
Actual Comments:

Who is jason?

I'm so confused.

Why are they both dying?

Whats going on...why is the blood oath killing them both? pls explain

Allow me to explain.

In the previous book, "Rejection Pays A Price," Tamara Rose was kidnapped by Dylan's evil brother, Jason.

Ringing any bells?

Well, Jason made Tamara swear a blood oath that she would marry him, and in return he promised not to harm her friend. (He actually did harm Eric, but there was a loophole, because he never specified which friend he swore not to harm, so the oath was still intact.)

Fast forward to now.

If Tamara Rose and Eric agree to get married, they are breaking the oath. (Even if Jason is dead.) blood oaths cannot be physically broken. It goes against nature. Therefore, to right what went wrong, nature kills those breaking the oath.

AKA, Rosie and Eric.

Everyone good now?

I really didn't mean to make it so confusing. Apologies. 

Anyways, glad you're all enjoying the book! I love everyone so much <3

~zenabk17  (/^_^)/
