
Once Cameron and I finished watching the incredibles we were making out on the couch. His kisses were like fire and it only made me grow to want more as I tugged on his hair and left a small kiss on his cheek his door opened and I pushed him off of me.

We looked back and it was some boy walking inside, probably his brother.

He has these shinning blue eyes and this gorgeous hair.

"Get some Cameron!" He yelled and I snickered.

Once the boy sat on the couch Cameron started to introduce me to him.

"This is Alliyah and Alliyah this is Nash my best friend,"

Oh so that's not his brother.

I looked at Nash and he was already staring at me. He looked at me with satisfaction and he couldn't keep his eyes off of me which creeped me out but he was probably just seeing if I was girlfriend material for Cameron. Not that he would want to be my boyfriend it's just a lot of friends do that. Matt did that to Cameron.

"Your very beautiful Alliyah. Cameron good job," Nash said and rested his hands behind his ear. I looked at Cameron and he looked angry. I didn't want to get in between their friend ship I know how much that hurts.

"I should get going," I said. I got up and grabbed my book bag and slipped my shoes on and started walking outside. I walked away from his house when my name was called.

"Alliyah!" I heard.

I turned around and saw Cameron running towards me.

"Yeah?" I asked trying to get home. This was all just awkward, his friend walks in on us having a make out session. He calls me beautiful which causes Cameron to start to have hatred for him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't want to get in between your friend ship with Nash,"

"Why are you so worried about it?" He asked me.

"Because that's the type of person I am. I don't want to be responsible for ruining a friendship I'm already responsible for ruining your relationship,"

He walked closer towards me and rubbed my cheek.

"Hey I'm the one that called it off to be with you because that's the type of person I am. I really like you Alliyah so I did what I had to do to get the chance to be with you without getting called a player. I don't want to be that guy," he said.

The way he said it made me want to believe him so bad. I did what I had to do. I kissed him.

It just felt like the right time to kiss him so I went with my gut. Cameron makes me feel some type of way and I like the feeling he gives me. The butterflies that run through my belly whenever I'm around him. The way his soft plump lips lay on mine kill me. The way he holds me which makes me feel safe and every girl deserves to feel safe.

Once I pulled away from the kiss I looked in his eyes which made me want to kiss him again but I held back.

"I should really get home I have a ton of homework to do,"

He nods his head and gave me a light peck on my forehead.

"Bye," I said and he said it back and he walked back to his house.

I walked around the corner back to my place and put my key through the door. Why do I feel like someone is in my house my mom is never home so it can't be her.

Once I walked in I grabbed a knife from the kitchen. I walked around the house and heard something upstairs so I walked upstairs. I swear if I see someone I'm stabbing them and running fast. The noise is coming from my mothers room so as I'm opening her door the person came in front of me.

"Ahhhhh," I scream and she screams back as she sees the knife in my hand.

"I thought you were a serial killer!" We yell at the same time.

As we catch our breath I sit on her bed and lay the knife down on her bed stand.

"Mom what are you doing home?" I asked her. Not that i was upset I was just confused as to why she was home she's never home.

"Because I didn't have to go to work today so I was going to go to a party that my friend Gina is holding at her house," she explained.

I nod my head and start to walk out of my room.

"Oh and just so you know her son is coming over. I trust you Alliyah to make the right choice with that boy. No funny business," my mother said.

Trust me the only funny business I would want to do with a boy would be Cameron.

"Okay," I say as I walk out of my room.

I changed into some shorts and a shirt and threw my hair into a sloppy bun. I started to work on my homework which I did not enjoy when the door bell rang.

"I'll get it," I say. I know my mom is trying to finish getting ready so I got I open up the door and I see Cameron and some woman.

"Cameron?" I asked. He looked at his shoes.

"Hello my name is Gina and you must be Alliyah. I have heard so much about you," she said and smiled. "This is my son Cameron," she added.

"I met your son. He goes to my school," I say.

"Good then you two should be friends then," she said and smiled.

You bet we will.

I just nodded my head though and called for my mother.

She walked Downstairs and gave her friend a hug.

"Bye you two be safe," they both said and left.

"Bye," Cameron and I said.

I looked at him as he looked at me.

"Hey Alliyah," he said and smirked.

I smirked too and walked towards him to give him a kiss.


Please comment and vote my hands are killing me!

- Mia :)
