Chapter Ten

We walked to my room in silence as we usually had upon us, but it was much different this time. Usually, when there was silence between us, it was comfortable- this was not comfortable. There seemed to be tension between us. At first, I thought it was just me, but Germany seemed stiffer than usual. He also seemed less confident. He usually was the type of guy to be straight forward, not only with his words but his demeanor. This time his eyes stayed glued to the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked, as we waited for the elevator.

"Mhmm, I just have a lot more to do before I leave in the morning," he mumbled.

"You can go back if you want. I can make it to my room," I reassured him.

"No need. I can walk you to your room," he replied.

The elevator had arrived, and he let me enter first and followed behind.

If he had so much to do, why wouldn't he go back? Unless...

I needed to get out of my own mind. I was letting it run too out of control. There was no way-

My mind was quickly sidetracked by him. I looked to his blues eyes. He only studied the floor.

Maybe I'm setting myself up for failure. I probably am, but I had never seen him act like this before. I just wanted to know. It might hurt me, but something was defiantly affecting him...who to say that it isn't me.

The elevator door opened, and we were on my floor. Again, Germany let me exit first and followed after me. He then walked to the door.

"Thank you again for all of your extra help this week," Germany said. "You didn't have to at all."

This is it. This is our moment.

"It was no problem at all," I smiled.

Why hasn't he made a move- wait, think about it (Y/N). Germany is a professional guy and my superior. I need to make the move. He came up here so I could make the move.

"Well, good night. Have a safe trip home," he said, before he started to walk off.

"Wait, Germany!" I called, grabbing his wrist.

He turned back to face me with a shocked look, and I felt my body running off pure adrenaline, as I pulled him back towards me and kissed him. For a split moment, it was bliss, but Germany was quick to pull himself away from me.

"What are you doing?!?" he angerly questioned.

I was taken back, realizing that my gut was extremely wrong.

"I-I just thought—"

"Thought what? I am your superior. I cannot be seen here kissing you. This was out of line. The audacity," he snarled, before walking off.

"Wait..."I whispered, as I felt myself sink
