Class Embarrassment







I could feel the heat beating against my tan skin from the sun rays that were peaky through my white curtains. I got out of bed and started to tame my brown locks that looked like a animal was living in it. I grabbed a towel and went to my bathroom.


I walked into my bedroom, towards my closet.

I took my towel off then started to put some more comfortable clothes on. Then I started to blow dry my hair before putting on some make-up on.

"Thea go and get your brothers so they can eat breakfast!"

"Ok mom!" I grabbed my blue backpack and ran towards my little brother's room.


I was awoken by knocking and the voice of my big sister, "Wake up sleepy head! Mom is taking you to the museum today!"

I quickly got out of bed then changed out of my pajamas and put on my clothes.

I ran out of my room and bumped into Tanya.

"Whoa there buddy, careful before you hurt yourself." She smiles at me.

"Sorry Tanya." I ran downstairs to the kitchen.


I was sleeping soundly in my room until I hear the sweet voice of my lovely twin sister.


I groan and got up from my comfort zone then walked up to my door and opened it. "What do you want?"

"Get dress because we have school today." She walks away with a huge satisfied grin on her face.

I roll my eyes at her for enjoying my pain of high school.

I close my door of my room and changed out of my pajamas into my clothes.


The twins immediately ate a quick breakfast and said goodbye to their parents and little brother as they walked out of their house.

And made their way to school.



Me and Thomas were sitting side by side at class waiting for Sam Witwicky to present his project. We already presented ours, so Sam was the last one.

"Ok, Mr. Witwicky, you're up." Our teacher announced.

Sam walked up to the front of the class and started to dumped a lot of stuff on the table, "Sorry, I got a lot of stuff."

"Watch." I heard Trent whispered to Mikaela.

"Okay. For my family-" Sam didn't get to finish because Trent being the dumbass he is, hit him with a rubber band. Everyone in class started laughing except for me, Thomas, and Mikaela.

"Who did...who did that? People! Responsibility." Our teacher gave us a stern look before motioning Sam to continue.

"Okay. So, for my family genealogy report, I decided to do it on my great great grandfather, who was a famous man, Captain Archable Witwicky. Very famous explorer. In fact, he was one of the first to explore the Arctic Circle, which is a big deal. In 1897, he took 41 brave sailors straight into the Arctic Shelf." I could imagine all those brave men fighting against the winter but that was all interrupted by Sam himself. "So that's the story, right? And here we have some of the basic instruments and tools used by 19th century seamen." Everyone started laughing at the word seamen for no reason and the teacher held up a QUIET sign. "This here is the quadrant, which you can get for 80 bucks." 'Wait what?' I look straight at my brother with a raise brow and he just shrugged at me, "It's all for sale, by the way."

I move closer to my brother and whispered, "What in the world is happening?!"

"How should I know?" He whispered back.

"He's your best friend."

"Like the sextant here. $50 for this, which is a bargain. These are pretty cool. These are my grandfather's glasses." Sam holds up a pair of broken glasses, "I haven't quite gotten them appraised yet, but they've seen many cool things."

"Are you going to sell me his liver? Mr. Witwicky, this isn't show and sell. It's the 11th grade. I don't think your grandfather would be particularly proud of what your doing." Our teacher got cut off by Sam.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just, you know, this is all going towards my car fund. You can tell your folks. It's on eBay. I take PayPal. Cold hard cash works, too. And the compass makes a great gift for Columbus Day."

I couldn't take it anymore, "Sam!"

Sam looked startled so did Thomas but he knew I was getting annoyed, "Sorry. Unfortunately, my great great grandfather, the genius that he was, wound up going blind and crazy in a psycho ward, drawing these strange symbols and babbling on about some giant ice man that he thought he'd discovered." Sam was cut off by the sweet sound of the bell, signaling everyone that school has ended.

I sighed in relief and I picked up my bag, so did Thomas, "Finally."

"Okay. Might be a pop quiz tomorrow. Might not. Sleep in fear tonight." Our teacher announced as everyone was leaving the classroom.

Me and Mikaela looped our arms and smiled at each other. Thomas didn't mind me being friends with her at all.

"Here, you want? 50. 40? 30?"


"Yeah. Sorry, sorry."

Me and Mikaela walked out of the classroom. "Hey Tanya, are you coming to the party?"

"Yeah totally but do you mind if I bring my brother with me?" I look at her in hope I bring my brother with me.

"Yeah of course." She smiled brightly.

I smiled and hugged her tightly, "Thanks Mikaela."

She hugs back, "No problem."


I sigh and pulled away from the hug then faced my brother.

"Come on let's go!" He yelled eagerly to get away from the hell hole that people called school.

I look at Mikaela and smiled, "See ya Mikaela."

"See ya. I'll pick you up at 5?"

"Yeah that'll be amazing." I smiled at her.

"Great, bye Tanya."

"Bye Mikaela." I walked away towards my brother.


"Oh shut up Tommy. Oh by the way do you want to come to the lake party?" We walk home together.

"Yeah sure but I ain't going to wear swim shorts." He pointed at me with a stern look.

"Deal." I smiled at him.
