You're Worth It


Well my friend, once again it all comes to this,

You hurry towards Iron Man's position the moment he asked for back up. Your heart was beating hard against your chest, giving you that sickly feeling that something was wrong. You trip over ice and the bodies of Hydra soldiers as you make to the clearing he was supposed to be. The clearing was full of snow and soaked up blood. A shiver of freezing panic spread through you.

"Stark? What's your position?"

No answer.

Holding on for too long to something falling through our fingertips.

You swallow the fear of screaming out his name, and contact Steve.

"Cap I need your back up. Iron Man's not answering."

"I'm on my way."

And it gets harder and harder to bear when we're not ever sure.

We're not sure.

You hear the snap of a twig behind you and spun around with your gun in hand. A Hydra soldier aims his weapon at you and fires. You dodge the bullet and flip up onto a strong branch above your attacker, swinging back down like a gymnast and knocking him down unconscious, giving you time to jump down and swiftly take your knife out of your boot and stabbing him in the neck.

If there's anything, anything left that's worth this fighting for...

You grab his walkie talkie as it comes to life with a different voice,

"All units. We have taken the Iron Man into custody and we will need back up."

Your fingers grew cold and you choke on whatever you were about to say. Captain America jumps through the trees and noticed the dead man, but didn't acknowledge him as he stepped towards you.

"Where's Stark?"

And it breaks my heart how we're breaking down, oh...
But if there's something left, then don't give up on me now...


You and the other Avengers break into the Hydra base, pushing through the soldiers ready to kill you. You and Thor take the left rank while Hulk took the right, Steve, Nat, and Clint taking the rear in case of any stray Hydra.

"He's in Block 14. Cell 22." Black Widow states as she squeezed the life out of the soldier who gave her the information.

You raced down the hallway, jumping off the wall and punching down a soldier as he came around the corner. You slid on the floor and underneath another guard's legs, confusing him as you spun around behind him and pushed yourself up to kick him in the middle of his back. He grunts as you broke his spine, and he fell to the ground, moaning in pain.

You spun back around to continue running towards your destination. You come across Cell 22 and hack into the system in order to open the door. It flew open and you ran into the dark room, not caring if it was a trap.

"Tony? Tony?!"

He laid there limp in the middle of the floor. His armor had been ripped from his body, leaving him in jeans and a T-shirt. His face was not looking in your direction, but at the wall in front of him. He didn't answer to you calling his name.


You slid to the ground and flipped him over, tearing up when you noticed the cuts and bruises all over his face. His eyes were closed and his lips had formed into a painful frown. His shirt was ripped, and his jeans had blood stains and signs of bone-breaking torture. Your heart skipped a beat when the arc reactor in his chest began to flicker.

"TONY?! No! No no please don't die, Tony! Please don't leave me! Hang on, hang on, Tony! We're gonna get you out of here!"


Cause if we find a single diamond in the rough, then it's worth it.
Through a thousand tears if there's one drop of love, then it's worth it.
Let me feel what I've gotta feel for a glimpse of something real.
I don't care how much it hurts,
It is worth it, It's worth it.

He woke up two weeks later, strapped to some machines in a hospital room. He was laid out in an uncomfortable bed, in an itchy hospital gown and a horrible show on TV that Happy was probably watching when he came to visit. His nose had a small bandage across it while his chest was throbbing. Probably the morphine giving him a tired effect to help the throbbing pain. He tried not to move his head too much as he looked down, to see that his arc reactor was revving and still working, humming beautifully with no problems.

"Hey Stark." Nastasha smirked as she pushed herself off the wall she positioned herself at and walked to Tony's bedside, her arms still crossed. "Had some beauty sleep I see."

"Yeah well you try taking down fifty Hydras without getting captured." Tony grumbled as he grabbed his pained head.

"I have." Widow gave him a dirty glare.

Tony immediately regretted saying that, knowing Nat already has a hard time being friendly to him. He swallowed and decided to change the subject.

"Is everyone else alright?"

"You mean is Y/N alright?" Nat returned back to grinning when Tony ducked his head to avoid her gaze, "It's nice to see you like this. Ya know, all caring and lovey-dovey for a woman who isn't a whore out for your money."

"You didn't answer my question."

Nat rolled her eyes, "She's fine. Barely slept for two weeks no thanks to you."

Once again, we are standing at the hardest part.
Tripping over each other and trying to stumble through the dark...

Tony nods, "She here?"

"Think so. Last I saw her she was talking with the Captain. Be right back." Natasha walked out and down the hallway to grab you from Steve quick.

Tony sighed as he slouched back into his pillow, trying gently to sit up a little. He finally got sick of watching that stupid show and turned it off with the remote that sat beside him. He thought of you in the silence that followed. He grew worried as to how you were dealing with him being in the hospital bed and not you. You had PTSD about a couple years ago when New York happened and your parents were killed when you tried to save them. Stark was able to get you through your trauma and you were finally back on track again. Tony had just broke the ice for you, too. And him being in a coma for two weeks probably only made it worse and brought you back down to your depression. And he was worried sick about it. About you. He just felt stupid for making you go through all that again.

And it's harder and harder to see if it's all a mistake.
I know we said 'Let's be naive', but now we're open-eyed and wide awake...

"Hey, Y/Nick?" Nat came around the corner, her arms crossed around her tight suit.

"Yeah?" You croaked as you half slept tiredly on Steve's shoulder in the waiting room.

"He's awake."

Your head shot straight up as you were out of your seat in a matter of seconds and running down the hallway. Your breathing quickened as a small panic attack rushed through you as you rounded a corner and into his room.


He looks up from fondling with his arc reactor and he smiles sadly, "Hey babe."

You ran to him, crying and barely breathing as you held him close.

But I'm holding out that there's hope alive...
Cause if there once was love, then maybe something survived...
Cause if we find a single diamond in the rough, then it's worth it.
Through a thousand tears if there's one drop of love, then it's worth it.
Let me feel what I've gotta feel for a glimpse of something real.
I don't care how much it hurts.
It is worth it. It's worth it.

It's worth it...

He held you tightly, trying to shush you and coach you back to breathing. "Hey, please breathe a little. Don't be upset. I'm fine. You're fine. Just breathe..."

You took tiny breaths as you pulled away, and he tries to grin, "Believe me, panic attacks in the middle of a war is not fun." And he would know.

You let a frustrated sob out as you slapped his arm. The one place he wasn't injured, "You jerk! Did you have ANY idea of what you were doing back there?! You could've gotten killed. Do you have ANY idea of what that would've done to me?!"

His smile faded as he pulled you back in, his arms enveloping around you. "Hey, honey, I'm sorry. You know me. I was being stupid. I'm lucky to have someone like you being able to take care of me when I can't even do that myself."

Ooooo. Don't walk away too soon.
Ooooo. There's still something left to lose.
Ooooo. I'm holding on to you.
Hold me too...

You smile slightly before it fades again, and then you get up to lay comfortably next to him, your fingers entwining with his and holding each other's hand tightly between the two of you. You lay your head on his shoulder and your free hand caresses his arc reactor. He grunts slightly and you squeeze his hand, a signal that you wanted him to speak his mind.

"I still can't figure out why you put up with me."

Cause if we find a single diamond in the rough...then it's worth it.

You smile to yourself, being small enough to reach over and have your lips kiss his arc reactor, the one thing keeping him alive for you.

"...You're worth it."

Through a thousand tears if there's one drop of love... then it's worth it.
Let me feel what I've gotta feel! For a glimpse of something real...
I don't care how much it hurts.
I swear it's worth it
It's worth it!
I don't care how much it hurts.
It is worth it...
It's worth it...

The whole team comes in some time later and you're both asleep, with your head on his shoulder and his head rested on yours. Your hands rested between the two of you, your fingers knitted together.

Clint smirked, "Think she forgot to mention that he talked in his sleep the past two weeks?"

Bruce nodded with a slight chuckle as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. Thor looked slightly confused.

"What? What did the Great Stark say in his slumber?"

Steve laughed quietly and shook his head, "I'll tell you when you're older."

Nastaha huffs with a smirk, "Yeah I'll tell ya. Y/N never blushed so hard before in her life!"

They all chuckle, except Thor, and then leave the room. Tony wasn't talking in his sleep this time. And what he was dreaming of was a lot less dirty then usual. It was about what you said. What you told him he believed was the truth. What you believed was the truth.

"I still can't figure out why you put up with me."

"...You're worth it."


Song: Worth It.

Sung By: Sam Tsui
