Night Light

"Tara, please pick up your toys!" You called into the next room as you moved your husband's helmet out of toddler reach, "It's time for bed!"

You tip toe over tons of toys just to get to your daughter's playroom, and when you finally get in, you see that the five-year-old brown-eyed brunette was already half asleep in the rocking chair, with JARVIS' voice finishing up a story he was telling her.

You smile and walk in, speaking softly, "We should hire you as a nanny, JARVIS."

"I doubt that is a good idea, ma'am. An Artificial Intelligence can only do so much."

You laugh quietly, while gently scooping your child up in your arms and walking out of the room, bringing her to her own bedroom for the night. And as you got to the door, her eyes peeped open and she yawns.


"Yes, sweety?" You answered as you turned on the pink bedroom lights.

"Why does Daddy have a night light in his chest?" She asked while pointing to a picture of her small family on the wall when you walked by.

Your eyes widen and looked down at her, then suddenly started to laugh. You set Tara down in bed, tucking the bedsheets up to her chin and then softly petting her hair as you smiled,

"That circle of light is what keeps your daddy alive. It's what makes him pure..."

Meanwhile, Tony was just passing by the doorway when he heard your voice, and suddenly stopped, turning slightly, curious and wanted to listen in.

"A long time ago, some people tried to hurt him. A friend of ours saved him, giving him that circle of light in his chest to keep him safe."

"Does it hurt him?" Tara asks tearfully.

"Not anymore." You smiled sweetly, "He got used to it, and he doesn't mind it. He likes being different, your father. And there's nothing wrong with being different from everyone else."

"Does the night light give him super powers?"

You laughed, "Sort of, but you know it's really the suits that make him fly." You tickled her chin and she began to giggle. Your smile decreased but even though it was small, it didn't disappear. You sigh,

"Your dad changed the day he earned that light. He changed in a good way. It's what inside of him that protects us. Whenever you're far away from home, or lost in the dark, your father will find you, and you'll feel safe in his arms because daddy's night light will keep you warm."

Tara smiled tiredly, gripping her teddy bear more as you leaned down to kiss her forehead. You brush her hair out of her face before slowly getting up and walking to the far side of the room, turning on her own little night light.

"Night night, mommy."

"Goodnight, sweet girl." You shut off the light and slowly and quietly closed the door.

You turn around and barely jump when you noticed Tony leaning against the door frame, smiling sweetly at you, almost proudly. He kept staring and you suddenly giggle.


"...How did I get so lucky?"
