
Anisha was driving Mahi to the hospital. He looses his consciousness on the way, which panics Anisha.

"Mahi? Mahi? Get up. Get up." Anisha tried shaking him.

She was scared. She couldn't think of anything. She drove fast to reach the hospital.
Once reaching the hospital she ran inside to call someone to help. She came outside with wardboys and stretcher. They shifted him and they took him inside the operation theatre to treat him.

Anisha sits outside crying, praying that he is okay.

Back home:

Virat and Ro were sipping tea and discussing something.

Virat's phone rang. He picked up before looking who was calling.

"Game is on Virat! Let me see who is next?" The person says and cuts the call.

"Hello? Hello?"

"What's wrong Vi?" Ro asked concerned.

"That person had called. He has hurt someone." Vi said scared.

"Call Mahi, they are on the trip right? And they didn't call from noon also''

"Yes yes."

He tried calling Mahi but he didn't pick up. He called several times but to no avail. His phone was damaged when he got cut as it fell.

He tried calling Anisha she picked up

"Bhaiiiiiiii" Anisha's crying voice came

"What happened bacha? Why are you crying?" Vi asked very concerned

"Bhaiiii *sniff* come to XYZ hospital na."

"What's wrong kiddo?"

"Come na." She cried.
Vi could say something bad has happened.

"We have to leave for hospital Ro."

"What happened Vi? Is everything okay?"

"I don't know. Ani was crying. Let's go now."


Anisha was waiting impatiently worried about Mahi.

Virat reached by that time. He saw Anisha sitting outside scared.

He rushed towards her.

"Ani bacha. What's wrong what happened to him?"

"Bhaiiiiiiii.... We just entered Pune, and...and....we stopped to eat something. And then as we were leaving someone came on bike and he cut Mahi's arms and ran away." She cried.

He hugged her. She cried in his arms.

"Bacha calm down he will be fine. Don't cry kiddo. I can't see you cry bacha."

Ro kept a hand on his shoulder and blinked his eyes indicating it will be okay."

Vi rubbed her back to calm her down and kissed on her hairs.

Doctor came outside

"Don't worry, he fainted because of blood loss. He will be fine. You can meet him."

"Thank you doctor."

They went inside and saw Mahi lying down with his eyes closed.

He opened his eyes sensing them coming in.

"Bhai are you okay?" Vi asked concerned

"Yes Cheeku I am."

"Are you really okay?" Anisha asked scared.

"Yes Ani, I am fine." Mahi smiled looking at her concern, even though his heart ached to see her cry.

"Vi bhaiya scold him he was not ready to come to the hospital and he was like I am fine let's go home."

"Bhai not fair haan. You get better then you will get punishment for it." Ro said
Mahi glared at Anisha. She smiled at him teasingly

"Ani let's go outside and get some fresh air, you will feel better."

Ro and Anisha left.

"Bhai, I need to talk."

"Yes Cheeku?"

"It was the same person right?"

"Yes. The same person. He was following us the whole time."

"Bhai look, if you stay with us you are going to get hurt too. Your life will be in danger too."

"Cheeku look, I have promised you to stay with you, protect you. I can't stay away just because my life would be also in danger."

"Bhai we can't let you put your life in danger na."

"I am not listening to you on this, okay. I am going to be with you no matter what. I can't leave you alone."

"But bhaii"

"No Vi"

Virat gave up and hugged him.

Ro and Ani came inside later. Anisha gave Mahi a quick hug.
Nurse got his dinner and Virat fed him.
Mahi slept due the medicine effect.

Here is the update!! Hope you guys liked it.


Also updated the new cover.

Na_vami thank you for helping me with the plot
