Great news for you

I woke up to mega shaking me his eyes were filled with water his eyebrows were furrowed and streams of tears ran down his cheeks he was hyperventilating.

"Hey what's wrong?" He pulled me off of the couch and dragged me to the bed i had made for him and Jacob...

Jacob? Where was he?

"Mega... where is zelk?"

"Mega broke down and for the first time ever i heard him speak "i *deep inhale* i d-don-n't k-knowwww *deep inhale*" the way he spoke was sloppy and each letter was stuttered out and atempst of breathing interrupted each word.

"How long has he been gone?" He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders as he wiped his eyes and held his head on his knees in the spot Jacob should have been in

"I'm sure he just went to the store or maybe he is in the bathroom" this seemed to clam mega down a bit he picked up his phone and typed something in which a robotic voice read out.

"Its just that he never leaves without telling me" I cant imagine how it felt to wake up expecting someone to be there and they are gone without a trance the fear that must have folded into his heart to wake up and part of you is just gone...

"I'm sure he will be back soon" i try my best to reassure him but...

"Hey lets go get skeppy and ill make breakfast and then we can call him ok?" He slowly nods wiped his eyes and got up following me to what used to be my room.

""Hey zak wake up" i sit down next to him he looked so peaceful i shake his arm and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Hey guys what up" he mumbles starting to sit up.

"We're going to make breakfast and then find zelk" I explained is beautiful brown eyes widened.

"What happened to zelk?" His tone was panicked and he jumped to his feet

"I think he went to the dollar general a few blocks away"

"Well shouldn't we make sure first? What if something bad happened?" He reached for his phone and began to walk to Vincent's room. He opened the door and I heard him droop his phone.

"G-guys! Where is A6d?!"

"Isn't he in his room" the robotic voice called out.

"N-no.... did you guys check the bathroom yet?"

"I did when zelk wasn't next to me no one was there" the voice read out again.

I watched zak pick up his phone and call Jacob.... no answer.

Next he called Vincent.... it rang for a few times but there was no answer.

"If you want we can go check the dollar general and the Walmart" I suggest.

Mega starts looking for something on his phone the find my friend app...

He walks out the door and tward the trees I turn my head to the yellow house next door there are a few kids chasing eachother I guess they must be her grandkids. One of them waves to me from behind the fence before the others usher her away.

I want kids too I want to raise a family with zak by my side it would be amazing to have a family with him...

I continue to follow mega he was now passing the trees when he stoped in his tracks. I saw him go rigged and a mangled scream escaped his throat tears began streaming down his face as he ran to the tracks.

There were the reamains of Jacob on the tracks his severed head and arm along with a huge blood splotch that soked the ground below him. his body was nothing but chunks here and there shredded pieces of meat like confetti.

I watched as mega knelt down and hugged the head clutching it close to his chest as if it was dear life itself he was wailing nuzzling the head getting blood all over his body as he toyed with the hair as if it would comfort the dead man.

I turn and see skeppy his eyes wide as he slowly walks over to us I watch his brown eyes scan the sene and land on something a bit farther away another crimson splatter laced the rail road

I ran over to it along side my mini muffin and I knelt down he sat on the gravel beside me inspecting the silver metal he looked at it with terror and looked around a bit he saw a foot wearing the same exact shoo as Vincent had last night.

"We we should call the..." he picked up his phone and turned around hurling on the gravel a few meters away.

"Hello 911 What's your emergency?"

"H-hello? Yah I... i was looking for my friend and they umm they" he was crying very hard I could barley understand a word he said.

"Sir where are you?" He turned to me asking for help

I reach for the phone and say "Metropolitan Ave"

"We're sending cops right away and paramedics"

"T-thank you" I try to keep calm I felt dizzy and like I was going to throw all my organs up my eyes burned as I gazed at the scarlet shimmering in the sun.

Zak neals down next to me and I clutch him in my arms as he soaks my shirt with tears.

"It's going to be ok geppy" I whisper in his ear stroking his face.

I heard the police cars and I got up running past the trees to get their attention the children were still there the eldest looked at me and grabed the younger ones and ran inside.

"Hey are you the ones who called us?" They asked.

"Yes please follow me" I lead them to where we found the bodies I hear their heavy foot falls following me.

I run past the trees and to where I left skeppy. Mega was still clutching the head quietly whispering "this isn't real" over and over again.

I want to hugg him and tell him that it's just a dream but....

"We found them like this" I whisper as I jester to the railroad.

"How long ago did you find them?"

"We called right away so about 15 minutes" skeppy makes his way tword us.

"W-were they murdered?" He asks i hold out my hand for him.

"We don't know yet sir come down to the station when you can and tell us everything"

"We can talk now" a robotic voice says. I turn my head mega is still crying on the floor clutching the severed head the voice was too calm for this situation.

He began frantically typing getting his phone screen all bloody from holding Jacob.

"I woke up and zelk wasn't next to me we were having a sleepover with them so I got up looked for him and when I couldn't find Him I went to ask bad if he knew where he was he didn't so we went to go get skeppy and that's when we realized a6d wasn't there and well I uses find my phone and we saw them like this"

"Do you mind us searching your house?" One of the officers asked

"Not at all anything to help" I say zack had clutched onto me and my heart was pounding.

"Sir please put that head down" mega had began to catch up with us. He looked furious and hugged it closer. "Sir if you don't but that down right now" they held up their tasers.

He looked at the head gave it one last kiss and put it back his clothes were all bloody and so were his hands he looked at the ground as we walked he seamed so heart broken he had cried so much that he couldn't any more.

"Geppy can you help the police while I help mega?"

"Sure make sure he gets better"

"Ok thank you" my muffin was just so kind.

"Mega let's get you home" he nods and we walk to his house.

I step in and he walks to their room ans turns on the shower but before he steps in he writes something down and hand it to me.

"Thanks bad can I stay at your place I don't think I can be alone tonight" it says

"Of course you can" I say I listen to the water running and explore the house. I step into the office and there were their setups I turn on one of the pcs and the first thing I see is adoption sights their house is filled with pictures of them together and although a bit messy it was clean. Mega's steps out of their room in What look to be Jacob's clothes and we walk back to my house.

The police spent all day at my house the looked around asked us questions and told us they would find the culprit. before I knew it, it was night again.

The silence had become defanging I had to help the atmosphere.

"Sooo" I say "are you guys hungry"


"Do you want to order a pizza?"

"Thin crust?" I open my mouth to protest but the robotic voice cut me off.

"Oh shut up zak! I am soo tiered of your bull sh*t"

"Atlest I'm trying to lift our spirits you've done nothing but cry!"

"I'm actually taking this seriously it feels like you don't even care that A6d and zelk died"

"I do care he was my best friend!" I thought i was his best friend..

"Well then fu#king act like it!"

"Shut up Alex!" They both stand up

"Oh wow up you called me by my real name I'm so scared"

"I'm going to kill you"

Geppy lunged at Alex and I watched them roll around on the ground landing punches and trying to hurt the other any way possible.

"G-guys stop!" Is all I could croak out "it's been a long day.... please" they didn't stop if it wernt for mega this wouldn't be happening.

I pull zack off of mega holding the small boy off the ground he struggled a lot but I didn't let him resume his choke hold on Alex.

Alex was on his knees coughing struggling to breath.

"Zak I'm going to the store with mega stay here and both of you cool down."

I put him down help Alex to his feet and we start our jury to the dollar general.

"Are you ok?" He shakes his head we walk in silence and I listen to his whimpers as he struggles to keep from crying.
