
Artzy's POV
     I woke up to the sound of JJ yelling downstairs. "What a usual morning." I mumbled to myself as I got up and got dressed into proper clothes before walking downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen i sighed and sat down on a chair. "Good morning sleepyhead." Josh said giving me a cup of tea. "Morning dad." I said laughing a bit. I called Josh dad only because it annoyed him. "Oi don't call me that." He said trying to look mad. I rolled my eyes as JJ walked in still loudly rapping. "Omg can you shut up already!" I yelled covering my ears. "Someones in a grumpy mood." Simon said which I hadn't even noticed he was behind me. I rolled my eyes and put my head on the table resting it between my arms. "Eh I'm just not feeling it today." I said shrugging a bit. "Aww does someone need a hug?" Simon said hugging me from the side. I pushed him off and gave Simon a glare. I wasn't a big fan of hugs or kisses because they reminded me of imprinting. It's when werewolves kiss someone and then they have to be with that person forever or it doesn't end well. I sighed getting up, "Hey I'm going for a walk I'll be back." When I walked to the door I stopped. I heard Simon following me the whole time. Turning around I shifted my weight to one foot. "What is it this time?" I asked. "Can I go on your walk with you?" He replied shyly. I nodded my head and put my shoes on before heading outside.
Shortly into the walk Simon asked me a question. "Why don't you like hugs? You always push someone away when they try hug you or something." I shrugged my shoulder, "it just doesn't feel right to me." I said lying. He sighed. "Come on there has to be another reason!" Simon said not fully convinced. "And your always angry when someone asks questions." "Something's are just touchy subjects ok!" I snapped at him. We walked in silence for a bit before Simon grabbed my hand and stopped us again. I tried pulling my hand away but he just kept a tighter grip on it. "Listen I really care about you so can you please tell me what's wrong?" I glanced at our hands and sighed. "I can't tell you." "Why?" "Because I just can't." "I know your lying to me." "I just can't ok!" "You can't tell anyone anything can you?!? You just push people away when they are tying to help! Why wont you just tell me what's wrong and stop lying for once!" Simon sniffled a bit. I had noticed he was crying but I didn't want to say anything. Suddenly he pulled me into a hug and that i melted into before realizing what was happening. I pushed Simon off of me lightly and started to walk off. "Listen I'm sorry for yelling at you. I just really want to help and I can't if you keep pushing me away." "Simon it's fine I promise. I just don't like hugs it reminds me of stuff that i don't like to talk about."
    After we got home i went back to my room and binge watched the boys videos for a couple hours before someone knocked on my bedroom door. "Come in!" I said as JJ walked into the room. He sat down beside me on the bed and laid his head on my shoulder. I chuckled a bit, "You always act like we are dating Jide. But why did you actually come here?" I said resting my head on top of his. "Well you and Simon have been acting different since you guys came back from your walk. You guys are much quieter than usual. Like one of you is always in the others room talking about random shit or your playing games around the house." I lifted my head off of JJ's and looked at him deciding weather to tell him or not. Fuck it i always tell JJ things. "Well Simon was asking a lot of questions that i didn't really want to answer at the moment then he kind of yelled at me and said sorry which I didn't reply to so now i think Simon is mad at me." I managed to say in one breath. JJ put an arm on my shoulder as he sat up. "I can guarantee that Simon is not mad. You may not realize it but he cares for you a lot. Probably more than i do and thats saying something." I sighed "Jide?" "Yes?" "Why is life so complicated?" "I don't know Bubblegum, I don't know."
