Chapter 18


Martin Vincento's POV

"I don't care! I want them at any cost in the next four hours! Got it?!", I threatened in my low voice not wanting to wake Diana up.

"W-We will try our level best Sir", I heard the person say with fright laced in his voice.

"I don't want you to try! I want you to do it!", I snapped in my angry voice and cut the call before he can say anything. I angrily put the phone down on the bed side table and got inside the bed. I got under the blacnket and instantly she snuggled closer to me. Her hand is on my chest along with her head. I happily put my ahndsa round her pulling her more closer.

I took a deep breathe and tried to sleep. But I can't. What happened three hours ago ran in my mind like a movie reel. I can't believe I let it happen to her. Damn! I should have been more careful! She wouldn't be in this position if it wasn't for me. I should have not let go of her hand while talking on the phone.

Those guys! I want to kill them with my own hands! How dare they touch my girl! At that thought I looked down at her beautiful face. There is a white cotton cloth on her forehead where her blood bled. I took her hands and there are green finger prints on her wrists. Her cheek is bruised and there are finger prints on her cheek too. She looked so tired.

The sight of her made my heart bleed. She is sleeping so peacefully, but I can't! I can't sleep until I punish those bastards brutally. I want to torture them like they did to her. I can't believe I was so irresponsible! I can't even imagine the torture and pain she had gone through those few minutes. If I was a few minutes late... No! I don't even want to imagine it!

I ran my fingers gently on her bruises, not wanting to wake her up. Cara Mia! I kissed her forehead. She moved a little, but snuggled more into me. I called the doctor on our way back to home and got her injuries treated. As soon as I saw those ugly bruises on her face, I want to run back to those filthy rogues and show what a beast I can be.

I know I sound rude. But I don't care! I want to tear them limb to limb, painfully. I would have caught them in that minute, but Diana is more important to me than them. I can still remember the sight of her face pressed against the surface of the car engine with tears on her face. I saw how that bastard bet her on her back.

Urggh!... Just the sight of it pains me. When I pushed that man away, I twisted his hand with which he bet her and I am sure his bone cracked due to the sound it made. Don't mess with an ex-army man!

I looked down at her again. I cupped her face.

"From today, I won't let anything happen to you, Cara. Anything. I will take care of you. I won't let anyone or anything harm you, Cara Mia", I promised silently, even though I know she couldn't hear me. She moved and breathed.

"Martin", she whispered my name with her eyes closed, meaning she is still sleeping. I feel so happy. She whispered my name. She is seeking comfort in me and I couldn't be happier.

I don't know why, but a small smile came itself on my lips. I don't know what these feelings are and what I feel for her, but I am sure, I can't live without her. She captured me on the first sight. I am so happy that I fired her. I can't hear her calling herself cheaply and thinking herself low. She is beautiful, inside out. Having her beside me and touring her the whole Venice is superb.

I wanted to buy her everything when her eyes twinkled. but she stopped me. I planned out everything perfectly. I wanted to have a peaceful and happy day. I wanted to make the first of her's in Venice to be special. But the day has to be spoiled by them. I just hate it! I will protect her like she is my eyelid from today.

With that thought I closed my eyes, falling asleep while holding her close to me.

I woke up as I felt someone staring at me. I kept my eyes closed knowing who it is. I felt a fingertip running along my nose and then I felt her soft hand cupping my cheek.

For a moment there is silence.

"Martin. I know you are awake. Open your eyes", she ordered sweetly. I opened my eyes and met her eyes. I stared deep into her's for a few minutes as she did the same. She smiled at me and God, did she look beautiful.

"Good morning", I greeted looking at her.

"Good morning", she said as she sat up and stretched her arms. I just stared at her as she did it. She looked down at herself and looked up at me again. She has a confused look on her face. I sat up along with her and pulled her to me as I leaned against the bedpost.

"I changed you last night. I didn't see anything. I called the doctor and he cleaned your head as it bled and dressed it", I explained. She nodded her head signalling me that she understood.


"Cara Mia, I am so sorry that I was not there last night when they took you. I should not have let go of your hand. It is all my mistake. Please forgive-". She stopped me with her forefinger on my lips.

"No. Don't think like that Martin. Please don't blame yourself for whatever happened last night. I am happy that you came for me. You know what, you are my hero. I knew you would come for me", she said kissing my cheek as she held other with her hand.

My heart swelled with pride that I am her hero. I can't be any happier. But at the same time, I cursed myself for letting it happen to her. I can't stop blaming myself. Whoever is there with me, whomever I liked from my childhood, always left me, not because they wanted to, but always something happened to them. I guess I am just a bad luck. But I can't lose Diana.

"Don't over think it. Please, for me. For your girlfriend", she said pouting while playing her girlfriend card. I want to grin that she called herself my girlfriend, but stopped myself with a small smile and hugged her.

"Okay", I replied calmly.

"Good. Now go, get ready. You should start work right. We should go to the oil company to check it out", she said while getting out of the bed. I caught her wrist, stopping her from getting out of the bed.

"No! I am not going to work today and neither do you. You are not my PA now. You are my girlfriend. Although I would have taken you today with me, I cancelled it. We are not going anywhere. How did you even think that I will let you get out of bed in this position? No!".

"But Martin, it's important for-".

"I am not going to change my decision". She huffed and sat back. she looked at me.

"Please, Martin. You know this deal is important-".

"Not more than you", I cut her off.

"Please let me complete. I am fine Martin. I know not totally fine. But it's just my face that is bruised, my legs and hands are still working and I can handle myself. I am no kid. I don't need you to take care of me. The meeting and with them and checking the oil company does not take my time. I will be fine. Don't worry. Just go and do the work that you came here to do".

"Are you done?", I asked as I got bored of her speech.

"Martin!", she said angrily.

"I am not going", I said stubbornly.

"Please. I... I want some alone time too", she said looking down at her fingers that are clasped together. I took her hand in mine. I huffed. For her.

"Okay. I will go in the afternoon and come back in the evening", I said and she grinned at me.

"That's my boy!".

"Boy, huh?", I questioned her while smirking at her. She blushed, biting her lip to stop herself from smiling.

"I mean man. That's my man!".

"Oh yes, Cara Mia. I sure am yours and you... are all mine", I said as I captured her lips with mine. I kissed her fully on her lips and she kissed me back. I pulled her closer and she is in my lap. Her hands are around my neck and my hands are around her waist. We pulled away after kissing passionately. We are panting and our faces are still close. We stared at each other.

"Martin, I...", she trailed off, after her breathe is steadied along with mine.

"You?", I asked.

"Nothing", she said looking down. I lifted her chin up, making her meet my eyes.

"You know you can trust me. Tell me", I ordered.

"I... I lo... I really like you a lot", she said looking into my eyes. I smiled at her. My heart jumped at her words.

"I like you more", I said back and she smiled at me.

"Martin", she whispered looking into my eyes as I stared back into her's.

"You are so beautiful", I said holding her face in my hands. Indeed she is.

"You are so handsome". We both smiled at each other.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Diana. Anything", I said looking into her eyes.

"I know", she said looking into mine. I hugged her to me. She hugged me back.

This moment is so perfect! I hope time stills like this for a few minutes. No, hours. She is so perfect. We pulled away after a while.

"Now go and bath. You need to go to the office", she ordered as she got off from my lap.

"Look who's bossing", I said as I got up from the bed.

She giggled lightly and was about to get out of the bed.

"Don't! If you want me to go to the office, it's my strict order that you don't get out of the bed", I said strictly to her.


"You heard me".

"No! Martin!".

"No. Do as I say".

"Now look who's bossing", she said in a low voice, trying to imitate me. I pressed my lips together to stop myself from laughing. I went into the bathroom and showered. I came out, wrapping a towel around my waist that is in the bathroom and looked at the bed only to find it empty.

"Diana!", I called out getting scared.

I went inside the closet to check, she is not there.

"Diana!", I called out again, getting more and more scared. It's like the same that happened yesterday night. I looked around, but she is nowhere.

Where is she?!

"Diana!". I went downstairs and walked into the living room.

"I am in the kitchen!", I heard her shout and went there. There she is, making... something. I don't care whatever it is! I went to her and hugged her.

"God, I got scared! Why did you get out of bed?! I told you not to! At least you should have waited till I got out of shower!", I said angrily while pulling back.

"Sorry", she said softly. She looked really apologetic.

"I am sorry too. I got a little scared".

"A little?", she asked raising her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay. A lot".

"Martin, I know how you feel. I am sorry. I just wanted to make some coffee. I know there is a maid and I don't need to do it by myself, but I want to. I don't want to sit on the bed and keep moping". She's right.


"Now come on", she said pulling me with her upstairs. I dressed and she changed into her shorts and tank top. I came out and kissed her on her lips. They are so addictive! But mine. Only mine.

"Be careful. If you need me just call me okay. I will be here for you. If you need anything, ask the maids. Don't work and don't stress yourself", I said while pulling her closer.

"Okay boss", she saluted and laughed.

We went down and I sat in the car. My driver started the car. I soon reached the oil company and got out. Marcel is already there. He came and shook my hands.

"Pleasure to have you here Mr. Vincento", he greeted and I just nodded my head at him with a serious look. I don't like to show my emotions to anyone except my Diana.

He first took me to his office and explained the things. He kept on talking, but all I can think about is Diana, Diana and only Diana. Oh, Cara Mia! What are you doing to me? After two hours or so he completed explaining.

"Come with me Mr. Vincento. I will show you around the company", he said standing up. I got up with him and went out. He kept taking me around while showing me around. I kept checking my phone every few minutes to see if she called. But I only met with disappointment.

Why isn't she calling?!

"Mr. Vincento. Is everything alright?", I heard Marcel ask. I looked at him and gave him a curt nod. He nodded at me and continued talking.

After a while, he showed me everything, but I am too interested in it.

"I will now introduce to our staff Mr. Vincento", Marcel said. When is this shit going to over?!

"Give me a minute", I said in my business tone and came to the other side of the room where no one can hear me. I took out my phone and called her. The phone kept ringing, but she didn't lift. I tried again. Still the same. Why isn't she even lifting the phone? Is everything okay?

"Mr. Vincento!", Marcel called.

I went back to meet their staff, though I am not interested in meeting them. My mind is fully focused on Diana. Finally, it is over!

"Thank you for coming here Mr. Vincento. I hope you liked it all", Marcel said.

"It's good. I will take it".

"Thank you, Mr. Vincento".

"Tell your boss that the deal is final", I said while getting in my car.

"Okay Mr. Vincento", he said and my driver closed the door. He sat in his seat and pulled of off the company.

I kept calling her phone, but she is not lifting. I feel more and more tensed as minutes passed by. I want to push my driver off his seat and press the accelerator hard to reach her soon. It's already seven in the evening.

As soon as we reached the house, I got out of my seat and paced fastly inside the house. The house is so dark. I don't even hear a sound.

"Diana!", I called out loudly.

No reply. Where is she?! Why are the lights off?! What is happening?!

"Diana!", I called out again and switched on the lights in the living room. There is no security around the house. Where are they?! I saw someone in the swimming pool that is in front of my room. Our room. I quickly went there. The whole room is filled with petals and scented candles. What is all this?! I went out to the swimming pool to see who it is.

"Cara Mia-", I started but my throat went dry with the sight in front of me.

Diana came out of the swimming pool in nothing but a light blue, strapped bikini. Water droplets are falling from her hair and she is looking so hot! She looked at me and smiled while biting her lip with shy. God, she is torturing me!

"Cara Mia", I managed to say out.

Is this a dream? Surely not.

Then what is happening?!



Hey my cute dumplings!

Don't miss the next chapter. That's all I can say. Sorry for the late update. Please tell me do you guys like the cast.

Please VOTE and COMMENT. 
