The Sinner ~8


Not proofread... Ignore mistakes..

While drafting the chapter crossed 5.5k words.. So, I broke the chapters in two...

Enjoy reading the 2nd Last chapter of the story...

Tomorrow I will publish the last one..


The Sinner- 8

Raizada Mansion..


" It's time to go..." The deep, concerned voice boomed from behind.. Khushi turned and looked at the man in hoody, smiling she handed over her small bag to him and wave back to those persons who at least considered her as a human being while staying in this house.

Khushi crossed the doorway and looked ahead..

She is going towards a bright future leaving behind the dark nightmare of her life...


One year four Months later..

Raizada Mansion...

Arnav was standing before the poolside looking at the cool water.. The breeze, the fragrance of flowers, the shining star none are able to sooth Arnav's burning heart..

Arnav is burning in remorse, pain, hurt, abandonment, loneliness since last one year four months.. 1 year 4 agonizing months when Khushi had left him.. Not only him but the entire Delhi.. She did not even went to her maternal house.

Arnav felt the shiver once again when he remembered the day he and the rest of the Raizada's find out that Khushi had left Shantivan.


Day after Anjali's Delivery..

1 year 4 months ago..

Arnav was driving back towards Shantivan with Anjali and the newborn baby.. Yesterday, Arnav and Manorama stayed with Anjali in the hospital and today, they are taking the Raizada Princess and her daughter home.

Arnav was a little restless.. He was not feeling well since yesterday.. No.. not because of any physical illness but the mental agony he was feeling.. Khushi had not received his phone.. Whenever he called either it switched off or not reachable.. the restlessness and suffocation he is feeling was killing him.. But for the sake of his sister he is keeping the smile on his face..

But when his nani and other family members reached Shantivan, he had demanded to talk with Khushi.. But to her surprise, his nani told him to keep his calm for a day and talk with her face to face.. Arnav was adamant but Devyani was strict and finally Arnav had to give up.

So, he is bearing the pain for last 1 day, the pain of not conversing with Khushi, not seeing her.

Now Arnav was too restless to meet with Khushi.. a part of him was feeling that something bad is going to happen, that he is going to lose big time.. Soon they reached to Shantivan.. Arnav immediately came out from the car and open the door for Anjali.. Before Anjali could come out, Arnav hold the little baby in his protected arms.

Soon they reached before the big entrance door of Shantivan and as if getting the clue the door open with all the Raizada members standing before them..

Manorama Raizada welcomed Anjali with the new born with all the rituals..

" Welcome bitiya to your home.. Welcome little princess.." Manorama said.. Though she and the other members were smiling but the smile never reached their eyes.

Arnav scanned the whole living room.. Everyone were present there including Hariprakash, his brothers and even the goat Laxmi, except the one person for whom Arnav was craving.. He could not hold himself anymore..

" Where is Khushi? Nani, why she is not here in down stairs? Is She alright?" Arnav asked looking at his nani for the answer, while the older woman just closed her eyes.

" Bhai, come inside.. We will talk.." Akash said calmly but the sad face of his told the another story..

" What is going on? Why no one answering me? Where is Khushi? WILL YOU JUST SPEAK UP?" Arnav finally shouted losing his cool..

The little girl cried aloud being afraid with the loud noise, but Arnav cares less..

" I just want to know where is Khushi? Nani you told me to talk with her face to face? Now where is she?" Arnav asked feeling suffocated.. Now he understood why he was feeling so restless.

Devyani in response looked at Anjali and told her to give her daughter to manorama, and wait here as she has something to tell both the brother sister due.

Manorama took the little baby and went upwards along with Manohor and Payal. Only Devyani and Akash were there infront of Arnav and Anjali..

" Khushi LEFT.." Devyani said with composed tone while her heart break thinking that what a gem they had lost..

" Left?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY LEFT? Where ? Gupta House?" Arnav asked all raged.. Helplessness, restlessness and a certain kind of anger was engulfing him..

" I don't know Arnav.. Yesterday when we all came back to Shantivan, it was already too late.. and when we asked about Khushi, the Prakash brothers told she is already asleep..Then today morning when I wake up, I find few things on my bedside table.." Devyani said with moist eyes.

" What things?" Arnav asked in a low tone while Anjali already started to sob..

" The mangalsutra, few bangle, your mother's kangan and all the dress we had gifted Khushi.." Devyani said and sat on a sofa, finally unable to stand anymore..

" you did not think to inform me? Why? WHY?" Arnav started to pull his hair, he was about to throw something but Akash's next sets of words froze him, "Because you were busy with your SISTER, we thought not to disturb you both.. Besides, the contract is about to end within few days, so..."

Arnav's eyes wide with horror while Anjali sob aloud..

" I am sorry Chotey.. My insecurities spoils everything... but I never wanted to create a rift between you and Khushiji, please believe me.."

Arnav could not hear more, the only words were ringing in his head that, "Khushi left him.."

He suddenly turn in his heel and was going towards the exit door when Akash again spoke, " Khushiji is not in Gupta house.. They does not know where she is.. after all the Gupta's are also SINNER like US..."

Arnav froze unable to think any further.. In the quest of building and securing his sister life, he had destroyed his own life with PERFECTION....

Few moments were passed while only Anjali's sob, Devyani's weeping, Arnav's devastation and Akash's silence were present in the living room... Arnav was the one who gathered himself quickly.

" Akash, call the police commissioner, I am contacting Aman.. we will arrange a meeting in our study room.. I need my Khushi back before this night..." with that a determined Arnav dialed his most trusted employee while Akash called the police commissioner.

It was 1 year 4 months ago...

Flashback ends..


Present time..


Arnav's room, RM...

Arnav came out from his train of thoughts while a tear roll down his eyes.. since the last 1 year 4 months, the search is continuously going on.. but every day Arnav left with empty hands.. Arnav almost search every nook and corner of Delhi, and even all over India.. He was sure that Khushi is somewhere in Delhi, but where? That is the million dollar question.. He remembered Commissioner words few days ago, " ASR, we are sorry, but it seems Mrs Raizada does not want you to find her... and there is someone who is secretly helping her.. That person is aware about our every move.."

Arnav also knew the truth.. Tomorrow he is having a secret meeting with the commissioner, only he and the commissioner.

Arnav's thought was broken when someone placed a hand over his shoulder.. Arnav closed his eyes knowing very well who the person is.. The other person, who is equally repenting with him, his sister Anjali..

" Chotey, get ready.. We are leaving within one hour.." Anjali said.

" Is it necessary for me to come? You know I don't like the functions, specially Marriage.." Arnav said hiding irritated..

" Chotey, how long will you run? Please.. come with us.. Mrs Rajpoot is Naniji's friend, she had requested all of us to join.. Please Chotey .. don't say know.. and besides, you know na, I cannot handle Muskan alone.. she is so fond of his mamu.." Anjali smiled softly..

The mension of Muskan bring a smile on Arnav's face too.. He would have been insane, if Muskan was not here.. The little soul lesson the pain of losing Khushi, to some extent.. whenever Arnav looks at little Muskan, he feels the loss and an adorable yet painful image flashed before his eyes.

He, Khushi and their little one..

If Khushi was with him, then by this time, may be he would have his own family..

" Chotey, get ready.." Anjali said before leaving the room.

Arnav sigh and get ready.. Since the time Khushi had left him, he had never attended any marriage ceremony.. He even avoided party which his business officials had thrown.. Only few important business meetings and his niece Muskan's naming ceremony he had attended.

Arnav remembered how his relationship status also changed with everyone.. His nani, Mama and Mami became very upset with him. Though they have forgiven him, but there is a distance.. Akash had changed a lot.. he is now separately leading AR's pune branch.. and Payal is only formal with him.. Akash and Payal had shifted from RM and living in Pune.. Every weekend, holidays and in other occasions, they meet with the family at RM.. Though Akash is very polite with Arnav, but Arnav can easily read the accusation in his eyes. " You have used me to protect YOUR SISTER.. I am nothing to you.." Arnav very well knew that the distance between them will never erase..

It is only Anjali who talk normally with him.. Arnav knew somewhere Anjali too is feeling very guilty.. if truth to be told they both, the brother sister due , have destroyed Khushi and her happiness.. But still Anjali is the one who cares for Arnav.. Its not Arnav only, but Anjali too is waiting for Khushi's return..

Breaking his own thought Arnav finally left his room.. Today is nani's temple friend's only grandson's marriage reception.. soon along with the family members, Arnav started to the venue.

Just few moments later Arnav's phone alerted with an incoming message..

Arnav was surprise to see the message. There few lack money has been transferred in his account from an unknown number. Suddenly something struck in Arnav's mind.. It is the exact amount of money which Khushi had taken when she had went to shopping with Anjali..

That means Khushi is sending him money?


Shocked, surprise and hopeful Arnav immediately called his Friday man Aman..

"Aman I am sending you a account details.. Just tell me whose account is this?"

"Sorry ASR, but today is my SISTER's reception...I will give you every details tomorrow." Aman replied immediately.. A loud music was coming from the background. Arnav remembered how in last year Aman had taken many leaves for the sake of his sister.. Surprisingly Arnav never asked about Aman's family and even Aman never discussed.. It was only few times Aman mentioned about his sister..

Arnav was restless, yet he was hoping after so long. With a smile on his face he looks forwards for the coming day.

Soon their car reached the reception venue.


Blue view Banquet Hall..


Arnav along with the Raizada's also entered in the hall.. Akash, Payal and Gupta's also eneterd in the hall at the same time..

" Are Madhumatiji, you came? Very nice to meet you.. Do you know Susmaji?" Devyani Raizada asked while sharing the pleasantries..

" Sasi babua knows Susmaji's son,the groom.. Me and Garima are meeting for the first time .." Madhumati said while Garima smiled back.. Sashi Gupta just nodded his head in acknowledgement. Since the time Khushi left and missing, Sashi avoided the Raizada's.. even for Payal's sake too, Sashi did not spare the Raizada, for accusing eyes was enough to make Devyani feeling drown in guilt..

" and Akash babua, you too know the groom?" Garima asked while caressing Payal's 4 months pregnant belly.. Payal is glowing..

" No Amma.. I do not know the groom.. Aman had invited me for his sister marriage.. His sister is the bride." Akash replied but Arnav frown a little..

Something is very fishy.. something is not setting up...

" Are Devyaniji.. You finally came.. I am so glad.." a woman with almost the same age of Devyani came forward and greeted them..

" It's your grandson's reception.. and I had promised you Susmaji, so.. Meet my families.." Devyani introduced Every Raizada, Gupta's with the smiling lady, the host Susmaji..

" Your arragements is so nice.. Its homely and cozy.." Anjali praised looking at surrounding..

" Yes.. Everything arranged by my Grandson, my new grand daughter in law and her brother.. I just played with my great grand son.." Susma replied making everyone confused..

" Great Grandson? What are you talking Susmaji? Are you having another grandson?" Devyani asked..

" No... Devyaniji.. Actually My Grand Daughter In law is a divorcee.. and the child is from her first marriage.." Susma said with a adorable smile on her face..

Raizada and Gupta's remain silent.. They did not know what to say..

" Oh... I mean... was it love marriage or.." Anjali asked unable to control her curiosity..

" That's a long story.. Come everyone , sit.. I am telling you.. actually bridd and groom are now meeting with my grandson's few collegue, till then have some refreshment and we will talk.." Susma said and accompanied all of them to a sitting area..

With some light refreshment in their hands, they started to listen Susma..

" Actually My Grandson met HER in a hospital.. you know , My grandson is a Gyaenocologist..He met with her when she came for an check up as she was feeling sick.. Her then in laws were so inhuman, that they did not even knew that she was sick.. Then she found out she is pregnant... Her bad luck was, she was an orphan.. and her in laws never accepted her whole heartedly.. BUT.." Susma was interrupted when Manorama asked,

" What about the ex husband? Did not he take the responsibility?"

" Don't say about that devil.. He is much a black spot.. He abused her mentally and Physically whole their marriage period.." Susma said feeling so sad and Raizada and Gupta's also felt sorry for the poor soul..

" But everything is okay now.. She finally found a good family with you and a good husband in your grandson.." Manohor said..

" That's right...Actually she is a Gem.. We are lucky that we have found out her.. Mt grandson was very adamant to not get married ever, but it was love at first sight.. and do you know, SHE was so honest that she told every details of her life when My Arjun expressed his feelings.. SHE told that she is still in love with his ex husband and she can not cheat Arjun.. But Arjun was adamant.. It was almost 1 years 8 months, he had pursued her and finally just before one month she had agreed to marry..." Susma said with a bright smile on her face..

" She is so lucky that she found happiness again.." Anjali said while a hint of sadness spread over her face..

" She DESERVES happiness. Infact she herself is HAPPINESS... Its not only her, but we are also lucky to have her in our family.. She is so selfless, kindhearted, Gem of a girl.. with good moral and Character.. She is Devi Maiyaa's bleesings in our life.." Susma said while all the members smiled remembering certain someone whose character is so similar with the new bride of Susmaji..

Before their conversation proceed further, cry of a little baby was heared and someone came there..

" Dadiji, please take your little monster.. look , he had soiled my dress.." a young person said to Susma handling her a chirping baby boy..

Every head turn towards the boy and the young man..

" Aman, you here??" Arnav asked with thudding heart.. Suddenly he felt suffocated.. His heart squeezed in fear..

"I told you bhai, its Aman's sister's reception.." Akash said calmly..

Something is fishy.. very very fishy..

Not only ARNAV, But the whole Raizada, and Gupta, except Shashi felt the uneasiness in the air..

Something is going to happen...

To be continued...

Author note:

Hi everyone... the chapter was too long, so I broke it in two half.. here is the first part.. Tomorrow will publish the last one....

Waiting for your precious opinion regarding the story and its perspective.

Thank you all once again for you love and prayer..

Take care, stay safe..


Your Storyteller,


