The Sinner ~ 9 ( Last Chapter )


Not proofread... Ignore mistakes..

Enjoy reading the Last chapter of the story...


The Sinner- 9 ( Last Chapter)

Blue view Banquet Hall..


" Dadiji, please take your little monster.. look , he had soiled my dress.." a young man said to Susma handling her a chirping baby boy..

Every head turn towards the boy and the young man..

" Aman, you here??" Arnav asked with thudding heart.. Suddenly he felt suffocated..

"I told you bhai, its Aman's sister's reception.." Akash said calmly..

Something is fishy.. very very fishy..

" Is this your great Grandson?" Devyani whispered looking at the baby boy in Susma's lap.. The smiling few months old boy is just the replica of her grandson Arnav.. The same brown eyes, curly hair and chubby check.. Arnav was same at this age,. Only the little button like nose is similar to her Khushi Bitiya.

" Sasuma.. did you find the similarities?" Manorama whispered thinking the dread..

Anjali felt her heart thudded with anticipation... Can the bride be Khushiji? NO.. No.. Khushiji can never marry some other man, other than her Chotey... Khushiji love Chotey madly, she had endure so much for Loe.. then how can she abandon Chotey?

Manohor was looking at the boy intently and reality sank upon him.. His eyes suddenly met with Sashi Gupta, and the content smile on Sashi Gupta's face proves that his intuition is right..

Indeed this boy is Khushi bitiya's.. in fact Khushi and Arnav's and Khushi is already married to Another man now.

Its complicated too complicated.. Manohor rubbed his face, though for humanity sake, he will support Khushi and her decision.. But Arnav is his sister's only son.. What will happen to him now?

Arnav sat in his place frozen.. His imagination was running wild.. The boy infront of him, is just like him, only he has nose similar like Khushi... if he would have a boy, he will look exactly like the cute baby....

" Aman.. wh.. what is this? You told your sister reception, then the boy? What you are hiding?" Arnav asked with shivering voice..

" Nothing ASR...My sister got married for the second time.. Actually, first time her marriage was a farce...There was no priest, no rituals nothing.. Only a contract was there.. Now with God's grace she is finally happy.." Aman said and then placed a soft kiss on the boy's check who in return showed a toothless grin..

" and ASR, meet my nephew.. Abhimanyu... I am very protective about him., just the way You are protective about your Nice, Muskan.. She is your Life.. just the same way, he is Mine.." Aman said eyeing Arnav ... There was something very very cold in Aman's eyes which send a silent threat..

" How is my boy doing?" a manly voice echoed in the area.. The little boy jumped in his place and spread his arms towards the man.. The man's attire told that he is the Groom.. The man took the bouncing boy in his arms while the boy smile in content.. The smile on both of their face indicates the man loves the boy truly and the boy is too happy with him..

" Meet with my Grandson Arjun.. Arjun, meet with Devyani Raizada, my temple friend and her family.." Susma introduced..

Arnav looked at the man and he found his face very well known.. Suddenly a memory from past flashed in his mind.. " You are the doctor, I met that day.." Arnav whispered yelled... His ASR mind was telling him that this Man has conspired against him..

" Sorry, But I could not remember.. Actually I have to meet so many people everyday regarding treatment.. Forget it.. anyways, I am Dr Arjun Singh Rajpoot. And he is my son, my heart, by buddy, Abhimanyu Singh Rajpoot.. Say hello to everyone.." Arjun introduced himself along with the baby boy..

" He is not your biological son.. if I am not wrong.. and if I am not wrong, you have married my wife.." Arnav gritted his teeth.. Though he still did not met with the bride, but his heart was telling that Khushi is the bride and the little boy is his son, and if that's true, then ASR will burn the whole area.. He will claim what is his.. Khushi is his, always and forever... and now the little baby boy.. He will snatch them if required and caged them with him forever..

Everyone are starlet hearing Arnav's words.. Though everyone was anticipating the same, but what ever they all and specially Arnav had done to Khushi, he can never claim her as his own..

How could Arnav say that, Anjali was about to apologize in behave of her Chotey but Arjun smiled again and said, " Let me answer your all question one by one..Firstly, You are right, Mr Raizada.. Abhimanyu is not my biological son.. I have not donated the sperm.. But he is my son with heart and soul.. I have nurture him with love and care, since the time of his inception.. and I will raise him up with love, care, respect just the way I will raise my future children.. You may not understand the relation between me and my Abhi, because for you only BLOOD matters.. You only cared for your late mother, your sister and now your nice.. You don't know how to cherish other relationship, specially which is bonded by LOVE..."

Arjun paused looking at the shocked and ashen faces of Arnav and the Raizada's.. He again spoke and this time broke the remaining determination of Arnav, " and Secondly, I have married my Love.. Not your wife.. as per as I know, she was once your CONTRACTED WIFE for 6 months, .. and the contract is over.. So.. You can not claim her any more.. But Khushi is my Legally and Ritually wedded wife and I will always love, respect and protect her, which you never did and will never do.."

Arjun's reply was a direct slap for Arnav.. He looked at Arjun shocked...Arjun's eyes were challenging him to say further... before their verbal spat continue, a sound of payal stole every one's attention..

" Arjun... what is going on?" A beautiful lady clad in red lahenga came and stand besides Arjun.. Every Raizada was shocked and Arnav felt that his heart stop beating.. their suspicion proved to be true...

" Khushi Bitiya.."

" Khushiji.."

" Khushi.."

Collective gasp heard in the hall seeing the bride finally..

" Namaste, I am Khushi Arjun Singh Rajpoot.. and he is my son Abhimanyu..If anyone of you have any question, just asked me.. But not Arjun.. He will no way carry the burden of My past, Of MY BIGGEST MISTAKE.." Khushi said holding Arjun, while Arjun protectively holds Khushi's hand, and in another hand, he holds Abhimanyu.. Arjun's gesture showed he will protect his wife and son from everything... He can take ANY CHALLENGE for them..

" How could you Khushiji? How could you disappear and hide my Chotey's son? And now you got married to another man, snatching my Chotey's right?" Anjali asked while holding Arnav who had tears in his eyes, who was holding Muskan in his lap tightly..

" Excuse me, first of all, I was not married with your Chotey.. We had a contract and I fulfill the tenure.. Can your Chotey prove that we were once married? Any legal paper or any witness?? It was a modified Living in.. and moreover, There was nothing mentioned that if a baby comes, what will be his fate.. I just completed my tenure and then left... Besides, Your Chotey was too busy to tend his weak, insecure sister and her unborn... He had no time for me.. Never" Khushi said with gritted teeth looking at Arnav and then spoke the works which slashed Arnav's heart, " besides, I don't have any interest in an ABUSER..."

" What are you talking Khushiji... Abhi is Arnav's son.. He has the right to know and raise him up.. You.." Anjali could not complete her words as Khushi just roared,

" Enough Anjaliji.. My son deserves better.. What would have your Chotey done if he knew about My Abhimanyu? He would have done nothing.. Because he had Muskan to take care of.." Khushi's reply made everyone shocked.. Anjali just looked stunned..

" Khushi.. What are you talking about?" Arnav finally found his voice, " Yes, di is my responsibility and Muskan too.. But I would have never neglected and abandoned my son"

" Just the way you took care of me in those six months? Forcing me to sleep on floor of poolside, calling me a characterless woman, gold digger and biggest mistake every now and then??" Khushi said with so much hatred in her eyes that Arnav felt his soul took a silent death...

" Khushi please, you knew I was angry and misunderstood.. I could have never.. Please.. Give me a chance.. I will not give you any chance to complain.. I will make a balance between Di and You, so Muskan and abhi.." Arnav pleaded with unshed tears.. Every Raizada was loss of words.. Only tears were running from their eyes.. Anjali was numb..

" You can never make a balance.. I am not a fool to believe you anymore.. For your sister you had destroyed my life, and for your sister's daughter you would have destroyed my Son's life.. Because you are nothing but your sister's slave.. I HAVE WASTED 2 YEARS OF MY LIFE BECAUSE OF YOU BROTHER SISTER DUE, BUT I WILL NOT ALLOW A SINGLE SECOND OF MY SON'S LIFE TO WASTED BECAUSE OF YOUR SISTER'S DAUGHTER..." Khushi spat..

Arnav looked at her shocked.. He could not believe that Khushi can say that.. This is not the woman he had met and fall in love..

"Love??" Arnav ignore the snickering remark of his heart.. When he actually expressed his feelings to Khushi and acted upon that? Probably NEVER...

" How can you say that Khushiji?" Anjali said and about to start her water work when Aman interrupted, " Just shut up Ms Raizada.. Enough.. for you, my sister had suffered enough.. Now I will now allow her and her son to suffer.. Remember Ms Raizada, now it's not only your Chotey who can protect his sister, I, Aman Mathur also can go to any extend to protect my sister.. Just the way, I have hide my sister disappearance for last 1 year 4 months.. After all I have learnt from the best.. I have learnt from ASR, how to be a BEST BROTHER..."

Arnav felt the sharp pain of betrayal.. that's the reason he never found out about Khushi, because Aman was in charge of Khushi's investigating team..

" I will make you all suffer.. I will go to court and snatch my son.." Arnav spat but immediately felt a sting on his left cheek..

Khushi had just slapped him hard..

Arnav looked at Khushi wearing his favorite color and looking breathtakingly beautiful..

But she is not yours.. she is someone else's wife now..

" Stay away from my son and My family.. Otherwise, I will not spare you Mr Raizada.." Khushi said pointing a finger to Arnav..

" If you even turn your filthy eyes to my wife or my son, I will rip you apart.. IT'S A PROMISE.. ASR's promise.." Arjun accompanied Khushi with venom in his eyes..

Arnav felt his heart broke million pieces when Khushi stand besides Arjun and supports him.. " Khushi is now not an orphan whom you can treat like a garbage.. She has her family, her husband who respect and love her, her in laws who cherish her, her son for whom she is an angel and her brother who can go to any length to protect her.. They will stand together with her, to protect her, just the way you and your Raizada family protected ANJALI SHYAM MANOHOR JHA.." Arjun said making Anjali just sobs aloud.. Devyani and Manoroma too had tears in their eyes knowing very well that their Chotey lost Khushi permanently..

Arnav looked at Khushi's eyes only to find hatred, immense hatred... He felt defeated.. He can snatch his son and trap Khushi in another contract, but then? He will get only curse and hatred in return.. Already he is carrying the burden of his Sins... How long it will go on? How more to come?

Arnav turn in his heel and was about to leave the place when Aman spoke, "and regarding the account number, it's Arjun's account number.. He had send the money which his wife, Khushi had taken from you.. for her education.. Khushi that day took the money from you because she wanted to enrolled herself in a college... It was her dream which also you had destroyed once"

Arnav stood frozen.. How many more thing he had to learn..

Arnav again turn and faced them... " You knew from the beginning, Aman?"

Aman nodded his head and said, " yes, I was the man in hoody who accompanied Khushi in the hospital and I also took her from the house where she was never respected, where she was abused, neglected and called names.."

Arnav felt exhausted.. He looked at Khushi.. She is happy, she is glowing, she is married.. She is a mother.. She is someone else's now.. Khushi had always deserves respect, love, trust and happiness.. But due to circumstances, Arnav never able to express his love for her.. and respect, trust and happiness? No Arnav never showed that emotions regarding Khushi..

He had failed Khushi, while fulfilling his promise to his mother..

" and ASR, I have already send my resignation letter.. I was with you just to protect my Khushi.. but now that everything is open, I no more interested working with you.. but remember, Khushi has his brother with her now.. Just the way you protect Anjaliji, I will protect Khushi, from every evil.." Aman said eyeing Anjali and Arnav intently..

Anjali could not hold herself anymore, she just run towards Khushi and holds her hand..

" Khushiji, please forgive my Chotey.. Give him another chance.. If you desire, Me and My daughter will go away from his life.. But please Don't abandon my Chotey from you and his son.." Anjali said while Khushi just looked at her blankly..

Suddenly a crooked smile appear in her face, " Anjaliji, you know, I can reconsider my decision.."

Everyone was shocked.. It was good that Susma, was not there.. But Khushi has an eye contact with Arjun and then she continue,

Though the Raizada can sense the sarcasm in Khushi's voice and can read the cruel smile on her face, but both Arnav and Anjali looked at her with smile in their faces and hopes in their hearts,..

" but I have a condition.." Khushi said while Anjali nodded her head..

" I promise.." Anjali said and Khushi asked softly, " Your Chotey too will agree?"

" Yes, Khushiji, he will.. He will never disobey me.. I am HIS 1ST PRIORITY" Anjali said, " just tell me your condition.."

" You have to marry Shyam Manohor Jha once again, have to live with him, and have to bear his children, once again.." The moment those words left Khushi's mouth, Anjali gasp and Arnav looked horrified..

" How could you say that Khushi? How could you even propose that Di will live with that leech? That bastard?" Arnav asked in disbelieve..

" Then how can your sister ask me to forgive and live with an ABUSER, MONSTER LIKE YOU?" Khushi spat and then realization finally dawn upon Arnav..

He had lost his Khushi...


" You all made me a sinner.. You all made me do the work, act like some selfish person.. You all made me, all force me to change.. But you know what, I FEEL THAT IT WAS REQUIRED.. Otherwise, My life would have always spin around you bunch of selfish people.. Now just have your food and leave us.. Live your life's happily and let us live ours.." Khushi said..

Finally Arnav's shoulder loosened, head hung low, he pictured of a defeated man..

" and remember ASR, I will always protect what is MINE.. Khushi and Abhimanyu are MINE.." Arjun said with determination.

Arnav felt his eyes stung with those words.. ASR, he had always took pride in this name, but now this name will remind him that in his own ego and pride, misjudgment and assumption, he had lost his one true love, the only girl who had once loved him truly and he also lost his son, his own flesh and blood..

" And ASR, Khushi is my pride, my love.. She is the BIGGEST BLESSINGS of my life.. A woman with selfless heart, extremely good moral character.. I feel the luckiest man in the earth, to have her as my legally and ritually WEDDED WIFE.." Arjun spoke with a smile on his face.. But his each words were direct slap for Arnav..

Arnav remembered his own words which he once uttered for Khushi,

" Lier, Middle class , Gold Digger, Characterless and Biggest Mistake.."

He is the biggest sinner in Khushi's life and a fool of life time.. Arnav gulp down the tears and whispered to Anjali, " Let's go Di.."

Anjali could not able to meet her eyes with her brother.. Ultimately she broke his brother heart and snatch his only love because of her own selfish reason...

Undoubtedly, She is THE SINNER..

Arnav and Anjali silently walk towards their car followed by the guilt ridden family members, who were more or less sinner and today, they got their punishment by losing the selfless soul who was devi Maiyaa's blessing..

The ride back home was silent.. All of them were in their own guilt trip..

Finally little Muskan said, " Mamu, I need a Barbie doll.. Will you bring me tomorrow?"

Anjali closed her eyes.. Once again guilt hit her hard.. Her Chotey lost his happiness because of her and she is having her Rajkumari all pampered in her lap.. Her Chotey fulfilling all her and her daughter's wish while his son is lost to him, forever..

Arnav was looking at Muskan with intent eyes.. For the first time, he felt, if he was not that much concern to protect his sister Rajkumari, then, may be, may be he would have his prince in his hand..

But, all the if, but is gone..

Arnav smile and said, " Of course Muskan.."

And none spoke a single words till they reach the Shantivan.. Today akash and Payal also return in RM with them.. Arnav asked Akash after entering in the house, " Akash , did you know about Khushi getting married again?"

Akash said politely, " I came to know I week before when I met Khushiji and Arjun in mall.. I hide it, because I felt I owe her this much.. After all my happy married life is based on her tears and sacrifices.." with that Akash left a Lifeless Arnav behind..


Late night when Anjali was restless, could not able to sleep an ounce, she went to her Chotey's room.. As usual he was standing beside poolside..

" Chotey.. are you Thinking about your son?" Anjali asked suddenly..

Arnav looked at her with his tired, cold eyes..

" Why are you asking me di? When you know everything is finished.." Arnav said coldly..

" No.. I mean..." Anjali was too guilty to say something more.. But Arnav's next words broke her completely, " Don't worry di, I will not chase after my Son.. After all I have to look after YOUR RAJKUMARI... and I don't want my son to be neglected, compared or deprived just like Khushi was.. Once it was You and now your daughter..I actually don't believe in myself anymore.. My actions had always hurted Khushi, I will not do the same to my son.. Be assured, I will not do the same mistake.. Once I spoil Khushi's life, but this time I will just spoil my son's life by dragging him in this hell.."

" What are you talking Chotey?" Anjali cried aloud..

" You know very well di, what I am talking about.. Let it be.. I will fulfill my promise what once I had given to OUR mother, to protect your happiness... You, Your daughter and goes on.. No one was ever concern about my happiness.. , not even me.. When I got everything without any effort in the form of Khushi, I just taken that for granted.. I need punishment.. and I will get it.. I will remain THE SINNER in everyone's eyes, but let it be.. after all my Khushi and My son, will be happy.. they had found their happiness...and I will not be a hardel in their path.. Arjun will be a far better father for Abhimanyu.. LET IT BE.." Arnav said and again turn opposite..

Anjali walked towards her room with the burden of guilt on her soul.. Her Chotey will still carry her and her daughter's every responsibility, but from now on it will be just an OBLIGATION.. not out of love..

Afterall THE SINNER like her, deserves that...

Her possessiveness, her insecurities, her fragile heart, her weakness, finally made her THE SINNER by destroying a beautiful couple and snatch a boy from his father.....

This is HER punishment to see her Chotey silently die emotionally everyday.. and It was her Chotey's punishment to lose his own Son and raise the Leech's daughter..

They both are SINNER ... and finally destiny has wrote their fate...

Tears roll down in Anjali's eyes as well Arnav too weep in his own misery..

For the world and in Khushi's life the Brother and Sister due became THE SINNER...

But can they be only blamed?

~ The End ~

Author note:

Hi everyone... Finally my another story comes to an End.. It's a very conflicting concept after Withered with hurt... and I once again left it open for you all to get your answers..

Waiting for your precious opinion regarding the story and its perspective.

Thank you all once again for you love and prayer..

Take care, stay safe..


Your Storyteller,


