„bestfriend"#2 MattiaxAlejandro

Pov Ale

Its been 2 weeks now since I talked to Mattia. I was a wreck. I started drinking often and sometimes I even smoked, which I never did before. He broke my heart and didnt even care, at least thats what I thought. But what hurts the most is to see him walking through the halls, laughing and not even looking at me. I dont have to see him often though because I barely went to school. But I decided to go to school today, because I didnt want my life to be ruined just because of him.

When I entered the school, I could feel all the stares on me, just like every time when I showed up at school since the last 2 weeks. I saw Kairi and Alvaro walking up to me.

„Hey buddy", Kairi says, hugging me. Alvaro hugged me as well, giving me a pity smile. I tried to smile back but failed. I told them about the situation a week ago.

„How did you feel the last days?", Alvaro asked me.

„The same", I said, showing him a weak smile.

„It will get better Ale", Kairi said. I know that he tries his best to make me feel better, but I just know that it wont get better. I still nodded though.

„Im sure it will", I lied to him.

Since our class will start in about 2 minutes, we separated and made our ways to our own class. As I was walking through the halls, I saw Mattia walking past me, locking eyes with me for a quick moment. Everything went in slow motion, he has never looked at me again, since I told him about my feelings, so why did he now? Anyways, I thought I would be happier when he would look at me again, but I was wrong. It made me realize, that I had lost my best friend forever. And everything was my fault. I felt the tears in my eyes slowly falling down. I looked back to see if Mattia was still there or if he already walked away. I shouldnt have turned around, because he was looking right at me. He deeply stared in my eyes right through my soul. My heart broke more every second. Everything that I tried to hold back came up.
I began to remember the old times, where we used to laugh so hard until we couldnt breathe anymore. The times we were just thinking about life, next to each other on his bed. And when we were sitting at his roof at night, watching the stars until the sun began to rise. These times we were just us, best friends.
I felt more tears streaming down my face. Mattia just looked at me without showing any emotions. His eyes looked dead to me. It looked like a single tear began to roll down his cheek.
‚I hate you so much', I mouthed, before turning back around.
I didnt even know where I was going, but I just wanted to get away from him. And away from school. When I stopped walking, I realized, that I was standing in front of Mattia's house. Great. Suddenly I felt a stare on me, that I just knew too well.

„Why did you follow me?", I asked him.

He didnt answer. I looked at him.

„I asked you a question"

Still not an answer. Anger came up in me. I started to step closer to him.

„Why did you follow me?", I screamed at his face.

I started tearing up while ‚punching' him at his chest. I just punched until I hadnt any force anymore, but I still continued to punch even if I got slower and weaker. At one point i was just sobbing, almost breaking down at the floor, when he took my hands holding them, so I couldnt punch anymore. Then he pulled me to him and I broke down in his arms.

„I hate you so much", I sobbed, but I didnt move.

„I know", he said, sounding guilty. I looked up at him.



„You know what I mean"

„Ale I-I dont really know why"

„Oh", I said. I got out of his grip and turned around to go away.

„Ale wait", Mattia shouted.

I turned around, waiting for him to speak. But instead he just came closer, until he stood in front of me again. He stared deeply in my eyes, coming closer to my face. I could feel his breathe on my lips. And then he finally laid his lips on mine. He stayed like that for a second before slowly moving his lips. I felt myself getting warm when I slowly kissed back. He deepened the kiss and for the first time I felt truly happy again. When we pulled away he began to speak.

„Ale, I always felt more for you than a bestfriend usually do, but I thought I would be disgusting when I would feel something for a boy, I guess it was because I was raised like this. I know this doesnt excuse shit at all, but in the last two weeks I realized how much I needed and wanted you. Im so sorry. Im sorry you had to go through all this pain just because of me. I understand if you dont want to have anything in common with me anymore, but I just wanted you to know, that if you could ever forgive me I'll wait for you. I'll always wait for you. I love you Ale.", and with that he just turned around, walking probably back to school.

I was shooked, did he just confess his feelings for me? Omg he did! I began running after him to stop him. When he heard me running after him he turned around and looked at me confused. But I didnt really care, I jumped on him and he stumbled back with me in his arms, so that we almost fell to the ground. I smashed my lips onto his and he grabbed my neck, pulling me closer to him. He bite my bottom lip so that I opened my mouth a bit and he could slit his tongue into my mouth. I moaned slightly as our tongues fought for dominance. He won obviously. His hands slowly wandered down to my ass, squeezing it lightly, causing a moan. When we both needed to pull away to breathe, I stared deeply into his eyes.

„I love you too Mattia"
