Chapter 4 - On the Run (Part 1)

"Run boy run!

This world is not made for you

Run boy run!

They're trying to catch you"

- Run Boy Run by Woodkid

"What...?", Echo asked to no one in particular. "What just happened?".

"The comm channel is repeating one directive, execute order 66", Tech answered.

"Yeah, I heard that too", Wrecker stated. "What's order 66?".

"I am not certain". The brothers fell into silence, still confused on the scene that took place. Echo glanced over as the covered body of General Billaba was carried to the reg ship.

"Echo, Tech, talk to the reg captain. Find out what you can", Hunter ordered after a moment. "Crosshair, you and I will track down Pavok and the kid and make sure nothing happens to them. Wrecker, stall anyone who tries to follow us". Hunter gestured to Crosshair, and they headed for the treeline.

"Did you notice her saber changed?", Hunter asked Crosshair, trying to make conversation. Crosshair ignored him, focusing on his rifle. "I'm just saying,", Hunter continued, "that you were concerned about her before".

"It doesn't matter", Crosshair responded. "Keep looking".

Hunter rolled his eyes, but continued to look for tracks. Spotting some fallen snow, he signaled Crosshair ahead, following the trail.


We sprinted through the woods, away from the valley, away from the troopers Caleb once knew as friends. Who I once knew as friends. In my distraction, I forgot to look where I was going, tripping on a root. I landed hard on the ground, knocking the wind out of me. I covered my mouth to silence my cry of pain as a rock struck the blaster wound on my side. I looked up, blinking the tears away from my eyes, trying to think. Caleb was beside me in an instant, holding my arm to help me up. I continued to look up at the trees, the same treetops from my vision.

"We're going up", I instructed the young padawan before making my way to the nearest tree and beginning to climb. The scene reminded me of another time I was called away to assist Master Kenobi on a battle at the jungle planet Felucia. It was my first time on the field, the first time fighting without Master Ti... 

I stopped my thoughts as I reached a sturdy branch. There was no time to think about that right now; I couldn't get stuck in the past if I wanted to survive. I motioned to Caleb, who was on a nearby tree to rest here. The branch had a good height to it, and it was hidden fairly well from the ground. 

I took the time to brush off the extra dirt on my robes from the fall, pausing as I made it to my hair. I felt my padawan braid, still as neat as ever, my fingers passing over my beads. Grief washed over me again as I though about how I would never get to perform my trials with Master Ti. I would never complete my training; I wouldn't become a sentinel. 

I had failed. The vision the force had given me was meant to prepare me, to warn me, to help me do something, but I wasn't ready. When the time came, I hadn't been able to warn Depa. Maybe if I had been faster...

Oh, Laia. You're always so focused on what could have been. Like a wave, Laiany. Focus on what is.

I jumped a bit at the voice. I looked around the branches, searching for who had spoken. I peered over at Caleb, not noticing anything different. I stiffened up as I heard the crunch of snow below. I held a finger to mouth, Caleb mimicking the gesture with a nod, and we sank back closer to the trunk, hiding out of view.

"They're close", I heard from below. I spotted only two, Hunter and Crosshair, who were standing on a rock formation a few trees away. I held my breath as Crosshair pointed his rifle up, searching. 

"There". I watched as Caleb tensed up after being spotted. I sunk further into the leaves, staying hidden, but angling myself to jump in front of Caleb if need be and fight.

"Come on down kid!", Hunter yelled up. "We're here to help!".

The statement proved to be a lie when a blaster shot was fired up into the trees. I deflected the blast away, still remaining hidden. I remembered from my sentinal training that any advantage is a good advantage. By remaining hidden, we still had the upper hand.

"Liar!", Caleb shouted down, looking in my direction before taking off through the trees. I followed, making as little noise as possible.


"What are you doing?!".

"Following orders", Crosshair responded in a monotone voice.

"We don't even know what the order is. Stand down until we know what's going on".

Crosshair watched as Hunter walked away. His hand twitched at the same time as his neck, like a tic, before going back to rest on his rifle.

"Good soldiers follow orders".


I listened for any signs of the clones, but it seemed as if they had stopped following, at least for a moment. The sound of rushing water caught my attention, and I remembered my vision yet again. 

"Caleb", I whispered, watching as he turned his head. "Go to the waterfall, there should be a ship somewhere in that area. Take it and go to Lothal".

"You're not coming with me?", he asked desperately. It was now I realized how young he truly was, and I questioned for moment if I should go with him.

"No,", I decided. "I can't. The force has given me a vision. I need to do something else first". The thought of Omega came to mind, little Omega, whose genes would decide the fate of the rest of the living jedi, the fate of the galaxy. "I have to save someone else first".

Caleb seemed to understand, though he seemed disappointed. He nodded before turning towards the water.

"Caleb", I stopped him, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry". I looked down in shame and grief, knowing he was doing the same. We didn't dare say the why out loud, both already knowing why, and fearful that speaking would solidify it's truth. "May the force be with you".

"Laiany, I'm not too sure there's a force left to be with". He paused, tears springing to his eyes. "I hope you're able to find whoever you're looking for".

He gave me one last glance before flipping away, leaving me on my own. 

"Goodbye Caleb, and good luck", I whispered.

I felt more tears fall at the thought of Caleb and his statement. I had always been the more spiritual one, but Caleb had trusted in the force all the same. I understood, though, why he wouldn't trust it now, after it took the lives of so many, including his master, including me.

I quieted up at the sound of a comm device beeping below.

"We have a situation", Tech's voice came in spotty and rough through the transponder.

I watched as Crosshair and Hunter stopped, listening to what Tech had to say. I slowly moved back into more coverage as they spoke.


"Tell me something I don't know Tech", Hunter responded back snarkily.

"It appears the regs have been ordered to execute the jedi".

"What?", Hunter stated, surprised. "Which jedi?".

"All of them. They're saying the jedi have committed treason".

Hunter looked to Crosshair, who didn't seem to care all to much. He thought back to Laiany, wondering what she, or any other jedi for that matter, could have possibly done.

"That would explain things", Crosshair spoke up.

"It doesn't begin to explain things!", Hunter shot back, exasperated by his brother's lack of questioning. Crosshair was always one to question orders. Why was he following them so blindly now?

"I suggest you get back here", Tech advised.

"Can't. Haven't found either kid yet".

There was a sound of falling snow from the treetops, and Crosshair aimed his rifle up. The scope was aimed directly on the terrified expression of Laiany as she froze in place, glancing over to where her foot had accidentally hit a weak branch, causing the sound. She shoke her head towards the sniper, a futile attempt to beg for mercy. Crosshair hesitated for just a moment, another tic occurring in his hand, before he turned off the safety and readjusted.

