9: Unspoken

Legolas picked at his dinner largely in silence, even though the venison was beautifully cooked and clearly had not been old or sick, as Elladan had teased Wren. But his mind was mulling over the events of the day and the last few weeks. His intention since his last conversation with his father had always been to travel north to discover the true identity of Strider. But now he was beset with a mystery that was entirely unexpected. A mystery of a mere mortal, of a girl, almost a child by his frame of reference. Yet, she approached him like an equal and fought like a seasoned warrior. A mystery that also included two Eldarian lords and the enigmatic Ranger Captain.

Legolas's wandering thoughts were brought back as the villagers called for some light entertainment from the twins. Then a night of merriment began. Daernon, one of the Rangers then joined in and together, they all regaled stories and sang songs. However, Legolas was eager to spend some time alone, so he stayed until he thought he would not be missed. Then he stood up to leave and moved to the outer ring of the onlookers. As he did so, he caught sight of Wren laughing across the room. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks flushed. For the first time he really noticed her; her skin was tanned with a few sun-kissed freckles on her nose, but her complexion still fairer than most of the villagers. Her long dark hair fell in tresses over her ears, unbraided. A small dimple appeared just above the left side of her mouth, when she smiled, which seemed to be often. But it was her eyes that were most striking. Large, bright, brown eyes. They seemed to dance as she laughed, and the twinkle seemed so intrinsically part of them, that Legolas only noticed it when it was gone. Like at that moment, as Strider had taken up position at the center of the gathering.

Urged on by the crowd to sing a closing song, he began to sing a love song. A story, long ago, of a mortal and an elf; Beren and Luthian and their fated love.

As the rich tenor of his voice filled the room, Legolas's eyes were fixed on Wren as he stood in the shadows. He recognized it in her face. And he knew. He wondered why he had not seen it before.

He continued to watch her as she rose to leave, so soundlessly that those around her did not appear to notice her departure. Their eyes were focused on Strider and his haunting melody. She left by the door across the room.

Legolas waited another minute and then exited the building equally surreptitiously. The moon had only just begun to rise, but Legolas was able to see her sitting on a rock at the edge of the village, looking up at the stars. He walked over to her and saw her body tense on his arrival, but she did not verbally acknowledge his presence. He stood alongside her as they both stared at the glowing stars.

After a long pause, Legolas said softly, "You love him."

There was moment of quiet.

Without looking at Legolas, she responded. "For as long as I can remember."

After that, there was a lengthy silence. As if in some attempt to bring comfort to this aching heart he felt a new alliance to, Legolas found himself saying;

"He loves you."

Wren breathed out the faintest of laughs, hollow, without any light.

"As a brother, possibly even a father." She paused. "No, his heart belongs to another; an elven princess.

"... All things considered, she is probably more suited to you, elf prince," she said with the glint in her eye returning, as she looked at Legolas for the first time.

Legolas looked at her, bewildered. She had only ever referred to him as 'elf lord' prior to this. Clearly, she also knew his full identity, even though Strider had not yet had the time to tell her. Furthermore,
 he had never met someone who in the midst of their pain, was able to make light of the moment.

"Why do you stay?" he asked.

"Because I have nowhere else to go. And there is nowhere else I would rather be than near him," she said, with the faintest edge of bitterness evident in her voice.

Legolas looked at the stars and after an eternity said,

"I too have a love unspoken."

Wren turned abruptly to look at him, she seemed surprised that this stoic elf was capable of love. He continued slowly.

"For years I have loved her, perhaps over a hundred years. I do not remember when it all began. It was so gradual. Yet when I finally realized it, I was incapable of acting on it. She was a Silvan elf, and I, a Sindarin. My father would never have given his approval, even if I had dared to inquire it of him.

But I do not know how it might have ended, because before I had the courage to ask anything of either of them, she fell in love with another. A dwarf. She cared for him more deeply and passionately than she had ever cared for me. However, no sooner had she fallen in love, when the one that she loved was taken forever from her."

Legolas stopped, realizing he had spoken more to this girl than he had ever spoken out loud or even in his own thoughts. But as he looked down as her, her eyes were filled with compassion. She did not ask Tauriel's name and he was glad of that. It would have been too hard to say it out loud. But her eyes bored in to his soul and opened him up, urging him to continue.

"So, I left," he said at last. "There were other reasons to leave. But I could not compete with a memory. It was too painful to stay and watch her grieve for another."

After some time, Wren asked, "Does the pain lessen over distance and time?"

Legolas considered her question and slowly responded. "Perhaps. I do not think of her as often as I did on my way when I traveled here. Maybe over time, the pain will be less of a burden."

She smiled wryly and said with her eyes brightening, "My teasing should be a welcome distraction, I am surprised that you have not been more grateful."

Legolas forced himself to return the smile.

"Yes, your provocation does take some getting used to. Not dissimilar to falling into a frozen  lake."

She laughed. It was beautiful, like the sound of running water in a small forest stream.

"Oh, elf lord" she mocked, "I do believe that may have been your first attempt at humor since your arrival!"

Legolas smiled genuinely this time, and a forgotten murmur of a laugh escaped him.

The faintest of footsteps were heard behind them. Without turning and barely above a whisper, she said,

"Strider approaches."

Legolas watched as a tortured look passed over her face before she regained her characteristic half smile. It was so brief, he almost wondered if he imagined it.

Strider came alongside them.

"Did my singing cause your ears pain again Wren? It seems as though Legolas may share a similar dislike..."

"Forgive me Strider, you know that your singing is the best that this little village has to offer! Tonight, Legolas and I wanted to look at the stars, as the Anarríma constellation is particularly bright this time of year," she said lightly.

Strider looked up at the stars, and then gazed back at the two of them. His eyes told Legolas, that he knew far more had passed between them, than Wren had alluded to.

Wren announced she was going to bed and Legolas did likewise.

As Legolas left, he realized that his step was lighter than it had been in sometime. The night's conversation had somehow cleared his head. He felt a new kinship with this girl, this woman, who was tormented by a pain similar to his own.


A pivotal chapter of the story, its namesake! Did you see this coming? I would love to receive your comments and PLEASE vote on this chapter if you enjoyed it. Each vote and comment helps the wider circulation of my story, I really appreciate them!

Video: Made by the talented 'PossibilityForJoy' and posted with her kind permission. An ode to what might have been ... or what might be ...

DEDICATION illnevergrowup : For being so immersed and emotionally connected to my story!
