The Flash vs Sonic

Requested by Epona2

Red vs Blue, human vs hedgehog, mankind and animals has often pushed their limits with speed, but which two speedsters will claim this victory

The Flash

Superhuman speed

Accelerated healing

Increased perceptions

Phasing through objects

Sharing the Speed Force

Speed Force aura

Can steal kinetic energy

Supercharged brain activity

Superhuman stamina


Can clear entire population of Tokyo in 30 seconds

Repaired part of Central City while talking to his therapist

Can react within a femtosecond

Can run on clouds

Rebooted the entire DC universe by running too fast

Can use a Green Lantern ring

Beat Superman in a race

Outran the Black Flash

Claims that his ultimate attack, the Infinite Mass Punch, is able to strike with at least the force of a supernova.

Outran a teleporting god.

He was the one who broke of the nose of The Great Sphinx of Giza centuries ago


Despite his speed he can still be hit by slower opponents or with his guard is down

Endurance and healing factor have clear limitations.

No special defenses against piercing attacks.

Younger depictions of Flash are slower than light speed as Barry didn't initially perfect his powers.

Heavyweights like Doomsday and Superman have defeated the Flash quickly after landing only a few blows.

Killed by Lobo.

Has died in the Crisis on Infinite Earths

Screwed up the DC Universe in Flashpoint

Author's note: DC Extended Universe Flash is confirmed to be a fan of Rick and Morty.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Spin Attack

Spin Dash

Homing Attack


Martial Arts

Can Burrow Underground

Fire Shield

Impervious to Fire & Heat

Fiery Makeup

Disintegrates in Water

Mid-Air Dash Attack

Lightning Shield

Impervious to Electricity

Electric Makeup

Disintegrates in Water

Magnetic Field

Mid-Air Jump

Bubble Shield

Can Breathe Underwater

Water and Air Makeup

Bounce Attack

Bouncing Can Increase Jump Height

Super Form

1000% Power Increase

Automatic Flight

Unlimited Stamina


Positive Energy Aura

Duration Based on a Time Limit


A leader of The Freedom Fighters and Team Sonic; arguably the best fighter of these factions.

Has continuously defeated Doctor Eggman and his robot army.

Defeated hundreds of mechs and giant machines of various sizes.

Defeated several demons that threatened to destroy the planet including; Perfect Chaos, Final Hazard, Metal Overlord, Dark Gaia and Time Eater.

Defeated Shadow, his physical equal at the time.

Defeated Metal Sonic, who is technically superior to Sonic in every way.

Survived a bout with Super Scourge, proceeding the beat him by exploiting his weakness.

Escaped Prison Island; one of the largest GUN barracks and naval bases in the world.

Was able to use Chaos Control; despite having no prior experience with the technique and using a counterfeit Chaos Emerald.

Conquered the lands of the Arabian Knights and King Arthur's Camelot.

Fought Mega Man, stomping him in the first round (though with a home field advantage), and fighting evenly with him in the second.

Note that Mega Man healed himself and had help from his animal friends in the second round.

Defeated Segata Sanshiro.

Survived multiple blows from a giant mech.

Deals with Amy Rose on a regular basis.

Officially participated in the 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 Olympics.

Can easily fight while wing-walking.


His iconic speed has limitations.

Some characters (like E-99, Infinite (Sonic), and arguably Metal Sonic and Shadow) are faster than Sonic.

Can be slowed down by various means including; glue, ice, being underwater, conveyer belts and heavy shoes (Sonic Labyrinth).

Can't swim.

Still has nightmares of Labyrinth Zone

Can still tire out if he runs too fast or for too long.

Has little to no superhuman endurance (without his powerups).

Even with powerups; Sonic can die from being crushed; normally by a mechanical press or massive falling objects.

Super Sonic can lose 10 of his rings if hit by a powerful attack. Even when this isn't the case; Super Sonic can still flinch and experience knockback, which wastes what little time he has in this transformation.

Since he's primarily a close-ranged combatant; he struggles against enemies who can protect themselves with spikes, electricity, or fire shields.

Some metals are too hard for Sonic to cut or break through.

Most transformations have a time limit.

Cocky and impatient.


Sonic was once kidnapped by one of these fanboy

Got killed by Mephiles.

Has been trapped by Eggman multiple times (Sonic the OVA movie, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Unleashed).

Has been defeated by Shadow, Silver and Metal Sonic the Hedgehogs.

Got arrested by GUN twice; for being mistaken for Shadow (despite the obvious color difference)


Green Hill

Sonic is running through Green Hill when all of a sudden, he saw Tails flying past him.

Confused, Sonic stops and he questions.

Sonic: Tails?

Suddenly, Sonic heard two girlish screams, causing him to look up.

Both Amy and Sticks screams as they fell from the sky.

Sonic quickly dashes forward, catching them with his hands.

Sonic asks the two.

Sonic: Are you two alright?

Sticks nods and she answers.

Sticks: Yeah.

Sonic questions.

Sonic: What happened? I saw Tails flying past me.

Amy answers.

Amy: A red speedster attacked us. You better go help Knuckles. I think he's in trouble.

Sonic: Alright.

Sonic runs towards the scene, determined to take down the scarlet speedster.


Sonic halts as he watches Knuckles fighting a tall red man wearing a red spandex suit with a lightning bolt on his chest.

Knuckles said to him.

Knuckles: I won't let you get away!

Knuckles launches himself forward, throwing a punch.

However, the man dodges the attack and he throws a punch, sending Knuckles tumbling back.

Sonic catches Knuckles and he questions.

Sonic: What happened? Who is he?

Knuckles coughs and he answers.

Knuckles: I don't know, he just came by and attacked us.

Sonic glares at the man and he questions.

Sonic: You! Who are you?

The man answers.

???: Don't you know? I'm The Flash. The fastest man alive.

Sonic questions further.

Sonic: Why are you hurting my friends?

The Flash retorts by answering.

Flash: Your friends attacked me. I have to defend myself.

Sonic gets into a fighting stance and he said.

Sonic: It's not like they would attack you without a reason. I'm gonna take you down.

The Flash got into a fighting stance and he agrees.

Flash: Then let's do this.

Both speedsters charges forward and the two began clashing.

Sonic dashes forward and he throws a punch, knocking The Flash back.

However, as Sonic charges forward, The Flash swiftly dodges and he threw a punch right into Sonic's face.

The Flash sped forward and he began striking Sonic repeatly in the stomach.

The Flash punches Sonic back and he declares.

Flash: You're mine!

The Flash sped forward, determine to strike Sonic down.

However, Sonic quickly raises his Fire Shield, causing The Flash to bounce back.

Flash: What?!

Sonic began spinning on the ground and he slams forward, ramming right into The Flash.

Sonic jumps up and he began attacking The Flash with a series of punches before kicking him down.

Sonic spun in the air and he slams down.

However, The Flash teleports away from the attack and he strikes Sonic from behind.

The Flash dashes forward and he punches Sonic repeatly before kicking him upwards.

Sonic recovers and he launches himself up.

The Flash spun his arms together, creating a forcewave strong enough to stop Sonic in midair.

Sonic: Wait what?!

Sonic exclaims as The Flash sped past him.

The Flash sprints forward and he throws a punch, sending Sonic crashing into a rock.

As Sonic collapses onto the ground, The Flash stood up and he said.

Flash: You really disappoint me.

The Flash then walks away, thinking he had won.

How he was wrong.

All of a sudden, Sonic suddenly began summoning seven Chaos Emeralds, causing them to fly around him.

The emeralds glows and Sonic screams as he unleashes a golden aura.

The Flash turns and his eyes widens in shock at the Golden Hedgehog.

Sonic has transformed into Super Sonic.

The Flash questions.

Flash: Stubborn eh? Changing your fur colour is nothing going to change a thing!

The Flash sprints forward, preparing to strike.

However, Sonic flies up and he throws a punch, knocking The Flash back.

Sonic charges forward and he punches The Flash hard in the face.

The Flash bounces back and he questions in disbelief.

Flash: Such power. What is he?

Sonic charges forward and he slams into The Flash, sending him tumbling up.

Sonic sped across the air, knocking The Flash back and forth before ramming right into The Flash's back.

The Flash screams as he crashes onto the ground.

Super Sonic sped forward and he strikes The Flash hard in the face, knocking him back.

Angered, The Flash sped forward, striking Sonic repeatly.

However, Super Sonic was unfazed by the attack and he unleashes an explosive aura, blasting The Flash back.

Sonic sped forward and he punches The Flash back repeatly before performing his spin dash, slamming The Flash through a rock.

The Flash skids across the ground and he said to himself.

Flash: This is bad. At this rate, he's going to kill me. I better move faster.

The Flash sped forward and just as Super Sonic throws a punch, he teleports behind him and he throws an uppercut, sending Sonic flying up.

The Flash quickly spun his arms in a clockwise direction, creating a masive tornado.

Just as Sonic recovers, his eyes widens in shock at the sight of the tornado.

Sonic: What?! Is he crazy?

Sonic flies down, grunting as he pushes against the strong current of wind as trees and rocks began flying everywhere

The Flash ran across the accumalating debris and he throws a punch, knocking back Sonic.

Sonic grabs a rock and he throws it at The Flash.

But The Flash jumps over the attack and he delivers a kick, sending Sonic tumbling down.

Sonic splashes into the water just as The Flash lands at the shore.

Sonic bursts out if the water and he spun forward, throwing a kick right into The Flash's face.

The Flash recovers and he dodges just as Sonic throws a punch.

The Flash punches Sonic in the face, knocking him back.

Sonic charges up a powerful aura and he launches it at The Flash.

The Flash narrows his eyes and he sprints forward.

To Sonic's horror, The Flash ran through the attack, phasing through before throwing one solid punch right into his face.

As Sonic was blown back by the blow, The Flash sped forward, grabs onto Sonic and he began sprinting faster and faster, dragging Sonic into the speed force.

Speed Force

Sonic opens his eyes and he looks around, only to find himself in an empty void.

Confused, Sonic questions.

Sonic: Where am I? What is this?

Sonic suddenly heard a familiar voice replying.

Flash: You are in the speed force, the source of my power.

As Super Sonic runs through the speed force, all of a sudden, The Flash dashes forward and he strikes an elbow right into Sonic's face.

As Sonic tumbles back, The Flash grabs him and he pulls him along before running into Egypt.


Deadpool and Pinkie Pie are busy exploring a pyramid when all of a sudden, The Flash suddenly appears out of nowhere and he slams Sonic into the wall of the pyramid before disappearing.

Deadpool turns to Pinkie Pie and he questions.

Deadpool: Did you see something?

Pinkie Pie answers.

Pinkie Pie: I don't know, all I saw was a red streak.

1000000 BC

A Tyrannosaurus rex is busy feasting on an Iguanodon carcass when all of a sudden, The Flash suddenly appears and he slams Sonic right into the predator.

Angered, the Tyrannosaurus roars at him but The Flash disappears.

Speed Force

The Flash runs back where a projection of Sonic remains and he slams the Golden Hedgehog right into his projection.

The Flash began speeding across the Speed Force, knocking Sonic back and forth before throwing one Infinite Mass punch, sending Sonic flying back.

As Sonic screams in pain, Sonic began reverting back into his base form, having his Super Form timed out.

The Flash charges up a powerful lightning bolt and he launches it at Sonic, blasting him back.

Sonic screams in pain as the lightning struck him before he slams backfirst into a spike wall.

The Flash runs up to the dead Hedgehog and he said in disgust.

Flash: Ew. Oh well, at least you beat me there.

The Flash then runs off just as the Freedom Fighters solemnly came to mourn the death of Sonic.


The winner is

The Flash

Advantages and disadvantages

The Flash


More durable

More powerful

Speed Force gave him the edge


Physically weaker

Little to no experience in hand to hand combat

Sonic the Hedgehog



Better martial arts skills

Able to tank multiple blows from The Flash

Super Form gave him an edge


Not very strategic

Super Form has a time limit

Victory quote

The Flash runs around Solomon Grundy, blowing him up with a tornado. As Solomon Grundy falls down, The Flash throws an uppercut, sending Solomon Grundy flying back before he faces the viewers with his arm crossed.

Up Next

Kirito vs Meliodas
