when it sinks in - 2012! leo x mermaid! fem! reader

When it sinks in - 2012! Leo x Mermaid! Fem! Reader


Request- AngelRosePhoenix

Request is- "(Y/N) was captured by the Krang to experiment on. When the boys find her in the Krang base, they rescued her. (Y/N) has an ability that allows her to turn human, but this only lasts for about 4 days. During these days Leo starts to develop a crush on her, but he thinks that he doesn't have a shot because she'll eventually have to return back into a mermaid."


You wouldn't of have imagined getting captured by, 'The Krang'. You weren't sure who exactly they were, but you could tell that they were definitely your enemy.

They left you to sit in a tub of water. The top was sealed up, you couldn't escape.

' I wish I could get out of this tank and back into the water. ' You thought as you squinted, trying to ignore the bright lights in the building.

Swimming around, you could hear something happening in the room next to you. The noises
of metal and slashing could be heard and this made you grow even more anxious.

The door eventually opened, and it wasn't them. There were four green turtles, who were human-sized. 'I didn't know there were giant turtles..' You though, watching them fight more of the Krang.

One of them seemed to be doing something with the machine, while the others protected him. One of the turtles knocked into your tank, you swam closer down to the bottom to make sure they were alright.

You pressed your hand on the glass and tried to call out to him, but he couldn't hear you. Next, you banged on the glass which causes him to turn around. The two of you stared into each other's eyes, you took notice of how much his eyes reminded you of the ocean.

The ocean...your home.

"Are you okay? Did they capture you?!" He shouted. You nodded, pointing up to the top of the lid, signaling for him to open it up some how.

He glanced up and nodded. He jumped up to get a closer look at the lock and called out to the purple turtle. You watched as the other turtle glanced at you, then back at the blue one and went back onto the computer.

You swam up to the top of the cell when you hear it make a 'click' noise. It had finally opened, and you rose your head from out of the water to thank the turtle.

"Thank you for getting this opened." You smiled. "It's no problem, we'll get you out of here!" He replied, putting his swords away.

"Guys, let's help her out then get out of here!" He spoke to the others. They nodded and made their way over to you, the blue masked one pulled his hand out and you grabbed it. He hoisted you out of the tank and that's when you began to flop around uncontrollably.

"Quick, roll her back into the water!" Donnie says, Leo and Raph lightly shove you into the water.

"How are we gonna get her outta here if she can't be outta the water?!" Raph shouts angrily.

You think for a moment, your eyes brighten in realization. "I have a way!" You say before shutting your eyes and concentrate.

"What's she doing?" Mikey whispers to Donnie, who replies with a shrug.

"Okay- I think it worked?" You say before crawling out of the water.

"You have legs now?!" Mikey shrieks. You shrug your shoulders, "Only for four days, though. I've never tried this before..how do you move your legs?" You ask, Leonardo is quick to your side and carries you.

"I'll show you later- we've gotta go, like, now!" He begins to run off with the others when more Krang bots appear.


A couple of hours later, and your sitting in the turtles' 'Lair'. Your were finally able to finally introduce yourselves and currently you were practicing how to walk with your new legs.

Leonardo held you hand as you shook, but kept steady. "You're practically a natural at this, (Y/N). You're a really fast learner." He compliments.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." You smile, taking a seat next to Leo. You had already explained yourself, telling him all about your home and life as a mermaid. He told you how he'd always wanted to see a mermaid, from a young age he had always wanted to meet a mermaid one day, and today it had finally came true.

"So...you're only human for about 4 days, huh?" He frowned, the thought of you turning back into a mermaid so soon had left him bummed out. He had already seemed to catch some sort of interest in you, already.

"Yeah, I never thought of using my ability to become human before because I didn't see any reason for it, I guess?" You shift yourself to face Leo, "I had everything that I needed underwater, but..it's interesting up here, too.."

The two of you sit in silence for a moment before Leo stands up, he offers you a hand and you take it. He pulls you up and smiles, "Alright, let's make the most out of these four days, then! It's the first day, so I'm gonna give you a tour of the city."

You giggle at his expression, he looked cute when he was excited. "Okay, lead the way!"


That's what the two of you did every night. You'd go out and the two of you would hang out together. You enjoyed being around the turtles and their friends, but you especially enjoyed when you and Leo would go out together late at night when it was just the two of you alone.

He'd shown you multiple foods, different stores and told you more about humans. You appreciated everything he had been doing for you, and you could easily tell that he developed a crush for you.

I mean- this is Leonardo we're talking about. Of course he's the type to develop a crush that quickly and even make his crush super obvious. You thought it was cute, though. You'd be lying if you said that you didn't find some sort of interest in him, too.

And on your last day of your human life, you had spent it with all of your new friends. You were sad to go, you had so quickly made friends with them and you didn't want to say goodbye. Especially to Leo.

"I guess we've got five minutes left til midnight. Then you turn back into a mermaid." Leo states, be crosses his arms and looks out at the water. Leo and you stood together at the dock, locked in a tight silence.

"(Y/N), before you go, I just wanna tell you something.." He begins, turning to face you, "I know we haven't known each other for long, and this might come as a surprise, but, I like you."

He continues, "I've enjoyed the time we spent together, and I'm glad I got to learn more about who you are. You're a great person, someone who I wanna be around. I just really hope I'll get to see you again someday."

You giggle, "Yeah, you made it pretty obvious, Leo."

His eyes widen and he blushes in embarrassment, "Oh.."

You smile, taking a step closer to him, "I feel the same way, though." You close the gap and kiss him. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around you waist. The two of you stand together for a couple of seconds until you begin to glow.

The clock turns to 12, and when you finally pull away, you look down at your legs. "...Where's my tail..?"

Leonardo steps back bashfully, "U-Uhm, that's weird."

"I wonder if I can still turn back into a mermaid.." You mumble, you concentrate and try and shift into a mermaid, and it works. You quickly try and shift back into a human, and it works. "That's so weird?" You laugh, inhaling the air around you. "I guess I can shift between both now."

Leonardo smiles, "Uh, maybe we can worry about that later with Donnie. And as of now," He wraps his arm around your shoulder awkwardly, "We can stay together for the time being..?"

You giggle at his blazed cheeks, "Alright, sure."


i hope this is what you wanted 🥰❤️

requests: OPENED! if you want to request, either message me or comment on the first chapter of this book. thank you ❤️
