Are we safe now?

Steven's POV:

We searched for Blue and we found her after a hour. We were going back to Yellow's ship. I was walking next to them when someone stopped us. It was a hologram a very scary hologram. I slipped again at the sight of it I hope my gem didn't crack any further. It was White Diamond looking at us angry and then it started to talk :

- My Starlights so you helped Pink to get out and planning to go back to Earth when I'm not watching but when I will see that Pink or Blue is missing I will go and make them perfect again and I don't care what's going to happen you will do what your purpose is. - She said.

- We need to hurry - Blue and Yellow said in union.

- What if you go and I will stay she can punish me freely and you can live happily on Earth.

-No you're coming too and she hasn't left homeworld in eons so I don't think she will leave homeworld for us. - Blue said

-But what if... - I started but Yellow cut me off.

- You're coming too and that's the final - she said. We made our way to Yellow's ship because when Blue's ship would be gone that would be too clear that we went away. We were already on the ship and taking off.

- What is going to happen if she comes after us? - I asked

- We will protect you and your planet too - Yellow said.

- After we get back I will need a little time alone.

- Why? - asked Blue

- Because all of those things happened and I will need a little break from it.

- You can have a break after we healed your gem. - Yellow said.

- Okay. - We were taking off when I looked at my gem. It was more creaked than before, I need to tell them but we will heal it anyways. I feel a little dizzy maybe I should tell them before something else happens.

- Blue, Yellow - I started but they cut me off.

- No you're not going to stay here. - they said in union.

- That's not what I wanted to say, ... I just wanted to say that my ... - and then I slipped unconscious.

Blue's POV:

He went unconscious again. I looked at him he slept enough I think so what could caused it? I lifted him up to see if there any injuries on him. His gem cracked further. I need to show it to Yellow.

- Yellow! - I yelled.

- What is it Blue I'm standing next to you. - she said.

- Look at Steven. - I said as I handed him over to her.

- Why would I he is ... - then she saw that. - We need to hurry.

Yellow's POV:

We need to hurry I lost her once I will not lose her son too. I hope he is alright.

*Two hours later

The Earth came into view. We hope Steven is fine he never woke up after that. We landed next to some kind of water and a gem fusion statue and an angry Pearl and a human came out of a house that was built into the hand's of it.

- What do you want? - yelled the Pearl on us and when she saw Steven in my hand she yelled at me more - What do you want from him? Give him back to us or we will get you.

- We came here in peace and brought him back from White. - I said

- Lies! - yelled the Pearl

- Pearl remember when I said I had a dream with him and he said he is fine, I don't wanted to tell you who he was with because I know that you would freak out if you would known the whole truth.

- Connie Did you know this the whole time?

- Not the whole just after he said that to me in my dream.

- Please Can we talk it out after we healed his gem? - Blue asked and then we saw a fusion at that house and they dropped something on us. I broke out with Blue and then I looked at my hand. Steven was still unconscious and his gem was almost in pieces. I looked up at the gems there was an overcooked Amethyst the traitor Peridot with them and a Lapis Lazuli who dropped that thing in our head.

- Please can we just stop this fighting until he is healed? - I tried again and I put him down for them to see why are we trying to heal him. They looked at him horrified and the fusion lifted him and started walking away with him until Blue yelled at her:

- We brought him here for your help, but can we come with you to see him in one piece?

- If you can shrink down at the size of the warp. - said the fusion. We warped to a place that the Pearl called Roses fountain but the Amethyst chimmed in that we should call it cotton candy's fountain too. The Pearl looked at her angrily and continued her History lesson. We got to a place that was full of flowers that humans call roses and there was a big fountain in the middle. The fusion placed Steven in the fountain and his gem healed from it's water.

- Thank you - Me and Blue said in union. The gems looked at us surprised and we made our way to the warp pad Steven was still sleeping. We arrived back to their temple. Me and Blue went outside to talk. The fusion came out to talk we talked about what happened and she understood it. We were waiting with them for a while when Steven woke up and looked at his gem. He was happy and then everyone even me and Blue too hugged him. Yes me and Blue are upset about Pink but she wanted this and we have Steven now and we will not let anyone hurt him. 

Steven's POV:

"This was a crazy week but I'm happy that it's over and now I have two more family members who care about me and will protect the Earth with us. " - I thought and went to show the Diamonds how to eat, Amethyst said she will help too so I need to hurry before she gets Blue and Yellow to try to eat some cooking oil or a can of beans, maybe I should hurry. I don't know what the Tomorrow will bring, but I'm happy that we are together like a real family and I'm not my mom in their eyes, rather they see me as Steven Universe the half gem half human offspring of Pink, who have nothing to do with what she have done in the past and happy to be in the present.

The end!

I told you all that I'm the worst writer, but I hope you all enjoyed it.
Thank you all for the votes comments and reads.
See you in my other books: Bye :)
