Happy Birthday to You

Mirabel POV

"They're beautiful. " I said. She just nodded slightly in agreement. "You don't have to marry him if you don't want to. " I said. She looked at me, shocked. "I don't know what you mean..." She looked away.

"Your face looked sad when we first met. " I said. We both sat down on her bed, side by side. "I was stressed, that's why," she explained. "Your face looked disgusted when he kissed you. " I told her. "Because I-" I cut her off. "Purple Hyacinth. " I said. Her room had decorations with them, on the floor, someplace around the crib, and decorations for the door.

"Purple Hyacinth means sorrow and regret. " I continued. "How do you know that?" she asked me. "I had a sister who taught me the meanings of flowers. " I explained holding her hand. "But what am I supposed to do!" Isabela exclaimed, bursting into tears.

She pulled her hand away from mine to cover her face. "What's forcing you?" I asked. I already know why though. "Abuela, she believes that it's best and she thinks I'm happy with it when I'm not. " Isabela explained. She removed her hands from her face to her stomach.

"I'm scared that I'm not able to make my family proud so I just do it since they're happy with it I feel like I should be happy as well. " Isabela moved away but I moved closer and hugged her. "Mary-" "Look, I think that you should live how you want your life to be," I said. "Nothing will stop you. " I whispered.

We stopped hugging and we smiled but then her smile faded. "But, what if they'll be disappointed or they'll stop loving me?" she asked, sniffling. "Well if that does happen, I'm pretty sure that there will be one family member that would be rooting for you. " I said. "Thanks, Mary," she said.

'Anything for my sister' "Your family is pretty big! Who are your siblings?" I asked her. "I have two sisters," she said. I'm glad she didn't forget about me. "So Luisa and Dolores are your sisters?" I asked, pretending to have no clue. "No, Luisa is my sister." Isabela said. "My other younger sister, she disappeared. Most likely dead but hopefully not," she explained.

"Sorry, that happened. " I apologized. "You wanna do something fun with me?" she asked. "Sure!" I exclaimed. We both stood up as she picked up the babies and left. We went inside Dolores's room and wow, it was so calming in there. "We were just about to start. " Dolores said.

There was this small cake that had butterflies on it and presents were surrounding it. "Who's this for?" I asked. "It's my missing sister's birthday today. " Isabela said. I gasped.

I can't believe that they're doing this for me. "Sorry I didn't bring a gift. " 'to my birthday "It's fine, you didn't know anyways. " Camilo said. We lit up candles and started singing happy birthday.

"So, how old should she be?" I asked. "Um, if I'm 20 then she should be 20 as well!" Camilo said. "You guys are the same age?" I asked. They think I'm not me. "Yeah, I'm older by a few months so she's my little prima!" Camilo bragged. I chuckled.

It seems like they all missed me. "Sorry about grabbing that toy earlier by the way. " Camilo apologized with his hand on his neck. "I'm not usually like that. " Camilo continued. "The toy just looked very familiar. " Dolores said. "What is it?" Antonio asked.

I hesitated before removing my bag and showing the stuffed toy. "That looks just like mine! " Antonio said with excitement. "Really?" I nervously said. "Yeah, except it's missing.." Antonio said. "Must be a coincidence!" I said chuckling while putting the jaguar back in my bag.

"What was the missing girl's name?" I asked. "I think it was Mariah or uhm. " Dolores hesitated. "Mirabel!" Camilo shouted pointing at my pouch. "Sh! You're going to wake the baby. " Isabela said. "Sorry, her name is Mirabel. " Camilo said. "Can I see a picture?" I asked.

They looked at each other nervously. 'Right, I was never in family photos unless I was a baby. ' I thought with an upset face. "Are you ok?" Isabela asked putting one hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, I am. " I said.

Dolores got a box and started searching for a picture. "Oh," she said. "What is it?" Antonio asked. "I thought she was in your ceremony picture. " Dolores said pulling out the picture. "Can I see?" I asked. "Here but she isn't in it. " Dolores handed me the picture.

"So she isn't in this one?" I asked.

"She isn't in any photos," Isabela said. "This is the only one. "Isabela said handing a picture of me as a 5-year-old. It was moments before my gift ceremony ."So this is all you got, huh?" I asked them. I was disappointed. "Y-yeah, I feel really bad for treating her badly. " Isabela said, guilty.

"Do you guys know why she left?" I asked. "We don't know but it's probably because she thought everyone would be happy if she left. " Antonio said. "Let me guess, everyone ignored and told her to stay out of the way until something happened then she left?" I asked but it sounded like I explained the entire situation.

"Exactly like that. " Antonio said. "How would you guys react if she came back?" I asked them.

They all started saying how they would be happy and sad but they started talking over each other. "Seems like you would all be very happy, but what about the others?" I asked. "They would probably be happy too and hopefully she comes back because it has been a living hell. " Camilo said. "Why is it like living hell?" I asked.

"Abuela has never been so strict!" Antonio said.

"She comments on our weight, never lets us take a break, she won't stop telling Camilo to smile and if he makes someone sad he gets punished, I'm her snitcher who has to tell her everything, Luisa has so much weight put on her, Antonio is only allowed with safe animals like cats and dogs, Tía Julieta never takes a break from cooking, mama can't express her feelings, Tío Bruno still isn't here, and well that's it. " Dolores explained everything.

"Wow, so what changes if she comes back?" I asked. "Abuela is only strict because she's scared of losing another family member so she does what she thinks is best. " Dolores said. "Cake?" Camilo asked who has been eating cake the entire time. We all started laughing and ate cake.

"So I decided that I wanna stay overnight. " I said, my mouth half full. "Yes!" Camilo shouted. "Wanna go to your Tía?" Isabela said to the awakened babies. "How old are they?" I asked. "3 months. " Isabela replied while handling a baby to Dolores. "Wanna hold this one?" Isabela asked me.

"Yes!" I replied putting my plate of cake down. She handed me the baby and now I was holding me sobrina. "What's her name?" I asked. "Oh, the one your holding is Maribel and the one Dolores is holding is Maribella. " Isabela said. "I named them after my missing sister."

"That's so sweet!" I said, nearly crying. "So, where will I sleep?" I asked. "In the nursery, Mirabel used to stay there. " Antonio said. "Ok." I accepted.

Time skip brought to you by me falling off my sister's bed and landing on my wrist and hitting my head :)

The nursery looks different but still like before. I put on my clothes and was about to go to bed. *knock knock noises* "Come in!" I shouted, sitting on my bed. "How do you like it?" Isabela asked, leaning on the doorframe. "I like it just fine Camilo. " I respond. "Wha-" Camilo said. "How'd you know?" He asked me, shifting back to himself and sitting down beside me.

"Isabela would never lean on a doorframe, perfect or not. " I chuckled. "Dang it!" He shouted. "You'll never trick me. " I said. "We'll see about that. " Camilo said, smirking. "You won't have the time anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow. " I told him. "Wha- But why?" he complained.

"I still have a home y'know? I can't just abandon it with my stuff in there." I explained. "Ok, what if you get your stuff, bring it here, then you stay here!" Camilo questioned. "Your parents won't mind right?" He asked. "My parents are...." I didn't know if I should say dead so I just stayed quiet. "Oh, lo siento. " he apologized. "It's fine, I'm still leaving tomorrow. " I stood up.

"And I'm tired. " I pulled him off my bed. "Goodnight. " I said, I started pushing him out the door. "What time are you leaving tomorrow?" He asked. "After dinner, goodnight Milo." I closed the door.

I lay on my bed. "Buenas Noches Casita. " I said before going to sleep.

'I planned to reveal my identity during dinner and if they don't like still, I'll leave, if they want me back, I'll still leave or stay. Oh, I'll leave to get my stuff then come back.'

This is the end

I'm not updating anymore sorry

I'm running out of ideas :(

Just kidding

Word Count: 1546

To be continued.........
