Report card

We were all in the lair taking a exam as Justin said got it for every question

"Got it."

"Does he have to say, "Got it" after every question? It's throwing me off on my exam."

"We're taking an exam?" I was looked at him shocked

"How are we related again" I asked amazed then for the last part we had to Turn guinea pigs into does as always Justin did it correct

"Very good, Justin. Alex, you're up."

"Oh, okay This guinea pig is now not, a dove with wings shall fill its slot" but instead of a dove their a was a brick

"Oh! It's a pretty dove!"

"No. Oh! It's a pretty brick. You weren't concentrating. Max, you're up."

"This guinea pig is now not, a dove with wings shall fill with snot" well he did it right until the dove sneezed

"I said snot, didn't I?"

"Lastly Macy honey your turn"

"Got it daddy" I had my wand ready in hand and concentrated

"This guinea pig is now not A dove with wings should fill its slot" I winked and it magically a dove appear

"Good Sweetheart okay everybody record your transfiguration results in your midterm-exam text booklets." I took a picture of my pretty dove

"I don't know why you guys even bother taking the tests. We all know I'm the one that's gonna win the family wizard contest and keep my powers"

"Sure big bro if their any consolation your going to have to bet me since I maybe the youngest but I'll be the one keeping my powers and become the wizard in the family" I said confidentially

"That's not for a long while, Justin and Macy"

"And what if they change the rules so only girls keep their powers? Oh, wait, you both still might win." She mocked Justin

"Oh, Alex, you're so transparent You know that I'm better than you at magic, so you have to lash out and make fun of me And you don't take any of this magic seriously."

"I can't take you seriously. You use big words like "transparent. " What are you, British?" Then the portal glowed

"No, but I am."

"Professor Crumbs, always nice to see you The beard is coming in nicely."

"Jerry. I knew your father when this was just a soul patch for the lovely witches." Me Max and Justin got creeped out

"I am here to collect your exams and take them back to Wiz Tech."

"Why doesn't Dad just grade our papers?" I asked

"So that no one will get better grades just by batting their eyes and trying to look cute." We all starred at Alex who was doing it right this moment 

"Are you talking about me?"

"Alex, you're doing it right now" I mocked her

"Wow Macy does it way better than you" said Justin to Alex I smiled later that day I was in my room when I heard Justin calling me so I went down stairs

"Yes big brother you need me" I asked as I see Alex and Max their too

"Wizard report cards are here"

"Ohh yeh" he handed me mine and I opened it and it spoke

"Macy Samantha Russo your exam results plus your coursework equals all A's you are one smart cookie cutie young lady"

"Why thank you"

"All A's come on I got all A's and one B+"

"Oh well I'm smarter than you" I stuck my tounge out at Justin and went to my room later that day mom and dad were proud of me because of my report card they let me have a friends over as I was in the kitchen when Max and Justin came in

"I still don't know why you'd spend your entire savings on a giant blow-up exercise ball." Said Justin as he came over to the kitchen

"It's for exercise? Man, I was gonna blow this up, then walk across the ocean in it." Said Max as he put the box down on the couch

"That is exercise, Maxy" I said obviously right then Alex came in with two guinea pigs

"Cool Guinea pigs Can I race them?"

"No I'm still working on Dad's transfiguration spell, and these guinea pigs have to stay in their cage no matter what."

"Fine. I'll just go ask Mom and Dad"

"Mom and Dad aren't here, because they went to an emergency sandwich-shop convention."

"Emergency sandwich-shop convention?" I asked confused

"Yeah. You know how you were all tweaked because sandwich wraps are tortillas, and they don't get enough credit? Well, people are finally getting behind that."

"Yes. My e-mail campaign worked" said Justin as he went to sit on the couch

"Now, wait. Now get out of here, you guys. I'm having my AP biology friends over to watch the new episode of Volcano Discovery in high-def. And I don't want you guys to embarrass me."

"We are not the embarrassing part of what you just said." I went upstairs with some snacks and drinks later that day

me Melissa Ben Ethan Lilly and Zack were at my room discussion about very types of music and arts when we went downstairs and see Max in that big bubble and next to him where the guinea pigs

"Justin Max what are you two doing i thought Alex said does had to be in their cage the whole time"

"We're Just doing a race Little sis no harm"

"Okay then"

"This was so totally worth my allowance I'm gonna use it forever."

"Okay, when Harper says go, you'll both try and make your way to the stack of cheese slices located outside the subway car."

"Three. Two. One. Go" we cheered on the guinea pigs but once they hit the cart their ball opened

"Alex's guinea pigs are getting away Catch them." As everyone tried and looked for them

"Oh, man We lost Alex's guinea pigs I knew if I had party without parental supervision, this would get out of hand."

"Oh, Alex is gonna freak out."

"Unless we buy two more guinea pigs at the pet store."

"Good thinking, good thinking Let's hide this in the lair so Alex doesn't find it"

"Then we'll go to the pet store They always give me a treat."

"Those are dog biscuits." I said 

"I know What do you think keeps my teeth so white and my hair so shiny?" I rolled my eyes at Max. back from the pet store we were putting the fake guinea pigs in the cage

"Okay, these guinea pigs look just like the ones we lost."

"You think this'll trick Alex?"

"What are you doing with my guinea pigs?"

"Yes, I do."

"Mom and Dad aren't really away for the weekend. I had to turn them into these guinea pigs to keep them from seeing my grades" my eyes widened

"So the guinea pigs in the cage were actually Mom and Dad." I said a bit nervous

"Yeah, these guinea pigs are Mom and Dad."

"No, were, because they scurried off, so we bought these at the pet store."

"Oh, man."

"Oh, man."

"Oh, man"

"Oh, man We've lost four guinea pigs" I said freaking out

"How could you do something so stupid?"

"Only a stupid person would think that my stupid thing was stupider than your stupid thing You don't even deserve to have wizard powers Alex"

"This isn't about me right now This is about finding Mom and Dad."

"Who you turned into guinea pigs."

"Okay, it's a little about me Here's what we should do We'll ask these guinea pigs where guinea pigs would run away to."

"How are we gonna ask these guinea pigs anything?" I asked

"Use the transfiguration spell to turn them into people, and they'll be able to tell us."

"You use it It's your problem."

"I can't Crumbs suspended my powers until Mom and Dad sign my report card."

"What?" I said shocked

"Is there anything else you wanna tell me?"

"Yeah There's no emergency sandwich-shop convention. Nobody cares about your stupid tortilla movement" Justin got offended and almost walked away

"No, Justin, look. Will you or Macy just hurry and say the spell, please?"

"Fine Macy"

"Got it These guinea pigs are small Dumb and hairy Make them human To find Theresa and Jerry" and it worked

"You've gotta be kidding me. We're human."

"I'm gonna use my opposable thumb to pick stuff up Check it out. I have things in both hands."

"Ask me if I'm okay."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am."

"Okay, settle down We need your help finding a couple of guinea pigs, guinea people." They started smelling around

"I smell peanut butter and jelly crusts." 

"And dirty socks And orange soda."

"Under Max's bed." Me Alex and Justin said as we ran up stairs into Max room

"Oh, Max, the door opens You cleaned up in here." We checked under the bed

"Is this marshmallows smeared on asparagus?"

"Yes. Yes, it is, Justin That experiment's almost complete."

"Max, what are you doing with Mom's black dress?" I said

"It's a Darth Vader cape You people have no imagination." I went back to see under the bed

"This is where my lucky mug went"

"There they are." I said pointing at the two guinea pigs

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. Oh, they look mad. Maybe changing them back is a bad idea." 

"Yeah, it's a bad idea. Let's just be raised by two guinea pigs." Said Justin sarcastically as they scatter into the closet

"Okay These guinea pigs are now not Mom and Dad should fill their slot" they came out fully human

"Mommy Daddy" I hugged dad but boy were they mad at Alex

"Alex Russo, you are in so much trouble."

"I can explain, but you need to know that Professor Crumbs is coming to discuss my horrible report card with you." Then popped in Mr. Crumbs

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"Mr. And Mrs. Russo, I am here What am I standing on?"

"It's marshmallow surprise The surprise is asparagus."

"Alex, do you wanna tell Professor Crumbs where we were?"

"I turned them into guinea pigs to keep them from seeing my report card."

"And how did that work out for you?"

"Not well." He showed us Alex powers

"Oh, I see you have Alex's powers Don't let them fall into the wrong hands. Oh, wait, they already were in the wrong hands." I felt kind of bad for Alex she was just scared

"Yes, they were I am taking away her powers forever." My eyes widened 'what'

"I have never seen such a blatant disregard for the student wizard code of conduct."

"No, please don't do this." My heart broke for my older sister

"I've come this far"

"It's not fair."

"I'm afraid it is. I shall take your powers and be on my way." 'no no they can't' I turned him into a guinea pig

"Professor Crumbs turned into a guinea pig."


"Don't look at me. I don't have my powers."

"Justin?" He shook his head No I confess

"It was me I did it" their eyes widened


"I panicked"

"Macy This is my problem, not yours Don't let me drag you down"

"But you don't drag me down" I hugged her with tears

"I don't want you to lose your powers Every time you mess up, me or Justin have to think of a way to fix it You make me a better wizard" 

"Look, I don't know Professor Crumbs as a guinea pig? Somebody's gonna lose their powers."

"Well, I'm not a wizard, so What do you guys want for dinner?" We all starred at mom for a moment

"Macy, you have to change him back Everybody just has to take their medicine."

"Fine This guinea pig is a bad dresser Turn him now into my professor" once back he I put my head down

"Macy Russo How dare you? You are supposed to be a model student I'm appalled."

"I know I deserve whatever punishment you're about to give me"

"Professor, this is all my fault." Said Alex

"Macy, I heard what you said about your sister through my guinea-pig ears And if you could do something like that, I can't ignore it. You two bring out the best in each other. Alex. I know I'm going to regret this, but I am returning your powers so that you can train alongside your sister And to your punishment, you both will spend the next two weeks grooming my beard I'll see you in my office Monday morning at 8:00 Bring a comb." Once he was gone

"Alex, is there something you wanna say to your little sister?"

"Yeah Thanks for sticking up for me."

"Yeah Professor Crumbs really bought that story I laid onto him about you making me a better wizard"

"Yeah I really hate you."

"Yeah. I hate you too" we smiled and hugged

"Well, I really hate both of you Now we don't have any guinea pigs" said Max I Just rolled my eyes with a smile
