Chapter 1 Shmeat.

This is my first story that i'll actually put effort into and not lose interest halfway into the first chapter.|

We start this off by seeing bell in a dungeon fighting off a Minotaur and getting thrown at a wall "Jeez, that hurt you motherf- wait no, you fatherf*cker, yeah I called you ou- OW!" he shouted in pain " You're going to die for that you little OH NO!" he dodged another punch and responded with a knife to the neck and the Minotaur started to fade away and he picked the crystal up "That's enough suffering for one day don't you think." 

*cricket noises*

"Who are you talking too?" a pretty woman said as she walked into the room thing, dungeon WHATEVER,.

"I don't know. All I do know is i'm out."

"Wait wha-"


"HONEY, I'm hoOoOome" he shouted as a small missile with pigtails ran into him breaking the sound barrier

"Welcome home, master..." a small person thing said seductively.

"Hestia, what the hell did you just call me?"

"Sorry..." the once seductive goddess said sadly.

"Well Hestia..." he started to smirk "I never said to stop." he heard a squeal and instantly regretted making the joke.

"W-What!?" the tiny goddess yelled.

Anyways, later.

Bell steps out of the shower tired as frick after taking a nice calm warm shower and he hears a door creak and then he remembered 

'Well shit I didn't tell Hestia I was taking a shower.' and then he sees a tired Hestia who was about to use the bathroom and then sees Bell, the only way she can describe it

'8 pack, muscular, hot and confused.'  and then she looks down for no reason other than plot, 'Wow that's big... Wait OH MY GOD! AT LEAST 12 inches? Wait, THAT'S BELL!'  Yeah that's right boys, he has the ideal size "OH MY, I-I-I'M SORRY!" said Hestia while her face turned dark red of blush.

"Please exit the premises." said bell hiding this 10 pounds of shmeat while hard from the warm shower and blushing extremely. Then she ran out in a fit of blush.

Damn it I need at least 147 more words before I can finish this part.

Bell woke up and his comedic mind immediately starts running

"WHOM HAS AWOKEN THE ANCIENT ONE!?" he yelled scaring the shy little child- I mean goddess... "Oh, hi Hestia." he greeted staring at her very confused face 'How can he be this calm even after what happened yesterday?'

"Uhm... Bell, about what happened yesterday-"

"It's ok." Bell interrupted


"I don't care about it that much, sure it's kinda embarrassing but It doesn't have a giant impact on my life, other than my secret has been exposed..."

"You don't have anything to be embarrassed about! What I saw yesterday broke some world records!"

"Wow really? I thought it was sma-"

"What!?" 'Is he stupid or something?' "Are you trying to drag this conversation out for your weird perverted desires?"

"If I had weird desires nothing would stop me from completing them other than death. Plus if you don't like talking about it then just walk away or lay down or something, because i'm going to sleep because this chapter is over 500 words."

"What do you mean-"

"Shh." *snore* Completely unfazed climbs on Bell again and falls asleep.


Well that's it for this chapter, I had fun writing it though. If you have any suggestions please comment it, i'm probably going to work on the next chapter right after this.
