Chapter 19

"Please welcome, King Kellam and Queen Selah of Dragon Kingdom."

Selah can't believe she live to see this day! There were so many people. She has never been around this many people before.

She was praying that they will be nice. She don't have the strength to deal with bad attitudes.


"Samikasi. Selah this is my big brother Samikasi. Sam my beautiful Queen Selah."

"It's a pleasure sister."

"How come I've never heard about you?"

"I was banished by my own brother. But I didn't take it to heart. He was grieving."

"Oh." So many things were going through her head when Samikasi said that. "Well it's nice to meet you."

"OK everyone. Its time for the choosing to beginning. Grab a seat and relax."

"Shall we my Queen?" Selah take his hand and together walk to their seats.

"First up the golden eggs."

"Golden eggs?"Selah asked in a whisper.

"They are the first eggs to show up. They are for us."

Selah picture herself on a dragon and it was terrifying to say the least. She don't like flying. When she was back home, if she was to travel anywhere she would drive. If she can't drive there and have to fly she take sleeping pills like candy. How she hate flying.

"You look worried."

"Why wouldn't I be? I like the solid ground."

Two eggs were brought in, already filled with cracks.

"That's real gold by the way."

"No way!"

Selah stare at the eggs with awe. If the eggs are real gold then that means the dragons are already really strong.

"Your Majesties."

Selah watch with wide eyes and gaping mouth as a small butt poke out of the egg. A small white butt that is.

"That's cute." The head came up and Selah gasp. It was the cutest thing she has ever seen!

"He's yours."

Selah get up and walk to the egg. The baby dragon gaze up at her with the largest eyes.

"Hello little one. I think I'll call you Talon." She pick him up and walk back to her seat.

She wrap the baby in a blanket that was given to her.

Kellam frown at the lost of his Queen. She already forgot about him. He didn't think he'll live to see the day he will be jealous of a dragon. Now he's rethinking the possibilities of kids.
