Wait, what?

Cat and I where sitting on the couch watching toilet wars. She was at one end and I was on the other. It had been a few days since Nona and I had sprung her from jail and she had mostly forgiven me for dragging my feet. Mostly. She only spent one night in jail for crying out loud! It builds character!

But she was pissed! I had never seen Cat so angry! Her big brown eyes were wild and her face was flushed. It was kinda cute. She sure made me apologize though, all the way back home I had to say sorry. I don't think anybody has gotten that many sorrys out of Sam Puckett in their life that Cat got that night. But something about this kid makes me care about what she thinks of me. Weird.

She seemed all better now though. Just a little cold at times. But she was coming around.

"This is a good Toilet Wars! I'm really excited to see it flush!" , Cat practically yelled at the commercial break.

"Me too kidoo." I grinned. She got so excited over the smallest stuff.

One of those Game of War commercials came on.

"Mmmm" Cat said, "That Kate Upton is sooo hot..." She trailed off.

Wait, what? What did Cat just say?

"Cat? What did you just say?" I asked.


"What did you say?"


"Right now!"



"I said 'Whatty' "

I was getting frustrated. "No before that!"

"I don't remember and now you've got me all confused with the yelling!"

"I'm not yelling!" I yelled. I took a breath. "You know what? Never mind. The shows back on."

Cat calmed down and we went back to watching the show. What did she mean by that though? Did Cat find Kate Upton attractive? Well, who wouldn't, but did that mean Cat found other women attractive too? Maybe even.....

What are you doing Puckett?! Watch the show!
