Vol. 1 Ch. 6: Hesitance

Y/n: Tell me more about this DIO person. I'm getting intrigued.

Polnareff: You're not planning to kill him aren't you? I'm sorry to tell you kid, but you're a hundred years far from his experience as a vampire.

Y/n: Vampire? I don't believe you Polnareff. Vampires are not real, and many people know that.

Polnareff: I knew you would say that, maybe those Grimms are believable but vampires? Many people won't believe it until they see it. Anyway, DIO is the stand user of The World, a stand that can stop time.

Y/n: (sarcastic) Another time disrupting stand? Damn it, what's the next enemy? A space erasing stand?

Polnareff: Don't say that again, it might come true and I don't like that event to occur... (mutters) again.

Y/n: You were saying?

Polnareff: Nothing to be concerned about. Anyway, the flesh bud if removed and exposed to sunlight, it will die. However, you have to be precise when removing it as one mistake can cause fatal injury to the brain or death. To test your stand's precision, what was the most precise action you've done using King Crimson?

Y/n: (takes out the list he used King Crimson) Let's see, I used them every time I caught the knives Chris throws at me at the last second, caught 50 percent of the assault rifle bullets those 5 disposable mooks had shot at me in a range of twenty meters, and used them to carefully snatch away Ocean Man comics that aren't bought yet. ( Polnareff glares at him and Y/n gets nervous) I mean I took them away before they are legally bought! What is wrong with that? Jeez, I'm addicted to the comic, and it's very good. They keep getting sold out everyday and I am one of the fans of the creator of the comic.

An awkward silence fills the alleyway, and then Polnareff laughed boisterously and loud. His laugh had echoed throughout the whole alleyway and irritated Y/n.

Polnareff: I never thought you were a comic lover Y/n! Hahahahaha! It's so hilarious! A serious huntsman in training and the user of one of the most feared stand, is a comic loving dork!

This irritated Y/n and then cracked his knuckles in response to Polnareff's ' insult ' which made the Frenchman gulp. King Crimson was also doing the same as its user.

Y/n and Diavolo: (dark tone) Say that one more time and I'll make sure you're legs won't work as they used to...

Polnareff: (laughs nervously) Sorry...

Y/n: Anyway-

Velvet: (from far away) Y/n!!!

Y/n: Oh goddammit. Why does it have to be her right now. I guess I better change my eye color and use this...(wears a wig similar to Doppio hairstyle) thing Neill gave me.

Polnareff: What's wrong? Why are you wearing a wig?

Y/n: (whispers) Shut up, I'm trying to hide from Velvet as I don't want to be found out running off alone by her. It always follows up with Shane and her dragging me off back home. Just please stick to my gimmick okay?

As Y/n had wore the disguise completely, Velvet and Shane was approaching the two. Before he faced the two, he changed his (E/c) eye color to Diavolo's.

Shane: Have you guys seen a person who is 5'7 of height, has (E/c) eyes, and (H/c) hair?

Polnareff: Ye-(King Crimson pinches his back) I mean no, we haven't!

Doppi-Y/n: (in Doppio's voice) Why? Is he some kind of crimina- eep!

Doppio- er, I mean Y/n, panicked when he saw Shane drawing out her rapier and fire surrounded her. Polnareff then stood up and summoned Silver Chariot.

Polnareff: I prefer that you do not hurt him, lady. I don't want anyone to hurt my son after all.

Y/n and Diavolo: " Nani?! Is he fucking serious with this shit!? "

King Crimson: (in an angry tone (it's always angry)) Oi, Polnareff! Are you serious about this!? I don't think they're gonna buy that shit!

Polnareff secretly grinned at him as if he was saying, " It will be fine, trust me. "

Velvet: B-but, you don't look like each other. How are you even his parent?

Doppio: I'm actually adopted. He took me in his care since I was seven. ' I really hope she fell for it. '

Shane: (in a calm state) Huh, that's weird, it's also the same age when Y/n was adopted by Professor Glynda... By the way, what's your name kid?

Diavolo: " The name you should say is Vinegar Doppio. That was the name of my other personality. "

Doppio: I'm Vinegar Doppio, nice to meet you.

Shane: Shane Allison, nice to meet you too.

Velvet: (in a shy tone) It's nice to meet you, I'm Velvet Scarlatina. Sorry if we bothered you.

Polnareff: Nah, it's nothing! I know that you are looking for someone precious, so you'll ask around. We'll be on our way.

Y/n and Polnareff then went out of the alleyway and ran off when they couldn't be seen by the two girls. Taking off the disguise and changing his eye color back to normal, they were near the restaurant which was Passione's base.

Polnareff: I was wondering... Why are those two girls after you?

Y/n: You mean Velvet and Shane? They're students in the same school as mine and also my friends. They're very overprotective of me that they drag me off back to my team room.

Polnareff: By any chances, have one of them took a liking on you?

Y/n: Ye-(blushes as he realizes what he was saying) I mean, no! I don't think they like me that much!

Polnareff: Is that a blush I see? Do you like them?

Mista: All I know is that he likes Bun-bun. Isn't it?

Y/n: (slumps back a bit and laughs insanely as crimson aura surrounds) Mista, what was your least favorite number again? Four right?

Mista: (nervously laughing) Y-yeah, why?

Y/n and Diavolo: I'll give you four seconds to run before I give you a four page Ora.

Mista then took it as a chance to run away far from Y/n and before he could chase him, Polnareff was already trying to stop Y/n. Being lightweight, he was easily carried by Polnareff.

Y/n: (flailing around) Let me go you towering haired freak!

Polnareff: Wow, for a strong huntsman in training, you're pretty light.

Y/n suddenly stops and gets angry. It insults him a lot when he is being described or called lightweight. He was about to claw Polnareff when he felt a Stand stopping him.

Bucciarati: Hey Y/n, what are you doing clawing an innocent person?

Y/n: He called me lightweight!

Polnareff: Well, I didn't know it insults him a lot! This guy gets pretty angry easily. Wait, why do I feel like I know you?

Bucciarati: That voice, I think I remember this at Rome. Are you by any chance, Jean Pierre Polnareff?

Polnareff: Yep, I am Polnareff. You must be Bruno Bucciarati, the Capo of Passione.

Y/n: Looks like you two had met before, I'll take my leave before I get angry at Mista.

Y/n left Polnareff and Bruno alone and made his way to his motorcycle. Revving it, he then rode off back to the Bullhead Station back to Beacon.

Polnareff: The kid's really strange, one second he is calm and a flip in the switch ticks him off.

Bucciarati: He doesn't interact with many people and sometimes he stays away from others so that attention won't be pointed at him. Anyway, it's nice to meet you again Polnareff.

Beacon Academy
7:00 PM

Y/n was walking on Beacon's hallway's when he remembered that he was only off for two hours. He then tried to sneak around again and someone was tapping his shoulder. As a reflex action, he was about to punch the person behind him.

Y/n: ORA!

Neill: ( gets hit and face gets deformed, voice muffled) I'm literally fucking lucky my semblance protects me from having my nose broken, or else I would've suffered in a hospital.

Y/n: (panics) Neill?! Oh shit, I'm sorry! I didn't realize it was you!

Neill: (face goes back to normal and smiles) It's fine, I would've also done that especially if that fucking sadist was behind me. Speaking of the sadist, don't sleep in our room for the next 3 hours unless you want to get some spanking. ( hands over his scroll) I sneaked away your scroll so that you can play games in it, unless you want to research around with books.

Y/n: (grabs his scroll from Neill) I guess I could do some games, (smirks) wanna bet that you lose this time?!

Neill: You're on. 50 lien says you'll lose.

Neill grabbed his scroll and the two played video games until the alarm strikes 9 PM. After one last round of the game with Neill winning (due to cheating sometimes) they went back to their room and opened the door, revealing an angry Shane and Velvet which made the two... Well scream like idiots. They used their secret technique in order to escape the two and spent the rest of the night sleeping outside of their room.

6:30 AM
Area near C(Y/I)SN Room

Y/n: (on a transceiver) Paging Gamer, do you copy? What do you see in our room?

Neill: (via transceiver while looking at their room using telescope) Gamer here, I see Shane and Chris going outside, over.

Y/n(transceiver): Then it's time for me to enter the room and change clothes.

He then went to the hallway and then entered the room, he grabbed his uniform and then rolled over to the bathroom to take a bath and change clothes. He then went out after changing and then heard his transceiver again.

Neill(via transceiver): Code Red! Code Red! Shane is going back to our room!

Y/n(transceiver): Calm yourself man, because Operation:Crimson is on operation.

Y/n then surrounded himself with crimson aura and then skipped after Shane opened the door and the duration lasted up to seven seconds in order to get past her and run away like his life depended on it.

Y/n: Now time will resume it's flow.

As time resumed, he hid in a corner and then used his transceiver again. However, his mouth was shut by a hand and the scent belonged to Velvet.

Velvet: (in a pouty tone) You have some explaining to do since you made me worried sick.

Velvet then released her hold of Y/n and was puffing her cheeks, pouting. Y/n felt a bit guilty at Velvet for not saying anything but he knew that he wasn't gonna let her get involved in his cavalcade of calamities.

Y/n: You wanted to ask why I had gone out frequently for the past 2 days?

Velvet: Start with that, but I know that you won't talk when Shane is here. Let's talk somewhere else. Also, give me the transceiver, I'll talk to Neill.

Y/n: Can I even refuse to you? You'll guilt trip me to death if I do. Here, I'll give you my transceiver, but give it back to me in ten minutes. However, can you set up the time and place where can we talk? If I do, I know that stalker will find me.

He then handed over his transceiver and then Velvet went off for some minutes. However, he heard footsteps and due to him using Epitaph(he knew who the walking person was), he dragged Velvet to the corner of the hallway which made him held Velvet's wrist on the left and her hand in the right. Their distance to each other was so close that they could've kissed with each other. They were stuck in a trance and only went back to their senses when they heard a photo snap from a scroll which revealed Coco picturing the two.

Coco: I told you Y/n, you won't be able to resist her any longer. Just confess already, you two.

Y/n's mind was going on an Overdrive and couldn't think properly other than grabbing the transceiver and running away from the two, but not without saying " You idiots! "at them due to being flustered.

Velvet: Coco! You ruined the moment! I could've been his first kiss!

Coco: Well, I would've let you but I wanted it to be your intentions, not by some sheer accident.

Velvet: (groans in disappointment) I'm blaming you if Shane kisses him first. I know she'll say something like, " You haven't kissed Velvet haven't you? Now your first kiss isn't with Velvet. It was me, Shane! "

Coco: You have a wild imagination Velvet, he wouldn't go closer to Shane as something closer than friends.

7:50 AM
Professor Oobleck's Class

Oobleck: (fourth wall break) It's Doctor Oobleck, Author! Now then young one, can you replace the writings there?

(A/n: Fine, Doctor Oobleck. I am gonna need Crazy Diamond later)

7:50 AM
Doctor Oobleck's Class

Ten minutes left before Doctor Oobleck's class, Y/n was reading Ocean Man comics while waiting for the class to start. Unaware of everything, Ruby had sneaked up on Y/n and surprised him, which made him yelp a bit.

Y/n: (in a low tone) Ruby? What are you doing here?!

Ruby: (in a cute but low voice) Is that how you treat your old friend? It hurts me a lot.

She pretended to whine at Y/n which guilt tripped him for the twentieth time of his life. He patted Ruby's head as a sign of apology and it made the redhead smile when she was given headpats.

Ruby: Apology accepted. Anyway, you should talk to Yang since she's been acting strange for days apparently.

Y/n: How strange is it?

Ruby: She doesn't talk to anyone for the few days, trains all the time and is always angry.

Y/n: " Well this shit is getting worse, I need to removed the flesh bud quick, "

Diavolo: " I agree, but you might need King Crimson this time. "

Y/n: " I don't need the stand until I pull out the flesh bud. I'll keep the time-skip though. " I don't think she'll talk to me, chances are I might get blown away to a water tower without me knowing what happened. Nevertheless, I'll try to talk some sense into her or something like that.

Ruby: (hugs Y/n tightly that he'll asphyxiate) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It means to me a lot! I know you'd care!

Y/n: (on the verge of death and gasping for air) Ruby, I need air!

Ruby: Oops, sorry!

She then let go and Y/n was hyperventilating and it ended after thirty seconds and then sighed.

Y/n: I'll do everything I've said okay? Just wait for some hours and I'll do what I said. I promise.

Ruby: Okay! See you later!

She then zoomed off like a bullet and Y/n was left alone and just in time, it was 8:00 AM, signalling the start of classes. Y/n was having a hard time in understanding Doctor Oobleck as he was speaking fast as if time was accelerated for him.

(A/n: I blame Made in Heaven for this.)

9:30 AM
Goodwitch's Class

The third match had just been just been finished and Y/n was getting worried of the issues that he is facing, these thoughts were dragging him out of reality until Shane snapped her fingers.

Shane: Remnant to Y/n, stop spacing out.

Y/n: Huh? (looks at Shane and panics a bit) S-Shane! What are you doing here?

Shane: (places a finger on his lips) Shut it. I just saw you spacing out a little, maybe thinking that I was too harsh on you. I'm only trying to make you pay attention to the classes, nothing else.

Y/n: ' Yeah, I know you're harsh and sadistic on me but you're not correct on my thoughts. ' (in a calm voice) Okay, I'll pay attention just don't hurt me later.

Shane: ( scoffs and just playfully pats his head) I won't hurt you, I'll just dish out soft punishment if you don't pay attention.

Y/n was oblivious of what she meant however the word punishment was engraved in his mind as danger and utter agony which made him shudder.

Goodwitch: Now for the next match, Yang Xiao Long, please choose your opponent.

Yang: Will do, and my opponent will be you! Y/n Goodwitch!

She then pointed at where Y/n is and then smirked. He didn't respond to it and just went to the arena. Y/n had the chance to end this, however there are two ways to remove the flesh bud.

A: During battle, while restraining her, he will remove the flesh bud using King Crimson. However, the target has to be weakened or else it won't work and injure Yang's brain.

B: Beat the crap out of her until she's unconscious and make it look like an accident, and while she's in the infirmary, remove the flesh bud.

He went for plan B, however he had to knock her out badly which made him hesitate a bit, however after motivating himself that it's the only way, he snapped out of his thoughts and then concentrated on the battle.

Glynda: Begin!

These were the only things he could hear from his mother and then focused at Yang's attacks which he easily evaded as if he wasn't putting any effort to it. After evading five strikes, he kneed Yang in the gut and then elbowed her in the back of her head, slamming her to the ground. He then stepped back 5 meters away from her.

Y/n: ' Good, I should've knocked her out. If the strike I did hadn't knocked her out, the force of impacting the ground did. I planned the fight to last less than a minute. '

He was about to walk away when he heard growling from Yang. It made him look back and was shocked that she's still standing. The hits that she felt made her rage and then attacked him with a series of punches. He tried to evade them which were effortless until he was surprised that Yang went in for a kick which he blocked.

Y/n: ' Impossible! She doesn't do this in all the fights! This is bad, I might need to use time-skip later! '

He then punched her in the face and then skipped half a second in order to distance himself away from Yang. The hit wasn't strong but it was enough to make her flinch. When she recovered, she went in for a punch when suddenly she was already punching someone. However, she was hitting nothing as Y/n instantly was out of her range and was on her left side.

Y/n: Kocchi wo miro. (Look over here...)

She then looked at her left and then tried to punch him and was answered by a knee to the gut. Yang's frustration went more bigger as her failure of getting her attacks to land on Y/n became difficult due to their difference in agility and timeskips.

Yang: ' Damn it! I can't hit him like this! Although this might do. '

She then attacked Y/n again with a weak punch, which was followed with a time-skip of 2 seconds. He was about to knee her again when he saw another punch. It was too late when he realized that the previous one was a fake and got hit in the face. Luckily since Yang's semblance isn't good enough yet to dish out punishment, he didn't flung back. He only felt the force of the punch and flinched at the attack, leaving him wide open. She then took advantage and then tried to strike him down with a blow to the left side of the skull. Time was skipped for five seconds and was positioning for a good attack spot. He decided to attack from the right side. As time resumed, he roundhouse kicked her in the back of her head and then was followed with a series of gut punches and to finish the combo, he then stopped in reluctance as he can't bear the punishment he is giving Yang.

Yang: (in a cold voice) What's wrong? You couldn't injure me gravely? You hit me mercilessly and now you're holding back? You're weak!

She then charged at Y/n and this time, her speed double and was almost catching up to Y/n in terms of speed. He blocked all the attacks and it was stronger than the last time. His mistake was dishing out the premature finishing blows at her, thinking the flesh bud won't do anything except controlling her mind and not the whole consciousness of a person.

Y/n: ' This fucking DIO bastard, I'm going to beat him up when I see him! However, I need to focus on Yang. I don't want to dish out hell at her, b-but I need to do it... '

He then did his fighting stance and then attacked aggressively. This made them clash with their punches and again was followed with a strange pattern of kicks. The strength of each clash was equal to one another as Yang's semblance keeps up with his strength. He then skipped time for two seconds and then positioned himself behind Yang.

Y/n: I'm sorry Yang. Time will now flow to normal...

He then attacked with a chop on her neck which did enough force(with some help with King Crimson) to knock her out unconscious. He felt so much guilt doing this and then went out of the classroom.

Glynda: Mr. Goodwitch, where are you going?

Y/n: Just somewhere I could rethink what I've done.

Glynda couldn't stop Y/n as he skipped time for the maximum of ten seconds, disappearing from the view of everyone.

4:00 PM

Y/n: ' Alright. It's time that I remove the bud. Goddammit, I need to pull myself together! '

He then summoned King Crimson and then tried to remove the flesh bud carefully. However, it tried to transfer itself to Y/n which to no avail, it's efforts were futile to control him. He then removed the flesh bud and strangely, he was holding it and then he threw it away to the sunlight, disintegrating it, but not before squirming at letting out black substance.

Y/n: (mutters) Die in the sunlight.

Yang then finally woke up and saw Y/n, and was shocked that he was visiting her. With no recollection of what happened, she then asked this:

" What happened? "

Y/n was shocked and then looked at Yang who had no recollection of what happened. Her memory was blank of what happened during the fight.

Y/n: Yang,  you don't remember anything? Even the slightest clue of today's happenings?

Yang: I swear, I don't remember. All I saw was a blonde man who said lies about you, and everything went black!

Y/n: Okay, okay. Don't get mad at me, I'm only here to check on you. We sparred at the combat class and it was like you were trying to kill me there, seems like that blonde man completely controlled your mind.

He then gritted his teeth in anger and Yang was shocked in his response and saw something unusual at the male.

Yang: (worried) Y/n, your semblance isn't transformation r-right?

Y/n: (calms down) Yeah, why?

Yang: (Points at the black veins around his neck) Those black veins around you and your eyes... Are the same as Grimms'

To be Continued....
