V: Beware the Physical Exam!

September 12

"Oh, that's today?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I shut my book. Sachi nodded, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. It'll take the whole day. In the past, it just used to be checkups, but now we actually have to put in... Effort." Sachi shuddered for dramatic effect, and I just laughed at her theatrical performance.

"It's not that big a deal, Sachi. At least you don't have to be in class," I said. She gasped.

"True enough, but at the expense of what, Kaiyo? I just got my nails done!" I rolled my eyes, remembering that Sachi was a rich kid at the end of the day. As down-to-earth as she was, she wasn't quite used to having to do those things. Back in middle school, we had to do these all the time.

"Not to mention, you're fit as can be," Sachi pointed out. "You obviously have nothing to worry about." I conceded, seeing the truth in her point. I was just about to reply before the PA system came on and a perky woman's voice came from the ceiling.

"Good morning Ouran students! Would all students please go down to the gymnasium? Thank you!" And as soon as she'd spoken, she was gone. Sachi and I exchanged a look, and then got up and headed for the stairs.


"Kaiyo!" I tensed up at the sound of hearing someone scream my name, but automatically relaxed and reflexively sighed as I realized it was Tamaki. Somewhere in the masses I'd lost my best friend, but the host club managed (as was becoming standard) to find me. Tamaki plowed politely through the crowds of adoring girls to get to me, pulling the entire host club with him. Kyouya walked behind, acknowledging me with a nod before aiming his gaze elsewhere.

"How are you doing, Princess?" He asked, clobbering me with a hug.

"Let's not make this whole 'princess' nickname a thing, yeah?" I requested. Tamaki gasped dramatically, reminding me immediately of Sachi.

"But it's so cute on you!" He said. I just let it go. I knew it meant absolutely nothing, since he called just about every girl that. It made me smile in spite of it, though. The members of the host club were treating me like I was already part of the family.

"Okay, Senpai-" I was cut off by the doors swinging open. A line of doctors and nurses were all lined up, creating a path for the students to walk down. Many of the girls went first, filing in with their friends and talking excitedly about which boys they were dying to see. Hearing all of those vapid conversations made me think, though.

"Haruhi," I said, talking quietly to her. "What's your plan?" She shrugged, eyes wide.

"I don't know what to do. Kyouya said that he would do something, but..." She trailed off, seemingly unsure about whether he cared enough to actually do something.

"If Kyouya said he would help you, then he's going to. Come on." I spied over the tops of people's heads until I saw Kyouya a little further ahead. I grabbed Haruhi's hand and weaved through the crowd, pulling her behind me until we reached Kyouya.

"Senpai." At my voice, Kyouya turned around immediately.

"Miss Sahni."

"Did you tell Haruhi that you'd help her out?" I asked. He hesitated before nodding.

"There's already a doctor who's going to examine you in a separate room. She will be ready by the time everyone else is starting," He informed us. I heard Haruhi sigh with relief, and I smiled over at her.

"Problem solved," I told her, and she smiled back at me.

"Thanks, Kaiyo." She looked relieved.

"Anytime," I replied. Kyouya smoothly re-entered our conversation.

"Ladies, it's beginning," He informed us, pointing to where Hikaru and Kaoru had gone. They were up on a stage, doing their usual twin act. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"What are they doing? Aren't these physical exams?" I asked. Kyouya smirked.

"Of course they are. It's also an opportunity for Ouran's boys to show off," He replied, and both twins shed their shirts as he spoke. My eyes rolled extremely far up as I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers as I heard Hikaru say that he didn't want anyone else staring at Kaoru.

"Oh, for heaven's sake," I sighed, already exasperated. Haruhi looked about as done as I was. "Let me guess- you found some way out of this?" I asked Kyouya.

"Not at all, I still have to do it. I just will not be participating in so flashy a manner, as I'm sure Tamaki and the others will do enough for all of us." I chuckled at his words, knowing that they were true. It's amazing how, from the little time I've actually known Tamaki, I've learned so much about his personality just by observation.

"I'll be off, then. Excuse me." Kyouya held eye contact with me, raising his eyebrow for a split-second before walking off.

"What was that?" Haruhi asked. I turned around abruptly, tearing my gaze from Kyouya's back and looking at her.

"What was what?" I responded.

"You and Kyouya-senpai, just then. You made eye contact," She said purposefully.

"Um, yeah. That's a thing that happens when people talk to one another," I reminded her. But, of course, because she pointed it out, it made me feel like it was more... Significant, perhaps? More something. She made me overthink it.

"Okay, Kaiyo-chan. Whatever you say." With a little smile on her face, Haruhi walked off, glancing back at me every so often. The further she walked backward, the less I could see of her, but I could always see that grin on her face. I shook my head, a smile forming on my own face as she got lost in the crowd and I turned away.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Two voices asked. Hikaru and Kaoru slung their arms around me, grinning slyly. I scoffed, poking them both in the torso.

"I didn't watch. I'm not here to see a performance," I clarified. "You seem to have had plenty of other adoring fans, though, so I'm sure you'll be okay without me." I pointed out a girl who served to prove my point, laughing behind my hand as she ran into someone after staring at Kaoru.

"But we're hosts," Hikaru said.

"We're supposed to entertain girls," Kaoru added. "Maybe-" Kaoru looked thoughtful for a moment, and then he glanced over at his brother and they both smirked. He then abruptly pushed me forward, and I almost tripped trying to avoid the girl in front of me. I whipped my head around, my ponytail almost smacking me in the face.

"What was that for?" I whispered, seething. Both twins were stepping back slowly, eyes glistening.

"We're just doing our jobs as hosts. You're welcome." Hikaru pointed to somewhere behind me, and then he and his brother melted into the crowd. I turned to where he was pointing, confused, and I felt my whole body freeze as I looked up and saw Kyouya standing a few feet away, on a little stage in front of the doctor. My eyes widened slightly behind my glasses.

Just as Hikaru and Kaoru had done, Kyouya had removed his shirt and stood on display for the fangirls to get an eyeful. All the girls were screaming as he adjusted his glasses, and I took note of his obvious annoyance as the muscles in his back tensed. His eyes swept over the crowd, and I saw them coming closer to me... And something in me began to panic. I turned around and pushed politely through the crowd of girls, who couldn't care less about me, and made my way to the door. I was about to leave when-

"Kaiyoka-san! It's your turn to be examined." A pretty brunette woman led me away from the door and toward a little room. I cast a quick glance back toward the back of the room and saw Kyouya, now fully dressed, staring back at me. His eyes held a look I couldn't place, but he didn't look away. About ten seconds had passed before he lifted his head slightly, making his glasses catch the light and obstructing my gaze from his.

"Kaiyoka-chan?" I snapped to attention to see the doctor waving a hand in front of my face.

"It's time to begin!"


"So correct me if I'm wrong, but did I walk back into the gym to see you and Kyouya-senpai gazing at each other from halfway across the room?" I was walking home with Haruhi, whom I had just discovered lived in the same direction as I do, a couple of blocks away from me.

"You're wrong. We weren't gazing, he just caught my eye," I responded, completely aware that Haruhi wasn't stupid.

"Right. Interestingly enough, Hikaru and Kaoru said that they saw the same thing as I did. I suspect that Kyouya-senpai has finally found a girl who made him crack!" She giggled with glee at the look in my eye.

"Haruhi! You know that's not true, and we just met," I tried to convince her, but she wasn't having any of it. I rolled my eyes jokingly, but honestly, I barely believed myself. Only because the hopeless romantic in me didn't want to.
