu Mom started. She huffed and nodded her head. I thanked Ram uncle in mind.

"We came here to tell something.", Sanskar said not only surprising them but also me. Because he told he won't do anything to save me.

"Ok, let's go inside.", Ram uncle said while Sanskar too nodded his head. What is happening here? Has He planned something without telling me?

I pouted.

Ram uncle and Sasu Mom went inside while we followed them.

"Sanskar, what are you going to tell them? I handled the situation well. You don't do anything stupid to ruin it.", I said tugging on his elbow.

He looked at me, "Yes baby. I saw how you have handled it perfectly."

I frowned at him, "Are you mocking me?"

I asked suspiciously. He chuckled.

"C'mon. I really wanted to tell them something.", He said pulling me inside using our joined hands.

What is he going to tell them?

As we entered inside, I saw Sasu Mom and Ram uncle are having a huge smile on their faces. I could see that they are happy. Either because that he told he wanted to tell something or because that he is coming to their room.

"You both sit down.", Sasu Mom said gesturing to the sofas.

Sanskar cleared his throat, "No. It's ok."

He said. I smiled little as he didn't say it coldly like he always speak to them. While Sasu Mom also looked at him surprised.

"It's that, don't tell anyone about what Aman has told. And don't talk about it even infront of other family members.", Sanskar said in his serious tone.

Ram uncle nodded his head, "Yes, Sanskar. We won't talk about it outside. It may create more problems."

Ram uncle said, Sanskar nodded simply.

"Have you got any information about the person?", He asked further. Sanskar shook his head.

"No, Aman hasn't called me yet. Anyways, today I will go and look myself.", He answered.

I squeezed his hand, "No Sanskar. You should not go anywhere. You are not recovered yet."

I said narrowing my gaze at him. Moreover, I am afraid to let him go.

"Swara is right. You don't go out, Sanskar.", Sasu Mom said in a concerned tone.

"But Mom, I can't stay in home all the time. And I am fine, Jaan.", He said looking at me.

I shook my head, "No means No."

I said in a final tone making him let out a suffering sigh. I saw Ram uncle smiling at us.

"But Jaan-"

"Ok, you go.", I said leaving his hand. He looked at me suspiciously as I agreed.

"Then I am also going to college today.", I said shrugging. He glared at me.

"Jaan, you are not fine. And you are not going anywhere.", He said in a stern tone, taking back my hand in his.

I smiled at him sweetly, "Oh well, you are telling me this. I am not injured more than you, I am perfectly fine too. You are the one who should take rest. Did you forget what Doctor has told? No work or stress for a week."

I crossed my arms daring him to speak further. He kept silent.

Ram uncle chuckled, "Well son, you can't win over your wife ever."

He said softly while Sasu Mom gave him a smile. Sanskar looked towards them and then at me. I showed out my tongue. He shook his head in disbelief.

I laughed seeing him.
To be continued...


Hope you all liked this part?

Have you all liked SwaSan moments?

Sorry for this boring emotional update. This is necessary for Sanskar to understand!

Sanskar has agreed to unite with his parents. Yay!

So How they are going to find out who is behind the accident?

Will they be safe without getting trapped in any danger?

Let's see...


Thank you everyone for your precious votes and comments ❤️

I am gonna give an announcement about my next book this week! And I am so excited!!!

Stay home and Safe!
Take care!

Madhu ❤️

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