Chapter 1 - The Titan King

    This excerpt is translated from many different ancient languages, thought lost to time: Deutsch, Time Memoriam, Ancient Greek, Greek, English, Latin, and Italian. Read through realizing that these stories are primitive and thus may seem barbaric to some.


    My name is Cicero Sakule, Warrior of Wisdom. I am the son of the Primordial god Chronos, and have been called the Sage of Time and the Citrine Chosen. You may already know the stories I share with my fellow chosen, but you do not know this one. So hear the tale of how I arose to this position.

    It began on a spring day in the year 1816 (otherwise known as 9 B.V.) on the Planet God Chaos. It was a planet seen across many universes, and commonly known as Earth. Ours was home to the Greco-Roman Gods, Deities who were known to be in harmony with the elements and to give rise to heroes. However, the Vice of Hubris was common here, even among our Deities. Constantly we were at war. With ourselves, with each other, under our Deities, or for no reason at all. 

    A few hours earlier I had been summoned to the Berlin Temple of the History of the Olympians. A construction worker who was working on building something at the location where my mom Agata's shop used told me the watchman needed me. I did not have much else to do, and so I decided to give the place a visit, if only to see the displays.

    I entered the Berlin Temple to the History of the Olympians, and was greeted by the night watchman. As I shook his hand I noticed that there were bags under his unusually bloodshot eyes. Clearly, the man hadn't received any sleep as of late.

    "You are Sakule, yes? The child who's home was smite down by Zeus, and who is infamous for speaking against the king's position among the Olympians?"

    I inhaled, trying not to sound guilty. "Yes Herr Muller, that's me. But I want you to know I have nothing against your temple. I think it is super important to honour our history, and that includes the god's history as well. Whatever you need me for, just ask, and I will try to help."

    "The statue of Kronos, the titan king. It requests your presence."

    I started slowly walking backwards to the doors. "Except that. I'm very sorry to leave so suddenly but clearly you're not okay right now and I hope you get the help you need soon, Herr Muller."

   The guards blocked my escape, and the watchman grabbed my arm and dragged me to the statue of Kronos consuming his firstborn, Hestia. However, whereas usually Kronos' head would be facing baby Hestia for a questionable meal, it was instead turned to the side. It was positioned in a way that seemed as if it were looking slightly down, just enough for the large, hunched figure to see the watchman.

    The watchman took 4 steps back. "3 days ago, this statue of Kronos was filled with a golden glow that could be seen from its cracks with time. The statue seemed to repair itself, reverting back to a pristine form as if it had been sculpted just then and there. The dust was blown into my eyes. Then, the head turned towards me and a voice came from it. 'You will bring to me the homeless demi-immortal, and you will allow me to speak with him alone.' After that, everything returned to normal, except the statue's position."

    I stared at the statue for a moment, and it did seem quite new. No cracks, no dust, and no dents. However, that only went for the Kronos part of the statue. Baby Hestia's statue was left completely unchanged, despite being sculpted as part of the Kronos one. I turned around to ask the watchman about that, but he was already gone, and I realised there was nobody around me. The door leading into that section of the temple had closed too.

    Suddenly the lights took on a golden glow, and the statue spoke from behind me. "Ah, Time's favored child. Pleasure to meet you, orphan."

    "Are you the Titan King? The Immortal Cannibal?"

    "I am Kronos, yes. As for that cannibal part, does it truly count if your children all escaped anyway? And if it was done as an act of self-preservation?"

    "Of course it does! You cannibalized five of your own children! Just because you were sliced to pieces doesn't mean you've escaped such a horrid deed!"

    "Ah, if you say so small one. But regardless, I have a message for you. One given to me from Mother Gaea herself."

    "What is it? What does Gaea want from me?"

    "On the fall equinox in 9 years, she will become whole. And when she does, not even one such as you will be spared the wrath of her awakening. Slumbering beings will awaken, ash will suffocate the life on Chaos, the Olympians will be replaced and humanity will begin anew, if they are not deemed unfit to survive."

    "You can't do anything! You are all basically dead! Gaea has been split into separate pieces, you're dust, and Hephaestus controls the volcanoes! You are all powerless!"

    The voice went silent, and I thought he was gone. That he had been so hurt, I scared him away. I was so stupid to think I could scare a Titan with suck weak and meaningless words. After a moment of dumbfound silence, the statue began to move. Its body twisted towards me, and it bent down to look me in the eyes and grab my shoulders. The way the statue had been sculpted made the eyes look lifelike, and I decided at that moment I hated that specific trait of it.

    "The only powerless one here is you. Remember how you are talking to me, heretic. If I were allowed to kill you at this moment, I would. But sadly, the Grande Tempus will not allow it yet. So if you do manage to change your fate, you will have to face me afterwards." The golden glow of the ceiling lights returned to a normal white, and the ancient presence of the Titan King Kronos ceased from the statue. 

    After that, I was frozen in place for a very, very long while. By the time I got a grip of my confusing situation, I started walking out of the Temple. However, on my way I saw the watchman was frozen mid-pace, and that the guards at the entrance were not moving an inch. I checked the time on the clock hung above the end of the entrance hall. 8:03 AM. Only 5 minutes past the time I had arrived here, and I know I was frozen in my own fear for much longer than 5 minutes. 

    I ran outside to look at the people of Berlin. Nobody was moving: people on jogs, people walking with friends or family, people calling for taxis, even cars were frozen. It was as if I were placed into a set for a theatre and everything around me was simply props and mannequins. The realisation of what was going on hit me like a brick to the head. Somehow, time had been frozen at the moment Kronos left. And somehow, I was spared of this phenomenon's effect.
