Please Don't Go

Elizabeth's POV

 Jason's been in the hospital for almost two weeks and he's finally coming home today. I moved back in with Jason's gang. My gang is also living here till our ware house is back up and running. As of right now both gangs are cleaning the house for the return of Jason. I'm honestly can't wait to see him. The gang wouldn't let me see him. They said they didn't want me to see him looking the way he did. They said that he asked about me every time they went to see him but he would always say don't bring her here.


 Everyone ran downstairs I quickly checked myself in the mirrow to make she I looked okay and then I heading down the stairs. As soon as I got to the bottom step Jason was walking in the door. Everyone looked at me and then at Jason then right back at me. I felt a lump in my thoart. Jason smiled. 

J: "Hi Babygirl."

I then ran into his arms.

J: "How are you love?"

E: "I'm good. How are you?"

J: "Great now that your in my arms."

I think Jason gave the gangs a look because as soon as I turned around know one was there. It was only Jason and I.

E: "I missed you."

Jason then brought me into another tight hug. 

J: "Please, don't go."

E: "Where would I go?"

J: "You left me."

E: "How?"

J: "You left with-"

E: "You mean you left me?"

J: Huh?"

E: "Jase you left me, when I was in the hospital. You left me for Selena."

J: 'It was to protect you!"

E: "How was it protecting me? Huh? You can't protect someone and hurt them at the same time!"

J: "I did what was best!"

E: "Maybe you shouldn't have found me."

J: "I wasn't looking sweetheart."

E: "Then you want me dead?"

J: "I didn't say that!"

E: "That's what I'm  getting at."

J: "Bae please,I just got back. I just want you back. The sweet little Elizabeth that-"

E: "That you kidnapped and druged."

J: "Please stop."

E: "Oh and let's not forget abused!"

J: "That's enough!"

E: "What are you going to do? Hit me?"

Jason pulled me in closely and kissed my lips roughly but sweetly. Jason then pulled away and cupped my face.

J: "I would never lay a finger on you like that again." He said with tears in his eyes.

He then walked up the stairs leaving me speechless. 

(Jason and Elizabeth)------------------>
