nyc little tokyo past story

pet shop owner where the turtles got purchased at . originally they were from a turtle farm with six  parent turtles and the siblings were placed in cages together

Raphael, Donatello,Michaelangelo, Leonardo had the same parents

Sistine  was with other turtles in a cage with her siblings it was okay in there she did look over at the cage with Raphael and his siblings.nothing else to do.

Venus was in a cage with her siblings too
Not knowing she one day be reunited with the other turtles.

Elizabeth in her cage most of her siblings were taken already.and she was lonely already . nothing else to do

Camomile was the only one left in her cage that day and was waiting for a home of her own already.

Jennika had a cage too she was in and was being purchased already for a family as a pet

Chikara Mizuki female Japanese woman
*Sistine's Sensei

AN: Down In The Sewers of NYC their was a broken canister of ooze. Crawling in the ooze were 8 turtles .four males and four females .through the sewer the girls split from the boys. landing into four separate areas .

boys stayed where they were .one of the females walked out of the sewers . made her way up the little rock clusters. heading strait out of the sewer towards Little Tokyo NYC. It was a big beautiful place for the young female Turtle. A young girl was washing a wound and blood mixed with Her mutagen. The kid saw her walk through the water to clean up. When the mutagen and blood sealed into the young turtle. The kid took her home .

Years past and she grew up till she was the size of a 3 year old she escaped cause the girls parents she walked around the bustle of the city over the years ,she met a young Japanese woman who's name was Chikara Mizuki .

Mizuki looked at the young female turtle she looked like a five year old kid.''awe Kame onna Anakachan" Said Chikara Mizuki. Chikara picked the young female turtle up and walked her to her pet shop. You can stay here with me young one . I'll call you Sistine after the beautiful Chapel in Italy I once saw . She opened the door up and grabbed her belongings .Headed out of the back door, up her path to her home at the top of a hill .

where her temple was .she had no idea of the story that has begun . She grabbed her keys and opened up the door .

And brought Sistine inside .Mizuki walked around and gave her a room and placed a pillow inside .she picked Sistine up and placed her inside of it . Good Night My sweet Anakachan Kame said Mizuki

Sistine fell asleep in the bed that night. It was nice for once she had a home .

It was a whole new beginning for them .

Mizuka started Training Sistine in ninjitsu and enrolled her in school with humans with a disguise so they wouldn't know she was a Kame .
