Chapter 1.

Ame's POV

    I was rudely woken up to my alarm blaring, it is currently 6 am. It's cold out so I go to to the bathroom connected to my room and turn on the shower faucet. I take a warm shower, get out and dry off, then brush my teeth and hair. I offered the other countries food before the United Nations meeting, because it's being hosted in my country this time. I have to find my wallet and clothes that are appropriate for going out to eat and attending a meeting. I decide that I don't really want to wear a suit so I put on my Nato tank top, my camouflage pants, and a light blue jacket. I feel like I'm forgetting something though.. Oh! My sunglasses! I should be ready to go now. I shout my goodbyes to the states after finding my keys and head out the front door, locking it behind me.
  Once I get in the car, start it, back out of the driveway, and get out of the neighborhood, I call the UN. After one or two rings he picks up, "Hello? This is the United Nations speaking. Who am I speaking to?" The organization anwers. I chuckle at the formality but respond to the question anyway, "You can chill out on the formalities dude, it's the USA!" I say enthusiastically. I hear some car doors opening on the other side of the line. "Oh, America! I'm happy to hear from you, I was just thinking about calling you! I'm in the car with the United Kingdom, France, and Japan. We were thinking of asking you what restaurant you were thinking about eating at..?" As the UN asks, I can hear the UK mumbling about me offering a trash food place, I roll my eyes at the comment. I offer The French Laundry, in which I can hear France get exited at while the other countries make audibly confused faces. "It's the number one voted restaurant to try, people are calling it 'life changing' and saying it's on their 'bucket list'. So we can go there. If you guys want..?" I continued to offer, which was quickly approved bye the nations and organization in the other car.
  We agreed the lunch time would be 12-12:30 pm, UN was going to call the other countries to give them information while I made the reservation. I was already in the parking lot of the restaurant, so I made the reservation and opted to take a nap because it was 9:45 am.
   I spent 17 minutes watching some videos and then finally falling asleep.

   I should probably share that the other countries already took a flight to America, but landed in different states. Oh, and the states are Ame's pets not children. I just imagine the states as their state animals'.
