Chapter 124 Si Nanyue's Proposal

    After stealing for half a day, and after dealing with the matters at hand, Chu Ye was finally free.

    Chu Ye set up a grill in the cave to cook barbecue for Xiaobai.

    A warrior-level Blast Rabbit weighs more than 2,000 kilograms, enough for Xiaobai to eat for a month. Chu Ye felt relieved at the thought of not having to prepare food for Xiaobai for half a month.

    Xiaobai held a rabbit leg that was several times taller than others, and ate it in big mouthfuls. The rabbit leg of several hundred kilograms quickly shrunk under Xiaobai's mouth.

    Chu Ye watched Xiaobai eat, and always felt that Xiaobai's meal had a kind of arrogance and dryness.

    The meat of a warrior-level beast is rich in energy, and Xiaobai is very satisfied with it.

    Chu Ye took a bite of rabbit meat and found that the taste of rabbit meat was really good. It was worthwhile for Xiaobai to work hard during the previous beast swarm.

    Chu Ye was roasting meat here, and the little fox ran over.

    Chu Ye looked at the little fox and found that the other party seemed to be in a good mood, as if there was still a little gloating.

    Chu Ye looked at Xue Bao, and some doubts flashed in his heart, "Xue Bao, is there anything you are happy about?" The

    little fox nodded with bright eyes, and said, "Yes."

    Chu Ye said curiously: "What's the matter!" The

    little fox looked at Xiao Bai and said, "Xiao Bai, your luck is here, someone has taken a fancy to you and is looking for a female cat to breed with you!"

    Chu Ye didn't understand The little fox's words were just looking at what the little fox said to Xiaobai. Xiaobai suddenly dropped the barbecue in his hand and became furious.

    Chu Ye looked at Xiaobai's reaction, blinked, and said to himself: What's wrong! Has the sky fallen? Xiaobai didn't even eat barbecue.

    Lin Chuwen translated the little fox's words, and Chu Ye was shocked.

    "Mating!" Chu Ye murmured.

    Soul pets of good quality are very rare, and the breeding of soul pets is also a very common thing in this world. The Chu family where the original body is located also tried every means to find a leopard of good quality to breed with a cloud-walking leopard. However, this happened in their own soul pets. It feels so unusual!

    Chu Ye looked at the little white tiger and blinked, thinking a little curiously, it seems that his soul pet hasn't grown all its hair yet! Is it really possible to breed?

    "Is there any news from the rumor tree?" Chu Ye asked.

    Lin Chuwen nodded and said "um".

    "Whose idea is it!" Chu Ye asked curiously.

    Lin Chuwen glanced at the little fox, and the little fox wagged his tail innocently.

    Chu Ye pouted, and probably understood that the little fox only looked at the news for a while, but didn't take a closer look.

    Chu Ye stood up helplessly and said to Lin Chuwen, "I'll go take a look, you're here to watch."

    Lin Chuwen nodded.

    Lin Chuwen went to the rumor mill to receive the news, with a strange expression on his face.

    "How is it?" Lin Chuwen asked.

    Chu Ye glanced at Lin Chuwen and said, "It's the news from Si Nanyue. He asked me if I was interested in breeding Xiaobai. She has several kinds of beautiful, smart and good blooded kittens."

    "Si Nanyue ." Lin Chuwen frowned and said, "The news about her came quickly!"

    "Not only is it fast, but I am afraid it is very complete." Since Si Nanyue proposed this, I am afraid she knows a lot about the movement during the battle. I also know some of Xiaobai's extraordinary qualities. "How did this girl know!"

    Lin Chuwen thought for a while, and said, "The Two Realms are under the surname Si, so it's not surprising that Si Nanyue would know."

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "That's right. "Xiao Bai is too special to hide.

    "Si Nanyue said she could pay a breeding fee of 50,000."

    Lin Chuwen blinked and said, "50,000!" Fifty thousand is a lot for a seed, it should be said to be a lot, after all, the success rate is not too high, and some middle-grade souls sold at auctions The beasts are no more than a hundred thousand, but Xiaobai is a top-quality soul beast! The price is a little lower.

    Xuebao jumped over and said happily: "50,000, don't miss the opportunity, let Xiaobai sell her color, make money, and sleep with a female cat, this is a good thing."

    Little Tiger Furious, chasing Xuebao about to bite, Xuebao ran fast in front, preventing Xiaobai from succeeding.

    Chu Ye squinted his eyes and said, "Si Nanyue would propose such a proposal. I don't know if it is simply because he wants to breed, or if he wants to test Xiaobai's background."

    Lin Chuwen narrowed his eyes and said, "I think so There are two reasons."

    Chu Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "I have to think of a way to reject it." The

    little fox raised his paws in dissatisfaction and protested, "Fifty thousand, fifty thousand, why should I refuse."

    Chu Ye looked at the little fox and secretly said: Xuebao is really afraid that the world will not be chaotic, why didn't he see it before, Xuebao was so naughty, "Don't make trouble." The

    little fox pouted a little aggrieved.

    "Rejection is definitely something to refuse, but what reason do you want to find?" Chu Ye said with some embarrassment.

    The little fox tweeted and suggested: "In order to prevent Xiaobai from estrus, we have been sterilized."

    As soon as the little fox's suggestion came out, Xiaobai, who had finally calmed down a little, jumped into a rage again, as if he was going to fight the little fox desperately. stance.

    Chu Ye looked at Xiaobai's fried hair, and glanced at Lin Chuwen curiously.

    Lin Chuwen blushed and tried to translate for Chu Ye.

    Chu Ye: "..." Sterilization! This is really a tough reason, the little fox knows too much! This is a sensible fox!

    Chu Ye looked at Lin Chuwen and said, "How do you think about this matter?"

    Lin Chuwen shrugged and said, "Rejection must be rejected."

    Xiaobai is so sturdy! Si Nanyue really got a cat to breed Xiaobai, and was bitten to death by Xiaobai accidentally.

    What's more, Xiaobai is a white tiger. Although the disguise is good, Si Nanyue is the apprentice of the ancestor of Kong Ming. He must be well-informed. If the other party comes over in person, he may see something.

    If the news of the best soul beast leaked out, both he and Chu Ye would have to finish the game.

    Chu Ye folded his arms and said, "Since this is the case, I will say that Xiaobai's hair has not grown up yet, so he has no ability to breed."

    As soon as Chu Ye finished speaking, he saw Xiaobai chasing the little fox and turned back.

    Xiaobai stared at Chu Ye fiercely, his eyes seemed to be spitting fire.

    Chu Ye blinked innocently and said, "Why are you looking at me like that! Could it be that you like the reason Xuebao said more." The

    little fox stopped when he heard Chu Ye's words, and shook the fluffy Big tail, the flames of gossip in his eyes are about to spurt out.

    Hearing this, Xiaobai still had a fierce look on his face.     The little fox

    looked at Xiao Bai and said with some doubts: "Why are you still unhappy, could it be that you are actually willing to breed?"     Chu Ye looked at the little fox, waved his hand, and said, "Okay, Xuebao, don't make trouble." The     little fox let out a grievance and ran away.     Xiaobai glared at Chu Ye fiercely, as if he was about to bite, and roared: The dignity of the tiger clan cannot be violated.     Chu Ye looked at the fierce look on Xiaobai's face, a little helpless. He didn't propose the breeding, so what's the use of Xiaobaihu yelling at him.     Chu Ye said helplessly: "Are you hungry? Do you want to hop when you're full?"

    Xiaobai angrily roared at Chu Ye a few times, then turned around and ate the barbecue fiercely.

    A crackling sound entered Chu Ye's ears. Chu Ye followed the sound and saw that Xiaobai had chewed and swallowed all the bones of the rabbit.

    Chu Ye looked at Xiao Bai, and said to himself, "Good mouth!" Don't mess with it, don't mess with it.

    "Those corpses

    of beasts must be disposed of as soon as possible." Chu Ye changed the subject.

    During this beast tide, Chu and Lin were given a lot of spoils. High-grade beasts could be kept fresh with Frost Stones, which were limited and could only keep a small number of beasts fresh.

    The remaining beasts, if they are not dealt with quickly, will stink in a few days.

    Lin Chuwen glanced at it hastily. Among the scholar-level beasts, there are many beasts whose fur, fangs, and flesh are well preserved. If they are all sold, they should be worth a lot of gold coins.

    Lin Chuwen thought for a while and said, "We'll take it to the market and sell it later."

    Chu Ye shook his head and said, "No, I have so many corpses of beasts here, this is a big business, I'll contact you later. If you look at the fierce beast merchants in the city, someone will naturally come to collect them, so you don't have to be so troublesome."

    Lin Chuwen thought about it, nodded, and said, "That's fine."

    There are too many low-level beasts on their side. It is also troublesome to deal with.

    Directly letting the beast merchant come to the door may sell at a slightly lower price, but it will save a lot of trouble.

    The news of Chu Ye's encounter with the beast tide has already been known to many people in Liangjiecheng.

    As soon as Chu Ye released the news of the sale of the beast, several merchants came to the door, and some of them came to him automatically without contacting Chu Ye.

    Chu Ye was very happy to see this situation happen. Doing business with a fierce beast merchant is easy to be cheated. If there are more bids, they can also sell for a good price.

    As Chu Ye expected, because of the competition, several beast merchants offered good prices.

    After selling most of the taxi-level beast corpses, Chu Ye's card has more than one million gold coins.

    "I didn't expect that the warrior-level vicious beast was sold for more than one million yuan." Chu Ye said.

    Warrior-level soul beast corpses are not at the same level as warrior-level soul beasts. If Chu Ye sold the corpses of several warrior soul beasts together, it would cost far more than one million gold coins.

    Lin Chuwen shook his head and said, "Warlord-level beasts are rare, keep them as rations for Xiaobai."

    Xiaobai's appetite is getting better and better, ordinary beasts can only fill the other's stomach, right Improving its strength doesn't have much effect, the warlord beast is different, the body of the warlord beast contains abundant blood, which is very beneficial to Xiaobai's growth.

    Chu Ye shook the gold card in his hand and said, "There's nothing wrong with this horde of beasts. The money is here. Many people dare not come and settle here because of the horde of beasts. It's a pity."

    Lin Chuwen smiled and said, "The risk of dealing with the tide of beasts is still too great." It is also fortunate that Chu Ye has a large number of bees. , their chances of winning will be greatly reduced.

    Chu Ye nodded and said, "That's true, without two brushes, it's too risky to stay here."

    Thinking of the Qian family living next to him, Chu Ye really sweated for the sake of Mr. Qian.

    Don't blame the old man Qian for being greedy for life and fear of death. It's really that the treasure hunter's combat power is too poor. Once the old man of the Qian family changes, the Qian family is almost over.


    the city of two realms.     Si Nanyue was lying on the rocking chair a little bored. Si Dongfeng looked at Si Nanyue

    and asked casually, "What's the matter, are you in a bad mood?"

The suggestion is that

    the asking price is low." "It should not be the price." Si Dongfeng took a sip of tea and asked, "What did Chu Ye say!"

    Si Nanyue sighed and said, "He said that his white The civet cat is not yet an adult and has no ability, so I can only thank me for my love."

    "It looks like it is not a white civet cat." The average white civet cat is a pet animal, and only has a lifespan of seven or eight years. Chu Ye came to Liangjiecheng. When I was around, I took the white cat with me. The white cat was at least two years old, and became an adult two years ago.

    "I'm not yet an adult, I thought I could get a litter of good-looking and beautiful white civet cats." Sinan Yue said.

    Si Dongfeng shook his head and said, "Don't be fooling around. Senior Brother got a fire beast. If you are interested, you can make a contract as a secondary pet."

    Si Nanyue pouted and said unwillingly. : "How can a fire-refining beast be so cute as a white civet cat!"

    Si Dongfeng said speechlessly: "The soul pet needs to be powerful and practical. What's the use of being so cute?"

    Si Nanyue said disapprovingly: "Lin Chuwen's little fox and Chu Ye's white civet cat are both cute, practical, and powerful!"

    Si Dongfeng: "..."
