A Spanner In The Works

There was a ladder in the room we were in. Clem climbs up first. In the room was the sniper who shot me, along with Minnie.

"Minerva, focus." She tells her.

"Yes ma'am. I... I have a little brother. Short, scarred face. Is he... he's not out there, is he?"

The sniper sighs.

"Look, we discussed this. Your family is the Delta now. There aint no room for anyone else."

"Yes ma'am." Minnie nods.

The sniper nods back, then leaves.

"There's no way we can get in there without her seeing us." Louis says.

Clem readies an arrow and stands up. Minnie gasps and raises her crossbow. Clem aims back.

"Get. Out." Minnie tells her.

I stand beside Clem, knife in hand, and so does AJ, gun pointed at her. Louis stands behind me.

"Not without our people." Clem says.

"I swear to god, if you got Tenn caught up in this..." Her voice changes from angry, to concerned. "Just... just tell me, that he's safe."

"He told me to tell you, he forgives you."

Minnie takes a deep breath, then exhales a "Shit."

She lowers her crossbow.

"I'll help you get everyone out. Then you take my brother, and run. Get him back to where its safe."

Clem nods.

"Come on, hurry." She tells us.

We rush towards the cells, but I couldn't see Violet.

"Clementine?" Omar asks.

"Holy fuck." Aasim walks up to the door, happy to see us.

I rush over to the cell and look down at Omar's leg.

"Hows your leg? I left you behind, I--"

"I'm okay." He says. "We're okay. Check on Violet first, she needs to know you're alive."

"I'll unlock her cell." Minnie bends down, lifting the latch.

The door opens and I rush in. Violet sat in the corner, huddled up.

"Violet? Violet!"

I rush over to her, but hear someone collapse behind me.

I turn around and Clem is unconcious on the floor. Minnie had hit her in the back of the head.

"You backstabbing bitch." I take out my knife.

She aims the crossbow at me, so I stay put.

"What the fuck, Minnie!" Louis shouts.

"Clem!" AJ calls out to her.

She moves her aim to them, then back to me when I take a step forward.

"Dont you fucking move!" She aims at AJ. "I'll shoot him, I swear!"

I stay still, hands in the air.

"Get in the cell. NOW!" She orders Louis and AJ.

They get into a cell beside Aasim and Omar, and Minnie locks the door behind them, then mine.

I walk over to cell door, gripping the bars tightly.

"You're a fucking dissapointment to your brother, you know that, right? Betraying your friends, siding with the people who got your sister killed. And you called me a sick fuck."

"Step away from the door." She points the gun at me.

I step back, staring at her.

"Now slide your knife under the door, along with hers."

"Fuck you."

Her trigger finger tenses.

"Do I look like I'm messing around? Do it!"

Begrudgingly, I slide it under the door. I take Clems too.


She picks them up, then walks away.

I go over to Clem and pick her up, laying her on the bed. It was just a hit, no cut or bleeding.
Violet shuffles in the corner. I kneel beside her.

"Violet? Violet, come on. Talk to me." I shake her arm.

She starts sobbing into her elbow.

"Violet, please."

She quickly turns around and wraps her arms around my neck, crying into my shoulder. I put my arms around her and hold her close. I could feel my own eyes tear up.

"I thought you died."

"I'm okay." I hold her tighter. "I'm okay."

"I--I saw you got shot and y--you fell and I didnt know--"

"I know, I'm fine. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

She shakes her head.

I take off my mask and look at her clearer. I wipe away the tears from her eyes and she smiles softly.

Clem then starts to stir awake.

"Ugh, my head." She holds her hand against where she was hit.

She then notices Violet.

"Vi, are you okay?"

Violet nods slowly.


Clem stands back up.

"We need to find a way out of here."



"I'm done, Clem." Violet says. "This whole situation is so fucked. I can't leave Minnie."

"You mean the Minnie that betrayed us?" Clem says.

"Dont act like you know her. She tried to escape. Her and Sophie. They said if I fight back... they'd kill Minnie. Or one of you. All you've done is get us hurt or killed, if you fuck this up worse--"

"What are you talking about? Clem helped us with the raiders. If she wasn't there, they would've taken all of us." I say.

"Maybe it would be for the best. Then maybe Mitch would still be alive."

"Only to die later for whatever the hell these guys want us for."

"She's only speeding up the process." She looks at Clem. "Whatever you do, leave me
out of it."

I couldnt believe she was saying all this. It sounded nothing like her. When she was back at the school, she was all for fighting the raiders.

Clem stands up, and whispers into my ear.

"I'm going to look for a way out. Try and talk some sense into her."

I nod. She didn't even need to ask. I'm not leaving this boat without her.
I sit down beside Violet, resting my head against the wall.  She turns her head away from me.

"I know what you're gonna say."

"So whats your answer?"

"I already told you both, I'm not leaving. I cant. They'll hurt Minnie if I fight back." She says. "They'll hurt you."

"What if they're bluffing?"

"They're not."

"So you're just gonna sit here and get taken away?"

"Its better that way. If you try and escape, you'll only get yourself hurt, or worse. Please, just give up. I cant lose you as well."

It was heartbreaking to see her like this. I guess I can't blame her. She cares too much for Minnie, and Lilly used that against her. I swear, that woman is gonna pay for everything she's done.

"Violet, these people, are they really who you want to side with? You'd leave your friends... you'd leave me... for her?"

"I cant leave her. Not again." She looks up at me, tears in her eyes. "I love you, (Y/n), but I'm sorry, I... I can't."

She hides her head again. I get up and walk over to Clem.

"She's set on staying. What are we gonna do?" I ask.

"What can we do?"

"Clem, we're not leaving her."

She looks to the floor, troubled.

"If she stays, the bomb will explode and kill her. But we cant tell her that."

"Why not?" I ask.

"She'd tell Minnie, then the plan is ruined." She looks back up to me. "I know it sounds a bit extreme, but you're gonna have to knock her out."

"Jesus, Clem... Are you sure?"

"I dont think we have muh of a choice."

I look back at Violet, going through it in my head.


She looks at me, waiting for an answer.

"Okay." I nod

She nods back.

Aasim and Omar walk up to their cell door.

"Clem, (Y/n), you two okay?" Aasim asks.

"We're fine. Where's AJ?" Clem asks.

AJ walks up to his cell door.

"Over here!"

Clem lets out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god."

"Is Vi alright?" Louis asks, standing beside AJ.

"She says she doesnt want to leave." I tell him.

"What the shit? Are you serious? We're not moving yet, so at least we got some time, I guess."

"You doing okay in there AJ?" Clem asks him.

"Yeah, I'm alright." He says. "I'm looking for a way out."

"Yeah, me too. The doors dont look very well made. Maybe thats something to work with."

She kneels down, examining the door. I notice that the sheet metal blocking the latch on the outside was welded to to the door. The welds were rusted. Clem notices it too.

"I might be able to chip away at this, if I had a tool or a..."

She reaches for her knife, but it wasn't there.

"Minnie took it." I inform her.

"Damn." She stands back up. "AJ! Do you still have your knife?"

He reaches into his pocket, taking out the shiv.

"Yeah. They didn't find it. Only the big one." He answers.

"Good. I need you to slide it over to me." She tells him.

He bends down, and slides the knife through the gap at the bottom of the door, and through to ours. Violet watches Clem pick it up, looks at her, then lowers her head again.

Clem starts to chip away at the welds, and it looks like its gonna be a slow process.
The door bangs and someone shouts--


The noise makes Clem jump back, along with Violet in the corner.
It was the sniper.

"Whatever you're doing, dont. It aint worth it."

I quickly slip on the mask. She looks at me, but didn't see my face in time.

"Well, well. Look who's still kicking."

I hold my shoulder.

"No thanks to you."

"Was aiming for your leg. S'pose it didn't matter."

"Is she awake?"

It was Lilly. The sniper nods.

"Good." She walks towards our cell. "I'll take it from here."

Aasim and Omars faces drop as she walks past them, and they back away further into their cells.

Violet looks up and see's Lilly.

"Shit." She whispers.

Minnie walks up beside Lilly, still holding her crossbow.

"Where's Abel?" Lilly asks Clem.

"He's dead." AJ answers. "We killed him. Put a knife in his head."

Lilly turns to him.

"Fuck. You little monster..."

She slams on his door.

"Damn it!"

Clem was quick to calm her down.

"We showed him mercy. He was terrified of turning. So we stopped him from having to. We gave him what he wanted."

Lilly chuckles.

"I'm sure you did."

She looks at me.

"You've stirred up my people quite a bit. Stories of kids, running around in masks. They wont admit it, but they're scared of you." She smirks. "You'll make a fine soldier."

"Like hell I'm gonna fight for you." I tell her.

"Thought you'd say that. Not to worry, we're quite convincing. Isn't that right, Minerva?"

Minerva looks at the floor, pain in her eyes.

"Yes ma'am." She responds, quietly.

Lilly takes out a pistol and turns iff the safety, aiming at Clem.

"Back up."

Clem slowly moves away from the door, and her foot hits the shiv. She quickly slides it under the bed.

"Minerva, open the door." Lilly says.

"Yes ma'am."

She kneels down and pulls up the latch, swinging the door open. Lilly steps in, gun still pointed at Clem.

"Normally, the trouble you caused, I'd shoot you and toss you overboard."

She steps towards her as Clem backs up against the wall.

"But I'm genuinly impressed."

I start to slowly move towards the shiv, but Violet shakes her head pleadingly, mouthing the word "dont". She's right, not a smart idea.

"First you organize these idiot kids into a fighting force, and kill two of my most experienced soldiers."

She looks at me.


She turns back to Clem.

"Then you sneak onto my boat under the cover of a herd? If I bring a prize like you back to the Delta, it might make this whole clusterfuck of a mission worth it. Someone so young with so much potential. You're too valuable to kill."

"Look, if I'm the one you want, let the others go." Clem says.

"This isn't a negotiation. This is me telling you how things are gonna be. You know, my father, Larry, was a military man. And when I was a kid, he had all kind of rules. The thing that bugged him most was waste. If I ever left a light on after I left a room, he'd flip. No matter how many times he'd rant on about the cost of electricity, I never remembered to hit that switch."

"So?" Clem asks

She moves close to me, looking at the mask, then sat down on the bed that was behind me.

"So one day, he let the power cut. He liked "illustrations". To show that actions have consequences. No more tv. No more hair dryer. No more ice cream sandwiches. Just a miserable family sitting in the dark."

"I guess asshole runs in the family. Is that the consequence? That you're an asshole?" Clem says.

"The consequence is, I never left the lights on again. My father had his faults, but he showed me the effectiveness of teaching by example."

"Is that what this is?  Clem steps forward. "A lesson?"

Minnie aims her gun at Clem, so she stops moving. Lilly raises her hand, telling her not to shoot. She then points her gun at Clem, then sways it back and forth infront of her. Clem shuffles to stand where she was pointing. She then points the gun at me, so I stand beside Clem.

"I want to tell you a story. Lets call it the parable of the twins." Lilly says. "Two girls were taken from their homes and brought to a new place to live. They had to leave their friends and family behind and that was hard at first. A lot of tears were shed."

Minnies eyes went from focused, to sad.

"But the new place was a good place. They grew corn and raised pigs, and the twins ate well for the first time in years. They had hot showers. Clean clothes. Beds. They were given guns and trained to use them. The people there were nice to these girls. All they were asked for in return was to help defend the group. You see, this place had a lot of enemies. Killers and thieves, who wanted what they had. They needed help fighting or they'd lose everything they built Their crops, their power, even their lives."

"Kidnapping and forcing people to fight. Sounds like slavery to me." Clem rests her hands on her hips.

"Call it whatever you want. They were helping each other survive. One of the girls saw this place was worth fighting for, and her tears dried. But the other twin... she could never forget her old home. She rejected every gift, every oppurtunity. Stirred up trouble every chance she got. She convinced her sister to help her steal a raft and leave on the river. Of course, they didnt get far. What happened then, Minerva?"

Her eyes stay sad, then went back to focused.

"I killed her."

Everyone reacted at the same time.

"Shit, Minnie!" Aasim throws his hands behind his head.

"How could you!" Omar shakes his head.

"What the fuck!?" Louis grips the cell doors bars.

"Is that true?" Violets eyes widen, raising her head.

"Your own sister? Why would you do that?" Lilly asks.

"She was twisting my head with her lies." Minnie answers.

"And?" Lilly says.

"I made a mistake. I needed to show loyalty to the place I call home."

Lilly looked pleased with herself.

"Like it or not, you're one of my people now, Clem. The question is: which twin are you going to be? The loyal one, or the dead one?"

Louis starts to bang against his cell door.

"You! You brainwashed her! You people are fucking sick."

The sniper walks up to his cell.

"Y'all better back away from the door!"

"I'll be the one who breaks out at night and cuts your throat while you sleep." Clem tells her.

Lilly sighs.

"Kind of what I expected you to say. But you'll see..."

She stands up.

"I'm not kidding around. Pull the mouthy one out of the cell."

The sniper opens the latch and walks into his cell.

"They clearly didn't get the moral of the story." Lilly says. "We'll have to help them understand."

"Dont you fucking touch him!" I step forward, but she instantly points her gun at me.

The sniper takes out a cleaver and approaches Louis. AJ runs out infront of him.

"Stop!" He shouts. "Dont hurt Louis, or I'll hurt you."

"Ey yo, you better cool it or you're gonna get yourself hurt." She grabs Louis by the collar and drags him out.

"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck." Louis tries to resist.

She throws him to the floor. He tries to crawl away, but she grabs his hand.

"Easy." She raises the cleaver. "Stay still."

"No, no, please, Clem." He calls out.

AJ slowly approaches the raider.

"Dont make this hurt more than it has to." The sniper says.

AJ jumps at her and bites down hard on her ear. She roars, and throws him off onto the floor.

"AJ!" Clem shouts.

He raises his head and spits out a chunk of her ear.

"Son of a bitch!" She kicks AJ's head.

"No! Stop!" Clem begs.

AJ groans on the floor.

"Thats enough." Lilly says.

"He bit me!" The sniper shouts.

"I said thats enough!"

The sniper growls, and picks up Louis, dragging him back into the cell. He really dodged a bullet there.

"You deserve to die." AJ tells her.

He stands up again.

"We'll kill you!" He shouts.

Lilly takes her eye off of Clem, and walks towards AJ. Clem moved to stop her but Minnie steadied her aim.

"You think you can kill me?" Lilly asks.

AJ was bleeding from his cheek where the raider had kicked him. He was shaking in anger.

"I know I can!" He shouts. "We'll throw you in the river! Or we'll put a knife right through the side of your head!"

"Big talk for a little guy." Lilly says.

"I know I can do it. I killed Marlon, but he wasnt a monster. You are."

Lilly looks surprised to hear that he killed Marlon.

He pretends to hold a gun, aims it to her head and pulls the trigger.


She squats down.

"So you killed Marlon. Huh. I bet you'd make a great soldier."

"Leave him alone." Clem tells her. "This is between us."

"Clem seems to care a lot about you." She smiles at him. "Come on, lets go have a chat. Just us."

She grabs his wrist and drags him out.

"Dont you fucking touch him!"

Clem tries to run out but Minnie closes and locks the door infront of her.

"Clem!" AJ calls while he's dragged away.

"No! Please!" Clem begs.



"Keep an eye on them, Minerva." Lilly says.

"Lilly, dont!" Clem shouts.

"Get this thing moving." Lilly orders the sniper. "I want to be away from here. Fast."

"I'll start up the boiler." She says.

Clem stares at Minnie, angered.

"Dont. Dont you dare look at me like that." She tells her. "This is the only way to survive."

"Are you serious right now?!" Louis shouts. "After everything she's done, you're just gonna help her!? Fuck you!"

Minnie walks over to Louis' cage, pissed.

I reach under the bed and grab the shiv.

"Nows your chance." I whisper to Clem.

I give her the shiv.

"Fuck off!" Minnie shouts at him.

"What the hell happened to you?!" He shouts back. "You killed Sophie! What the fuck!?"

Clem kneels down and starts chipping at the rusted welds.

"You just decided, "Hey, I'll work for these people, they seem friendly enough"."

"Dont act like you understand what happened." Minnie tells him.

Suddenly, Violet gets up and slams Clem against the door. I wasnt expecting it, so I stood there shocked.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Violet shouts at her. "You're gonna get us all killed!"

Violet goes to punch Clem, but she slams Violet against the wall, pressing her arm against her neck.

"Fuck you." Violet shouts at Clem.

She starts to choke.

"Clem, get off of her, she cant breathe!" I shout.

"Are you serious!?" Clem shouts back.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Minnie finally turns around. "Stop!"

Minnie undoes the latch to enter, and Clem bashes through the door, knocking Minnie to the ground. Violet was about to run out after Clem but I grab her hand, holding her back. She tries to free herself.

"Let go of me!" She shouts. "She's gonna get you killed. She's gonna get us all killed."

Clem pulls up the latch on Louis' cell, then he shouts--

"Clem, behind you."

She turns around in time to block Minnie who was trying to stab her. Minnie kicks out Clems leg and they fall to the floor, the impact making the tip of knife go into Clems chest slightly, but she was still resisting.

"You're the fucking problem here!" Minnie shouts at her. "I wont let you get them all killed!"

The knife was coming closer and closer to Clem.

"Louis, for fucks sake, help her!" I shout, trying to hold Violet back.

He runs out and grabs the crossbow.

"Stop! Minerva, I'm warning you!" He shouts.

Minerva brings up the knife to slam it down.

"What the hell is going on down here?"

It was the sniper, she had her cleaver in hand.

Minnie looks back, and so does Louis. He panics when he saw her, accidentally firing the bow. The arrow flies right into the snipers mouth. She drops to her knees, choking on her blood, then falls to the floor.

"N-no, no no..." Louis crawls away from the body. "W-wait... no, thats not what I..."

"Dorian! No!" Minnie shouts out.

Clem uses that oppurtunity to punch Minnie in the head, making her fall to the floor. She punches her again when she tries to get up. Minnie laid there, unconcious.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Louis panics.

It had just clicked in my head that Louis had never killed a person before. Most of them havent. The first times never easy... I suppose the rest shouldnt be either, but living out there for so long, I guess that changes something in you.

Violet stopped resisting and just looks at Minnie. I let go of her hand and she rushes over to her, making sure she's okay.
Clem unlocks Aasim and Omars door.

"Violet, we have to go." She tells her.

"No!" She shouts.

"We planted a bomb on the boat!"

"Fuck you, there's a bomb! Mitch is dead!" Violet says. "You just... fucking GO!"

"We have to get the hell out of here. Now!" Aasim tells Clem.

"Go, I need to find AJ." She says.

Louis stands up, his breathing quick and panicked.

"I... I can..."

"I'll be fine." Clem tells him.

"Better see you on land." Aasim says to her.

"You will." She nods, then runs off in the direction Lilly went.

"Come on, (Y/n), lets go!" Aasim says.

I look at him, and shake my head.

"Not without her."

"We dont have time!"

"Then you better leave."

He looks at me, then back at Violet, then groans loudly.

"Dont you dare fucking die."

I nod, then they leave, Omar leaning on Aasim for support. I take off my mask, and kneel down beside Violet.

"I cant leave her." Violet says. "Please, just... go."

"Not happening. Not without you."

She looks at me for a while, then shakes her head, smiling a little.

"Knight in shining armour."

"Tell me about it. C'mon, lets get off this boat. She wasn't lying about the bomb. Its in the boiler, and as soon as this boat starts to move, we're dead."

"But Minnie--"

"I know, I know."

I pick Minnie up into my arms. Something pokes my arm from inside her jacket pocket. I reach in and out comes my knife. I slip it back into its holster. Now I feel much better.
I start heading down to where Aasim and the rest went. Violet starts to carress her neck.

"Are you ok?"

"I've been better." She says. "Lets get off this thing before it explodes."

Walking past the dead sniper, we come up to the ladder.

"I cant go down there holding her, and its not like I can just drop her down. We'll have to find another way."

"Follow me." Violet says. "I know another way down."

She walks past the ladder, and through a door. I could hear Lilly from the upper deck, but couldn't make out what she was saying. I hope Clem can take her on alone.

"Down this way." Violet says, gesturing towards the stairs.
