Chapter 6

2 Centuries Later

Selah laugh as her and her friends walk through the woods.

"I don't think this is a good idea,"Silas said. "Are you sure we should be here?"

"It's just ruins. What could possibly go wrong?"

"Ah...the building collapsed on us?"

"Selah you and Silas are really related."

"Well you can't blame us."

"There it is!" The ruin could be seen through the trees.

Mika and Alina stumbled upon it when they were exploring the day before and decide to bring the others to see it.

The smile fell from Selah's lips as she take in the structure. She has seen this structure before. But it wasn't in ruins.

They step out of the trees and she touch the crumbling stones. She was positive that she has seen this before.

"Selah are you OK?"

"I'm OK."

"There are alot of shells here."

"It's look like it's egg shells."

Selah walk away from the group to the large building. She push the door open and step inside. She look around at the dusty room. It's clear it's been decades since any life form has wander the halls.

She walks further inside. The handles were made of gold. Pushing them open she step inside. There were two chairs on a rising. A man was sitting in the biggest.

He too look familiar.

She walk closer to get a good look. She would say it was a statue but it looks too life like. It looks real.

"Who are you?"

A frightened scream leave her lips. The man just talked.

"Hello?" Selah moved closer and the man moved. "You're real."

"The last time I checked there's flesh and blood."


"This is my world sweetheart."

Selah ran to the window and her shock was out of this world. She ran out the double door and to the way she came.

She was stunned into silence when she open the door to see people walking around.

"I'm guessing you're not from this world from the clothes you are wearing."

Selah turn around with tears in her eyes. "Where am I?"


He shut the door behind her. "How can I go back home?"

"You don't."

"But I don't belong here."

"No you don't."

"Then why am I here? I don't understand any of this."

"What's your name?"


"You're not the first woman to come here from that strange world Selah."

Kellam listen to her heart sped up. She was scared and so was he. He spend two centuries mourning his queen. Two centuries in isolation. Two centuries waiting for the other to popped up. Two centuries to start the cycle all over again.

Two centuries he spend sitting on the throne. Two centuries of questioning his immortality. What's the point of it when he can't share it with the people he care for? He watch people come and go. Many died and he was still there burying himself in the battle that's going through his mind.

"There's no going back Selah. It's a one way journey here."

Selah fell to her knees and cry. She didn't care that she was getting years of grime on her pants.

Kellam look at her from the side. He scared of caring in fear history repeat its self. So instead of helping her he just walked away. He claims its for the best but couldn't help but feels like he's doing something wrong.
