
THE next morning

Lucy had just started to wake up and was about to do her everyday routine on going to work when she had gotten a text message on her dark colored pink iPhone

She had turned on the screened and then swiped to see two messages one from lissanna and one from levy

The first she opened was lissanna it read

From : lis kitty
To: lucy 😇

Lucy umm today I have to go somewhere with laki on some important business for about 10 weeks and since you have to stores keys I was thinking on giving you a hoilday and yes you will be getting your three checks this month... please be safe and take care k

P.s do not go back to the store and do something different this time change your routine a bit and remember DO.NOT.GO.BACK.TO.THE.STORE got it tyl bye

"Um a hoilday and not going back to the store sounds a bit weird, but okay at least I could spend time at home for bit and relax with happy"

Then she checked levy's text really quickly before she goes back to sleep


Hey sorry about yesterday's um event and for my friends behavior it was a drag umm I was wondering if you want to go to the mall on Saturday to get to know each other a bit since you help me a lot....so will u please


'Huh She wants to get to know me wow this might be a change for a bit but I guess it wouldn't hurt right?'

She thought ,and texted her back later getting a reply the next minute and it was final they were ready to meet on Saturday

She put her phone done and went back to sleep....

Meanwhile in a dark scary home

"Oi I think you should keep an eye out shrimp you might never know if that pyro freak will come at you for hanging out with the human girl!"

The small petite put her phone done next to her bed stand and got up to where the man voice who was coming next to the door way

"I know gajeel but I feel like I know her forever for a lifetime"

She said she walked pasted him and went to a big empty room with pictures the sizes of doors in each holds something precious

The first has a picture of a woman with long golden hair who was next to a man with light brown hair both looked very happy

The second is them get married with all the people they know that includes the girls parents , both looked very happy for the newly weds

The third holds them leaving their home town with worry looks on their faces

The rest was with pure of sadness , the women was holding something in a protective manner in her arms running away from something or someone

Then the husband of the dying woman held her hand in his while holding something in his right arm layer his wife had died minutes later with wind blowing her away as she turned into gold dust

The rest of the pictures were blacked away and at the bottom of one of them it said

"Only the truthful heir's blood can show the rest of this story.."

"You know gajeel we never know who is this heir was do you think this place will ever come alive when will he/She ever come back to bring this place back to life"

He stepped out of the shadows and hugged her behind her back he put his head on her shoulder and said

"I don't know shrimp for all I know we must leave this place it's not our home and we only stayed here for a night , we must return back to his place get things ready for the plan"

She only sighed and turn around with tears on the corner of her eyes and hugged him only for him to return back

"If only I can stop him from hurting her......but it's the law for if any human to insult the prince they must be punished for death or his personable blood bag "

Then hours later they had packed all their things and had returned to there home deep in the woods where no human had traveled

This place is only for the creatures that fest on blood and if ever come near this place you will be faced with dead as for the rest who dated comes to this place

"Gajeel do think she will ever forgive me for this?"

She asked as her appearance changed to her hair that was short was now longer to shoulder length and a much darker shade of blue , her clothes were now a dark colored grown with some gothic corset and the grown reached to the ground her eyes were now a haunted orange pumpkin color and her canines her sharper

"It depends on her trust in you but she might not since we are all vampires that feeds on her kind"

She nodded and went to her place of peace of mind the libray were she collected all kinds for the past 300 years of her life which she hates but now she feels a bit grateful for having all these books

But one was special to her the book of her very first human friend

"I'm sorry for this lucy....

Please forgive..."

Time:5:20 pm

Date:January 1st ,2018


Location: the basement of a church
