Chapter 13 Part 2


King George V quickly shoot her main guns at Y/N along with Washington.

Washington: Get out of here sister! and take Belfast with you!

North Carolina then stand up and started to run away from the battlefield.

North Carolina: Got it! but you need to be very careful around him he is not very easy to deal with.

North Carolina then grab the unconscious Belfast and take her to safety.

King George V then tries to punch Y/N.

Y/N then quickly dodge and get behind her back then Y/N then grab the back head of King George V and push her on the water.


Y/N: Lay down for a while.

Y/N then quickly fire his main guns at Washington and then she was able to avoid all of the incoming salvo but Y/N was already in front of her.

Washington: *Gasp!*

Y/N then grab her riggings and Y/N then grab one of it's barrel and he started to crush it by his bare hands.

Y/N: It's futile to escape.

Washington tried to retaliate to get out of Y/N's grasp.

Then a thunderous explosion could be heard behind Y/N.


The salvo hit Y/N in the back releasing Washington in the process.

King George V: Are you ok?!

Washington: Yeah i am fine but one of my barrels is destroyed.

Then after the smoke had been cleared Y/N rigging was damage and you could see blood dripping from his mouth and waist.

Y/N: I have let my guard down.

Y/N then started to spin his flag and make a stand then he dash towards King George V.

Y/N then thrust the tip of his flag pole and hitting King George V on her waist.

Y/N: I missed?

King George V thoughts: If i was only a little bit slower my body could have been pierce.

Washington then started to fire her main guns at Y/N and then Y/N look at her and he quickly grab King George V arm and throw her in the line of fire.

King George V: Gah!!

After King George V has been used as a shield Y/N then came out from the smoke and counter attack.

Washington: George!!!

Y/N then started to fire his main guns and Hitting Washington riggings and her thighs.

Washington then fell down on her knees.

Washington: Eh... you are a monster.

Y/N: Monster? no i am a Human and i don't want to kill you.

Washington: Pitying me?!

Y/N: No my mission is only to retrieved what has been stolen and besides i have no reason to kill you yet.

Y/N eye's started to become red for a second and after that it was normal again.

King George V: Don't you dare turn your back on me!

King George V shoot her main guns but this time Y/N was able to dodge all of them and Y/N then shoot his main guns and hit all of King George V riggings disabling her to battle.

Y/N: You should stop this is not going anywhere.

King George V was hopeless for the first time she was not able to expect that a Iron Blood sparing her life.

Washington then quickly get up and saved King George V and they run away without Y/N chasing them.

Y/N: There mission was to rescue the spy but my mission is to retrieved a very important belonging.

Y/N then look at the distance and he could heard the sound of the battlefield outside the city.

Y/N then started to contact Shoukaku.

Y/N: I am coming there and can you hold them all?

Shoukaku: Yes for only a minute.

Y/N: Better than nothing.

Y/N then cut the communication.

Y/N then started to run faster than before and he passed Washington and King George V.

Washington then quickly contact the others.

Washington: Cleveland! quickly run the monster is coming towards you and the others!

Cleveland: Got it!

Then Cleveland and the others was fighting Shoukaku because she is blocking there path.

Edinburgh: We are almost there.

Warspite: It's only one enemy yet we are struggling to escape.

Cleveland: Guys we need to hurry!

Sheffield: What happen?!

Cleveland: DonnerKonig you have spoke of is already coming towards us.

Warspite: Don't tell they have lost to him?!

Cleveland: Yes it seem so but we need to hurry!

Then Cleveland and the others tried to shoot Shoukaku then Shoukaku is hiding behind the building for some cover and evading all of the incoming salvo.

Shoukaku then play her flute amd she summons Aichi D3A and they started to drob there bombs at Sheffield and the others.

Then Warspite dash towards Shoukaku and she quickly tried to slash her with her sword but Shoukaku quickly unsheath her Katana and block the attack.

Then both of them started to clash with there weapons.

Shoukaku: I will not let you guys escape!

Warspite then fire her main guns at Shoukaku then Shoukaku evade the salvo but sheffield was already beside her and she kick Shoukaku in the stomach.

Shoukaku flew backwards then she quickly regained her balance to stand up.

Then she look around that they are already gone.

Shoukaku: I hope you can catch up to them Y/N.

Sheffield: We must hurry!

Akashi: Yes nyaa!!

Cleveland: This container could change the war then?

Sheffield: Possibly because i heard them that box is capable of controlling sirens and advancing there technology even further.

Cleveland: Such a dangerous thing does they even know the side effect of it?!

Sheffield: I don't know.

Warspite: Chat later! we must focus getting out of here first.

Then outside the city Azur lane and the Sakura Empire was fighting you could see the sky was full of planes.

Hornet: We are getting push back in here!

Prince of Wales: We must hold them off until they reach us!

Then a Aichi D3A dive on Hornet, Hornet quickly dodge all of the incoming bomb.

Zuikaku: Tch! I thought it was Grey Ghost.

Zuikaku then point her Katana at Hornet.

Hornet: Sorry to disappoint you that im not my sister then!

Then Prince of Wales fire her Main guns at Zuikaku, Zuikaku then dodge the Incoming salvo.

But this time someone shot Prince of Wales.

Prinz Eugen: What do we have here.

Prince of Wales: Prinz Eugen!

Prinz Eugen then started to shoot her Main guns at Prince of Wales. Prince of Wales then evade all of the incoming shell towards her. Prince of Wales then counter attack and shoot Prinz Eugen.

Prinz Eugen then evade the salvo coming towards her then her main guns fired at Prince of Wales.

Prince of Wales: You Iron Blood i will not forgive you!

Prinz Eugen: Still holding a grudge against us.

Prince of Wales: This is for Hood!

Then Prinz Eugen and Prince of Wales started there clash and they keep exchanging blows on each other.

Then on the other hand Zuikaku and Hornet were fighting.

Zuikaku then tried to slash Hornet but she quickly evade it but the bangs and the hat of her's has been cut.

Hornet: Woah! there i almost got cut.

Zuikaku then place the handle of her katana to the bow of her Flight deck then a plane started to show up and lunching into the katana and absorbing it.

The Katana then started to glow in red like fire.

Zuikaku: Haaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Zuikaku then dash towards Hornet and this time her katana were much more sharper and deadly.

Hornet Thoughts: I can't block those attack!

Zuikaku then keep swinging her Katana left and right not giving her chance to fight back.

Hornet Thoughts: Tch! i can't lunch my Plane or i will slow down!

Zuikaku Thoughts: I must surpass my Senpai and my rivals i need to increase my speed!

Zuikaku: I will not let you escape!

Then Zuikaku then slash her sword vertically but then a Dive bomber drop a bomb in the middle of there battle and it was Lexington.

Lexington: Looks like you need some help Hornet.

Hornet: Lexington! thank goodness it thought i was going to be cut in half.

Lexington then look at Zuikaku

Lexington: Now then shall we continue the battle.

Zuikaku: Another one has appeared.

Hornet: Be careful Lexington.

Lexington: I am always careful.

Then Lexington lunch her Fighter plane to intercept Zuikaku Aichi D3A.

(An: I forgot what USS Lexington planes carried Ooof!!!!! and Hornet also and the others also might have to research them later.)

Then Lexington and Hornet double Team Zuikaku and Zuikaku was struggling she has never experience this before.

Then Prinz Eugen and Prince of Wales are exchanging fire on each other.

Prinz Eugen was able to land 2 shots on Prince of Wales Rigging.

Prince of Wales then run towards Prinz Eugen then she tried to slash her but Prinz Eugen Rigging reacted and block the attack.

Prinz Eugen: That was close.

Prinz Eugen then pat her shark rigging.

Then beside them Akagi and Kaga were facing Helena and San Diego.

San Diego and Helena were shooting down Akagi and Kaga's plane.

Akagi: Tch! Eagle Union always interfering with our plan!

Kaga: Nee-san let me end this.

Akagi: Fine by me.

San Diego: What should we do Helena?!

Helena: We need to hold them off as long as we can.

San Diego: Y-Yes!

Kaga then pull out a mask and then it started to clad in blue flames and disappeared.

And then a giant white fox with 9 blue flame tails appeared with a flight deck rigging on the fox.

The giant fox open it's eye's and started to roar.


Then everybody on the battlefield could heard a giant roar the others stop and look at the giant fox while Y/N is chasing Cleveland and the others.

Y/N: Looks like someone from the Sakura Empire is trying to end this faster.

Y/N then saw Shoukaku who is badly damage.

Y/N: Shoukaku! are you alright?

Shoukaku: A little bit but they are almost out of the city.

Y/N: I understand but you need help first.

Y/N then started to carry Shoukaku and get out of the city.

Shoukaku: If you leave me alone here and chase them you could have catch them.

Y/N: No I will prioritize your safety first.

Shoukaku then skip a heart beat.

Y/N: Because this is also one of my fault that you got to this situation and i will take the responsibilty for it.

Shoukaku: Thank you Y/N.

Shoukaku then closed her eye's.

Y/N: Shoukaku! Don't die on me!

Shoukaku: I'm not gonna die im just resting.

Y/N: Phew! don't scared me like that.

Shoukaku: ehehe......

Y/N and Shoukaku were now almost outside the city and then he saw a naval battle for the first time.

Y/N: Were almost there.

Y/N then saw a Giant Fox with nine blue flame tails fighting agaisnt 4 people.

Y/N then saw Souryuu and Hiryuu on the battlefield with there ship on.

Y/N quickly jump and landed on the flight deck surprisng Souryuu.

Souryuu: Y/N why are you H- Shoukaku?!

Y/N: Treat her first im going to continue chasing the enemy they must not get that cube.

Souryuu: I see then good luck.

Y/N then passed Shoukaku to Souryuu.

Y/N then jump and head towards were Akagi and Kaga was.

Akagi then saw Y/N.

Akagi: Y/N?!

Y/N: Akagi can you send someone flying to the sky?!

Akagi: Yes i can.

Y/N: Good! i want you to lunch me in the sky.

Akagi: That is crazy!

Y/N: War is Crazy! and time is golden!

Akagi then nod and understand what Y/N said.

Akagi then summon a Mitsubishi A6M Zero and then Y/N jump and landed on the top of it then Akagi then started to send him to the sky.

Then some interceptors started to shoot Y/N.

Y/N: Die!

Y/N then fired his 6x2 150mm at the Enemy interceptors and all of his shells landed.

Y/N then saw the Battlefield and he found Clevelane and the others and Y/N then jumo from the plane.

Y/N: cannonball!!

Cleveland: Yes we are now almost there!

Sirius: In here Miss Cleveland!

As Sirius wave her hand towards them.

Duke of York: Looks like this is going to be a success.

Duke of York then saw North Carolina and unconscious Belfast and Washington and King George V who are badly damage.

Cleveland: What happen?!

North Carolina: We have suffered heavy damage from one guy.

King George V: My pride has been hurt as a Royal Navy!

Washington: There is no point venting out your anger anymore he is very powerful.

North Carolina: So even the two of you doesn't have a chance against him.

Washington: You are right about that sister.

Edinburgh: We are now safe.

Akashi: We are now safe nyaa!!!

Warspite: What happen to Belfast?!

North Carolina: she only lost her Conscious against that monster.

Sheffield then look at the sky and she saw something is falling.

Then after that a giant water column happen in front of them.

Sheffield: Don't tell me!?

After the water Column disappeared Y/N is now standing in the middle of the Azur lane fleet.

Edinburgh: ahhhhhhh!!! Where did he come from!?

Akashi: He is really scary nyaa!!!!

Y/N: We have met again.

As Y/N gazed pierced at Cleveland and the others.

Y/N then release his most powerful pressure then his surrounding started to get heavy the Azur lane fleet started to tremble.

Akashi: Nyaa!!!! scary!!!!!!!!

Edinburgh: Why it's hard to breath in here!!!?

Sheffield: It must be because of him.

Washington: Tch! even he is badly damage he is still this strong he really is worthy to be called a monster.

Y/N then dash towards Cleveland and the others until a squadron of Dive bombers and torpedo bombers stop his movements

Duke of York: He may be strong but can he handle all of us?

King George V: He might be since he is related to bismarck after all and she is one tough ship to sink.

Duke of York: for you to praised an enemy Iron Blood is surprising for me.

King George V: I almost got her until he showed up and interfere me from landing the final blow.

Then the one who stop Y/N movement was illustrious, Formidable and Victorious.

Illustrious: Looks like you need some help.

Formidable: Did we get him?

Victorious: Of course we did nobody could survive that kind of attack.

Then that's where they are wrong Y/N survived that attack by covering himself with his rigging but only 2 head shark riggings are only working and the other 4 were now unable to work.

King George V: No he still alive!

illustrious: What do you mean.

Then the trio look at the smoke and could see Y/N was ok except his rigging were badly damage.

Y/N: I just got my Ship fix and z23 is going to lecture me after this.

The Trio was shocked.

Duke of York: To be able to survive that attack is not normal.

King George V: This guy is much more stronger than Bismarck and her sister Tirpitz and we don't have enough information about him.

Duke of York: Then shall we capture and interogate him?

King George V: If we can but i don't think the Iron Blood will going to like that one bit.

Duke of York: That is better for harming our friends.

Y/N: I am surrounded only 2 rigging are functioning this is going to harder.

Y/N: It's do or die.

Y/N then started to dash towards Cleveland.

Cleveland: He is coming!!!

Duke of York started to fire her main guns at Y/N.

While Y/N is only charging forward and never stop he is getting hit allot in all of his body parts his clothes were tattered while he has allot of bruise and wounds.

Washington: He is not stopping.

King George V: No! he is making his final push.

King George V then look Cleveland and she took the box and open it and she saw a Black cube and she take it and then she throws it towards Y/N.

Y/N then notice it and head for the box and catch it.

King George V: Everyone Retreat! we got what we came here for.

The Others started to retreat from the batrlefield.

Prince of Wales and the others stop figthing.

Prince of Wales: This is not over yet.

Prinz Eugen: Hmph!

Lexington: Our time is up.

Hornet: Hurry lexington!

Zuikaku: Wait!!

Akagi: Don't chase them anymore.

Zuikaku: I-I understand.

Y/N then came back on the Sakura Empire fleet and he open the box the Black Mental Cube is gone.

Y/N: So i have failed they have trick me.

Kaga: Y/N-san did you get the cube!?

Y/N then shake his head.

Y/N: Sorry to tell you the bad news they were able to trick me.

Kaga then look down.

Kaga: Dammit!!!!!

Akagi: Calm Down Kaga-san!

Kaga: How can i not calm down! you put so much effort to that Cube and now is gone!

Akagi then hug Kaga to calm her down.

Akagi: I know your angry and im angry as well but don't worry we will get it back.

Kaga then calm down.

Kaga: Nee-san.

Akagi: Y/N thank you for helping us.

Y/N: I should be saying taking the blame for tricking me.

Akagi: No this is my fault if i wasn't only careless.

Y/N then only just pat Akagi and Kaga.

Y/N: That important thing is nobody got killed today.

Akagi/Kaga: Thank you Y/N-san.

z23: Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y/N: Ah..... crap baskets!

z23: Just what on earth do you thing your doing!

Y/N: Helping our allies.

z23: You know what im not going to argue anymore because you have always something to say back at me.

Y/N: You know me too well.

Prinz Eugen: Looks like you are ok.

Y/N: Yup except my poor riggings they have received massive damage.

Y/N then started to pat them on the head and they like it.

Prinz Eugen: Let's go back the others are waiting in the base.

Y/N: Yeah let's go back.

Then Zuikaku saw Shoukaku who is badly damage.

Zuikaku: Nee-san!!!

Zuikaku then quickly hug Shoukaku.

Shoukaku: Miss me already.

Zuikaku: What happen to you?!

Shoukaku: getting shot at.

Zuikaku: Nee-san please don't joke about this.

Shoukaku: You could say i was holding back on my own until Y/N save me and put me in here.

Zuikaku: I need to thank Y/N-san then.

Shoukaku: *smile* have you experience falling inlove before?

Zuikaku: What do you mean?

Shoukaku: Oh nothing.

Zuikaku was confused.

Iron Blood Base.

Roon: Now why do i have a feeling that is someone is touching my prey!

Deutschland: You mean that lowly animal?

Roon: What did you say?!

Roon eye's started darkened and pierce Deutschland soul.

Deutschland: I-i mean Y/N..

Roon: Oh yes then.

Roon then turn back to normal......... yeah that is normal for her.

Deuthschland Thoughts: This girl is crazy!!! i almost got killed by her.

Back to Y/N.

Y/N: Since my clothes are damage does the Sakura Empire has a Yukata for male or something?

Akagi: I don't know but i can help you create it.

Y/N: That will be wonderful.

Akagi: Sure but i need to measure your size for fufufu......

Y/N: *Gulp!* Haha............ I'm in danger isn't that right readers.

Readers: *Your Answer*

Akagi: Who are you talking too?

Y/N: Myself.

Akagi: Ok.......

Then they were able to return but they have failed to retrieved the cube back.

Affinity to Girls.

Prinz Eugen: 90

Admiral Hipper: 65

Roon: 85

Shoukaku: 90

Akagi: 80

Kaga: 70

Zuikaku: 70

And more to come \(°∆°)/ But i usually don't do this kind of stuff but meh........

(An: Chapter 13 Part 2 is done my bois it has 3342 words i haven't done this allot since Chapter 2. Music and pictures does not belong to me. Azur lane Goes to Manjuu, Yongshi and Yostar.)

Guten Tag Readers!!!!!!!!!!!

There is nothing in here now move!
