Chapter Three

Elizabeth did not especially like mornings. The sun. The waking hour. The constant chirping of birds. The repeated alarmclock of Scarlett, who seemed to be too much of a morning person. Elizabeth liked the night. It was not the best situation.

"Rise and shine, Lizzy," Scarlett said, sounding as cheerful as the songbirds outside.

Groaning in response to her hated nickname, Elizabeth sat up, dragging her sheets with her. She flopped out of bed, slamming hard on the floor. "It's too early."

Scarlett giggled, dancing about the room. "We have places to be and people to see, don't we?"

"You have places to be. You have people to see," Elizabeth commented. "I, on the other hand, have no plans but to sleep the whole day."

"Oh, come on, there has to be something you have to do," Scarlett said while digging through monstrous piles of dirty laundry to find the black cardigan she always wore. Elizabeth coughed as Scarlett threw multiple pieces of clothing onto her; Scarlett's clothes really needed to be washed.

She pulled herself up onto her bed, grasping at the white sheets for support. Waking up was not pretty, and Scarlett's happiness was only making it worse. "And what're you doing, then? What could you possibly do so early in the morning that warrants your impossibly loud alarm?"

"I am going to watch the sunrise with my friends, Lizzy."

Elizabeth looked at the digital clock which read "4:40 AM" in an upsetting neon blue color. She was awake so early, and for what? Oh, right, for Scarlett. And the sun. Damn the sun, she thought. She was waking up so that another could carry out their morning plans. What a load of—"Would you like to join?" Scarlett asked. "Simon, Annabelle, Sam and—"

"Sam Winchester?" Elizabeth asked eagerly. Why had she been so eager to know if Sam was coming? She had only met him about two days before.

"Oh, great! You know him." Scarlett ran a brush through her blonde hair, stopping at no tangles. "Yeah, Sam's going to be there with a few of his friends. Maybe his brother will come, I don't know. He doesn't seem like a morning person to me, but I've only been with him once in the morning..." Scarlett kept rambling on about some drunken night with Sam's brother, whose name Elizabeth never quite caught.

Maybe waking up so early was not such a bad thing.


Sam was late. What would the point in tagging along be if he didn't even show up? He was, quite literally, the only reason Elizabeth got out of bed. She didn't know why, but she wanted to see him. At least, she wanted to see him more than the sun. What was so interesting about sunrise?

The dark blue sky was growing lighter with every passing moment. Soft clouds covered the overhead, their reflections bouncing off the ocean. The sand sparkled, as if a thousand little crystals were hidden just beneath the surface. Everything smelled newer, like the world was being reborn. And there it was: the sun. Just on the horizon her rays spread, stretching out as a child would in the morning.

"I missed the best part," Sam whispered in Elizabeth's ear, having to lean down to match her height. "I knew it was a mistake trying to get my brother out of bed. He kind of—"

Elizabeth shushed him, falling more so in love with the emerging sun. She hadn't been able to think of anything or anyone but Sam for the two days before, since he had first introduced himself. Now she only thought of the sun.

"There's no getting this moment back, is there?" Sam asked, nudging her slightly. The twinkle in her eye went out, fading slowly as she tore herself away. "I can never see your face in that exact moment again, can I?"

"Tomorrow, maybe," she said absentmindedly.

"Yeah, but it won't be the same, you know? Like, I won't get this moment back, ever." He rubbed the back of his neck, kicking into the sand. He genuinely looked disappointed. His hair was a mess and his t-shirt on backwards. He had rushed out his room, Elizabeth observed.

It was adorable.

Elizabeth smiled, turning back to look at the horizon. "Sam"—his name felt so natural, so right, on her tongue—"there is always tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that. There are a thousand days we can watch the sunrise together, so don't get upset about today, alright?"

Sam looked to her then, trying to figure at least one thing out about her. There was no luck, and he was left the whole day wondering when tomorrow would come.


A/N: Sam Winchester, man. Why do I pain myself in writing young!Sam fanfics?
